Free Stuff for Voting!
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Ratpick at 11.4.08 - 10:35 am
So I've heard of a few places giving out freebies to "thank you" for voting:
Starbucks - free cup of coffee
Krispy Kreme - free donut
Ben & Jerry's - free scoop o ice cream
Please let us know of any others!
(should be able to use your receipt stubb from mail in ballot too)
its illegal to give incentives or whatever you want to call them for voting.
ruinedbyidiots11.4.08 - 10:38 am
in some places it's illegal NOT to vote...
Ben and Jerry's free scoop is from 5 pm - 8 pm
adrian11.4.08 - 10:40 am
A free cup of Starbucks drip coffee?
I'm no coffee connoisseur; I actually love many foods others consider cheap and crappy, but that shit is just plain shit, even when free.
Then again, maybe I should hit them all up, get the coffee, and give it to some homeless person, or just throw it right the fuck out.
Fuck Starbucks for putting local coffee houses out of business.
turrican11.4.08 - 11:12 am
If it's illegal then let's just get the free stuff before SHUT DOWN. Where is there a Ben and Jerry's? In the downtown/sunset area. (Highly doubt there's one in SOuth Central.)
Tarmonster.11.4.08 - 11:15 am
"...or just throw it right the fuck out."
imachynna11.4.08 - 11:15 am
I hear it's illegal to offer things to vote but not illegal to accept things.
neverclever11.4.08 - 11:31 am
vente soy chai latte with vanilla
barleye11.4.08 - 11:33 am
Pitfire Pizza (downtown and North Hollywood) will give a free Jones Soda or Draft beer, the Grill will give you a free appetizer.
skd11.4.08 - 11:41 am
Fuck Starbucks! Turrican and I went to a couple Starbucks. We asked for our FREE coffee. And immediately pitched them in the trash!
$1.80 per coffee that Starbucks doesn't get to pocket, priceless.
the reverend dak11.4.08 - 3:38 pm
I tried to be dramatic, but people probably assumed I was just pouring off the top for creamer.
turrican11.4.08 - 4:26 pm