James Birch is my hero. I hope he's not a John Birch Society member.
toweliesbong10.30.08 - 5:37 pm
That story is like five words away from being an Onion article. For real!
cabhauler10.30.08 - 5:49 pm
tell them to get on a bike on a friday night if they want to know
real oppression.
ruinedbyidiots10.30.08 - 5:52 pm
the last line says it all:
"Yet you see the police patrol here where there's no threat," he said. "Maybe someone's contributing to the police benevolent fund."
hmm, someone should find a way to link this to santa monica's policies about group bike rides...
maybe rich people just like to be fat.. or are just jealous of those who lose their extra weight without paying gym membership...
FuzzBeast10.30.08 - 7:11 pm
"Residents report that joggers also discard water bottles, urinate on people's plants, occasionally scrawl graffiti and mill about in the narrow, curvy street, creating a hazard for themselves and drivers."
Those damn delinquent joggers!
imachynna10.30.08 - 7:29 pm
"Yet you see the police patrol here where there's no threat," he said. "Maybe someone's contributing to the police benevolent fund."
On a side note it's funny how Villaraigosa chose Toluca Lake to fill a symbolic pot hole. I see street crews constantly fixing the tiny little cracks in the street in Toluca Lake while there are huge house swallowing pot holes in North Hollywood. I wonder why that is?
toweliesbong10.30.08 - 7:44 pm
ephemerae10.30.08 - 9:32 pm
"Residents report that joggers...occasionally scrawl graffiti."
Officer: "So, people walking up and down the stairs is a nuisance?"
Resident: "Ummm. Hmmm. Uhhhh....well, sometimes I see them...doing...graffiti? Yeah, that's it! Graffiti!"
Officer" "Oh, well that's different. Let's get some patrol cars over here."
pretzels10.30.08 - 10:19 pm
I read that story this morning. Unbelievable. Rich Santa Monica fuck-tards. I'm just glad to see it's not just bikers that get harassed by the SMPD gestapo.
0gravity10.30.08 - 10:39 pm
That's utterly fuchhing hilarious. But it does bring up some good discussion points.
Some of those who _drive_ to the Stairs are ditzy ass people that think they're bad ass athletes (they probably live 1 or 2 miles away) . And the ones getting mad at them are ditzy ass homeowners. It's just funny to see ditzy ass people fight. "They're bringing down the property value" the old lady says...
Now, that's just part of the story, there are plenty of locals that come up there to exercise, don't take up parking spots, and leave no trash behind. I do see a lot of plastic bottles left behind and that's a valid point.
It's good to set guidelines for what consists invasion of one's personal space when so many people congregate in front of your home. It's also a waste of resources to send cops in for stuff like this.
God how I wish I'd wake up every morning and see motherfuckers of all ages exercising in front of my apt building instead of 3 car dealerships, 1 auto repair shop, 1 paint shop, and a big ass FORD logo. Please, take up my whole lawn.
jericho1ne10.31.08 - 3:15 pm
City workers were planting goathead factories on the 4th street medians today. The crackdown on fitness enthusiasts was a diversion. Soon, the bicycles fiercest predator will be released into all santa monica streets.
pb73410.31.08 - 4:16 pm