Thread started by
Leetard at 11.3.08 - 10:14 am
There's an article on Midnight Ridazz in the latest 944 Magazine.
944 Article
It starts on page 43.
Can somebody just scan the stupid thing and post it? I've gotten as far as page 22 and I'm about ready to vomit.
PC11.3.08 - 11:07 am
I'm disappointed I couldn't have been presented on the article sporting my bloody diapers.
So when are we going corporate?
Joe Borfo11.3.08 - 11:18 am
That's really dope. Wooo! Road Block.
Tarmonster.11.3.08 - 11:21 am
That may very well be the shortest 3-page article I've ever read. Very low in carbs.
nathansnider11.3.08 - 11:40 am
LOL! hey at least they didnt paint us as bunch of jobless losers. I like to keep that aspect of my life private.
Roadblock11.3.08 - 11:42 am
"peddle on @midnightridazz.com" - yeah, why don't you commies sell anything on the websight(sic)
Cranktankerous11.3.08 - 11:46 am
what about your bawlz?
lance armstrong has one more than you do
spiraldemon11.3.08 - 11:47 am
I've been meaning to get them back from you Fluffkin.... is your chin finished with them yet? there are others who deserve some quality time with them you know...
Roadblock11.3.08 - 11:48 am
I've been spelling "Pedal" wrong my whole life.
Leetard11.3.08 - 11:54 am
I think they may have slipped up, there.
Sigmund Freud11.3.08 - 11:55 am
They couldn't just say Ride On?
I peddle these nuts!
Joe Borfo11.3.08 - 11:56 am
"hey at least they didnt paint us as bunch of jobless losers"
No, but they painted wolfpack as a "fixed gear bike crew"
la duderina11.3.08 - 12:00 pm
the article is cool and all. but WHY the FIXATION on FIXED gears !!!
so all I had to do my whole life to make the fact I ride a bike COOL, is take the fucking freewheel off???!!!! If I had only known!
la duderina11.3.08 - 12:02 pm
hey now... don't be so hostile. what ever gets people out on bikes..... :)
Roadblock11.3.08 - 12:03 pm
urban cycling in the eyes of people who arent urban cyclists = crazy kids in cock tight pants on bikes with no brakes.
ruinedbyidiots11.3.08 - 12:06 pm
yeah they get on bikes until its not the "cool thing to do anymore."
This is what pisses me off. They aren't out there because they love it. They're out there to look cool. And that I will never respect.
la duderina11.3.08 - 12:12 pm
but then you can snag up their used parts for super cheap six months after they ditch it for the next new thing.
ruinedbyidiots11.3.08 - 12:13 pm
It'll go corporate the day I go uber-liberal.
Which means, NEVER!!!!!!!!!
bentstrider11.3.08 - 12:14 pm
"yeah they get on bikes until its not the "cool thing to do anymore." "
yeah and? a lot of people do things until it's not cool anymore. but there are always the die hards who get into it because it's cool and then they realize they love it and never give it up. so it's still a good thing! be nice! :)
Roadblock11.3.08 - 12:18 pm
sweet so that means i show up to wolfpack tonight because they ride fixies. right?
larsenf11.3.08 - 12:20 pm
you should always show up to wolfpack. everyone should.
Roadblock11.3.08 - 12:39 pm
"It'll go corporate the day I go uber-liberal. "
I always knew you were a closet conservative. hahaha
Roadblock11.3.08 - 12:40 pm
Let's not forget the Bicykillers... they're a fixed gear crew now too!
Leetard11.3.08 - 1:08 pm
Sorry, duderina, but fixed gear bikes haven't been cool since 2006. You'll have to find a new basis for your negative identity construction, and quick.
I suggest wool socks. Fuck people who wear wool socks, right? It's like, "Oh, look at me, I read about wool socks in that quaint little Rivendell magazine and I went right out and bought some wool socks! Look at the little Smartwool logo on my trendy wool socks!" Fuck that shit, right? You can be the girl who totally doesn't wear wool socks and isn't afraid to say so on the Internet. Well, it's an idea, anyway. Just throwing that out there. OK, gotta go.
PC11.3.08 - 1:12 pm
I still think of "fixed" as a term for animals that just got emasculated.
bentstrider11.3.08 - 1:13 pm
I can still be nice to people who I think are douchebags. ;)
and I'm not talking about all fixed gear riders. I'm talking about the kids who would look down their noses at me on my bike from their fucking mercedes and then all of sudden they're like ooooo I wanna skid!
la duderina11.3.08 - 1:23 pm
Don't wait for the day that diapers become the new fashion. Join in now before it's too late!
Joe Borfo11.3.08 - 1:24 pm
"fixed gear bikes haven't been cool since 2006."
I didn't know fixed gears were "cool" ever.
la duderina11.3.08 - 1:25 pm
mandingo11.3.08 - 1:33 pm
la duderina wrote:
I didn't know fixed gears were "cool" ever.
Ohhhhhh, yes you did. You knew it all too well. Tee hee.
Incidentally, I can't help noticing that racks and panniers are becoming increasingly popular among the urban social cycling set. Want to buy a slightly used Chrome Metropolis bag?
PC11.3.08 - 1:42 pm
dio caught CAPS LOCK from eddie boy.
and the hiv after having unprotected sechs
spiraldemon11.3.08 - 1:44 pm
Fluffumzz is your chynne done wif my bawlzz yet?
Roadblock11.3.08 - 1:45 pm
that shawn bannon guy got in some cool quotes I thought.
studiodrome11.3.08 - 1:51 pm
Yeah, he's the only cool thing about us. For reals. That and Roadblock's Nut(s).
Joe Borfo11.3.08 - 1:52 pm
borfo means
Roadblock's eunuch's lack of nutzz
spiraldemon11.3.08 - 1:56 pm
@ PC
That wool socks anecdote gave me LOLarrhea!
Leetard11.3.08 - 2:00 pm
@PC -
actually, I really had no idea until last year they started showing up at my school in droves. (tied to the back of mercedes so they could ride around campus in circles) You see, I rode strictly dirt before moving to LA, so really I didn't know! lol
Literally, I was just standing in the middle of campus one day looked around and said what the fuck is happening here????? whats with all these BMXed out track bikes with the long top tube pads and weird paper things in their spokes????? lol. really that's exactly how it happened.
"I can't help noticing that racks and panniers are becoming increasingly popular"
oh fuck are you calling me trendy??!!
la duderina11.3.08 - 2:02 pm