Political Bike Rides?

Thread started by
Graham at 10.31.08 - 12:58 pm

After seeing all the ads for Obama rides and what now, its starting to make me think.
What Midnight Ridazz is NOT:
-Mean Spirited
Are we really staying true to what MR is?
Also, in California, is doing an Obama ride really necessary?
The chance of McCain winning here is zero - and since the system uses electoral votes, increasing the margin for Obama as far as beefing up the popular vote doesn't really mean anything.
If anything, I'd think that if you wanted to ride for political reasons, ride for or against a particular measure - at least that could accomplish something, and wouldn't simply be a "preaching to the choir" ride.
turrican10.31.08 - 1:28 pm
@ graham
MR has lost its ways a long time ago
The only things these rides have accomplished are littering our city streets with booze bottles and attracting bike thieves
As far as all the obama-rama, im so fucking glad that the elections are right around the corner.
Im so sick these trust fund kids talking like they know whats up
I fucking bet you that half them aren’t even gonna be at the polls unless theyres some ride going over there with booze and weed, these imbecile fucks!
KiMS110.31.08 - 1:49 pm
Everyone and everything is about politics to some degree. We just don't endorse shoving your ideas down others throats is the main point.
As far as the negative aspect of rides. This will always be the case.
It's never going to be perfect. No use in complaining about it when we can actively try to make it better for ourselves and other.
Midnight Ridazz - Ride On!
Joe Borfo10.31.08 - 1:53 pm
Your question would be better framed as: Are we really staying true to what a guy wrote on a website two years ago?
PC10.31.08 - 1:55 pm
@ tallcans
fireball bike joust- black label
@ borfo
yeah theres no use complaining bout this type of shit on this stupid fucking forum but people need to step up when some fuckhead is kicking in car doors and smashing bottles all over the place.
when i first started riding awhile ago, i was the little shit kid doing all types of stupid stuff but i straightened my shit up after sexy dave yelled at me and told me to stop fucking up.
i feel like no one cares about keeping things in order any more and that we need to keep things in check instead of just judging assholes from afar.
KiMS110.31.08 - 2:02 pm
Kims. I agree. Some people have the skills to remind others to stay in check. Some people are not or too scared. Be the change. Avoid those who don't care or Open yer mouf.
Joe Borfo10.31.08 - 2:07 pm
"i feel like no one cares about keeping things in order any more and that we need to keep things in check instead of just judging assholes from afar."
This has been said a number of times. Someone needs to call these people out, is all - it works.
You know, this way we can avoid everyone getting distracted talking about how cops show up and are assholes, once a store owner calls because
one of those idiots caused that situation by stealing something.
turrican10.31.08 - 2:08 pm
yeah and speaking of cops
i mean, what the fuck do you expect when we have a roving group of loud mouth assholes drinking tallboys in the middle of the street.
and i am totally guilty of that.
but the thing is, i dont cry about getting pulled over or some cop having me pour my beer out.
its a risk im willing to take.
im so sick of these idiots crying bout liquor store owners call the cops.
i mean, what the fuck, you have a crowd of kids already drunk, rummaging through ur liquor aisles (keep in mind most if not all of us have bags on our backs) and people drinking out infront of ur store.
the owner calls the cops because he doesnt wanna lose his liquor license, do you think he really cares about the moral aspects of drinking in public? all he cares about is his business and making sure he has means of keeping his kids fed and clothed.
shit man, that last valley ride, i remember stumbling out of the liquor store and seeing some lil hipster kids sitting around in a circle with a bong being passed around. i mean come on, roll a joint and keep it a lil subtle, no?
KiMS110.31.08 - 2:33 pm
in regards to the whole Political thing... Midnight Ridazz, as a whole, is not a political entity and it doesn't take sides on anything. That's what is being meant by not being political.
MR is made up of a bunch of active, motivated and conscious minds, so of course we're going to be political - especially when we open our mouths.
the reverend dak10.31.08 - 2:53 pm
@kims1, I don't know you but I have much respect for your words.
Rich kids or as you put it, Trust fund kids, get bored easily.
I've seen kids on bikes so drunk that they swerve and take out other bikers. Pot smoking in plain view, tossing the bottles and cans in the middle of the street and/or leaving a kids park looking like skid row.
Keep educating.
mindfullofmusic10.31.08 - 3:10 pm
punch 'em in the face next time
aksendz10.31.08 - 3:18 pm
Midnight Ridazz doesn't do rides with a political agenda ... but Midnightridazz.com is where a lot of us spend too much of our lives, its where we socialize and activate.
Everything we do is political.
How we travel
How we eat
What we buy
What we say
What we do
Partying in the public space is political act just as much as riding with a group with an overt political agenda.
I think its great that the ride we call Midnight Ridazz doesn't push politics up in people's faces any more than just asserting that we have the right to ride on the streets and have fun.
At the same time ... I'm really happy the Ridazz for McCain, Obama, or Carl Marx all have a place to organize their ride. Because weather or not I agree with them, I'm glad they are doing it on a bike.
trickmilla10.31.08 - 3:20 pm
yeah ive had close calls with some little shit kids doing their stupid ass skids in front of me.
never understood that.
why are you doing skids in the middle of a tight pack? track bikes are for hauling ass, not ur gay one footed over the handle bar skid. go buy a fucking bmx bike.
ive given out my warnings before, if some idiot wrecks my bike by being too drunk or trying to pull some hotdog shit, im bringing my u lock down like a hammer on these fuckers.
KiMS110.31.08 - 3:22 pm
BORFO YOU MISSED AN OFFICIAL TREN WAY RIDE (even though we didn't technically ride)
turrican10.31.08 - 4:59 pm
Whats with all the mofo rules.. i can see the points where poeple shouldnt be engaging in negative actions but passing around a bong is bad! fuck what people think. I ride road, fixed and bmx they all have there perks but calling a one leg over the bar gay? just cuz u cant pull that shit on ur beach bike you shouldnt get all pissy about it. if someone hits your bike then the smart thing to do is get him to pay for the damage not break his head in with a ulock then getting ur self thrown in jail because he broke ur spoke.. imagine sitting in a cell thinking hell yeah i got that fool.. FaiL
Debut21310.31.08 - 5:52 pm
yeah yeah, so where's the party at Saturday night?
Joe Borfo10.31.08 - 5:55 pm
as one of the founding members of Midnight Ridazz I felt it would be responsible to write a page about the core values of a Midnight Ridazz ride is on this website. that was over 2 years ago and aside from the occasional fights littering and thievery it hasnt strayed all that far IMHO. If the ride carries the name "Midnight Ridazz" then it should carry the values of a Midnight Ridazz ride. If a ride does NOT carry the name midnight ridazz then it can generally be about whatever you want it to be unless it promotes hate or racism which means it would be de-listed from this site.. so people are welcome to create an Obama ride if they want so long as they aren't putting the Midnight Ridazz(tm) name on it. there you have it.
Roadblock10.31.08 - 6:37 pm
What Roadblock said.
Look, if you want to start a ride that would get drunk, follow ACORN around, document all their voter registration fraud, follow up by trying to get the U.S. Attorney to prosecute it, follow up by having another ride to every pre-trial hearing, testifying before Congress, getting drunk again ( I still have a key to Russel Long's secret bar at National Airport), etc., etc., etc., I'd ride that ride nine days a week.
But that would be political, and that's not Midnight Ridazz.
To paraphrase Frank Zappa, why not just shut up and ride your bicycle? That's what I'm doing.
NixonTwin10.31.08 - 9:44 pm
"track bikes are for hauling ass, not ur gay one footed over the handle bar skid. go buy a fucking bmx bike."
hear, hear!
onelessfixie10.31.08 - 11:32 pm