151 days
Thread started by
toweliesbong at 10.29.08 - 4:40 pm
I'm having some Bacardi tonight.
Why are you waiting until later?
turrican10.29.08 - 4:49 pm
Because I'm currently handcuffed to the drain pipe of my kitchen sink and I can't reach the liquor cabinet. The key doesn't arrive for another 78 minutes. Thank buddha my laptop was in reach.
toweliesbong10.29.08 - 5:13 pm
You should be able to jam the handcuff against the large nut fitting and turn it; they're rarely THAT tight (unless you have an older house with heavier metal fittings). If you have PVC, shit, even easier.
Let us know how it goes.
turrican10.29.08 - 5:19 pm
@ RBI:
Here, take a look at
this - that should bring you up to speed.
turrican10.29.08 - 5:50 pm
i just want to know how he got handcuffed to it. at least it wasnt the toilet like in boondock saints.
ruinedbyidiots10.29.08 - 5:56 pm
Tales are told of terrible men
Of anger, poise and pride
She's got a lot of pickled onions
Hanging from her thighs
Then violence solved everything
Violence, she solved everything
Violence solved everything
Violence, she solved everything
Get some, get some, no pressure son
Get some, get some, no pressure son
If you want to press, press us
If you want to press, press us
If you want to go, if you want to go
If you want to go, if you want to go
She faked her death for maximum love
Then loved until she fell
She's got a lot of opinions,
A present from a friend
Then violence solved everything
Violence, she solved everything
Violence solved everything
Violence, she solved everything
Get some, get some, no pressure son
Get some, get some, no pressure son
If you want to press, press us
If you want to press, press us
If you want to go, if you want to go
If you want to go, if you want to go
toweliesbong10.29.08 - 7:26 pm
Let me give you the sagest piece of advice you will ever hear:
Don't ask a question unless you're prepared to actually hear the answer.
turrican10.29.08 - 7:36 pm
"i just want to know how he got handcuffed to it."
Oh yeah, it was Colin, he picked the lock on my house this morning and dragged me into the kitchen and locked me to the drainpipe because we didn't invite him to eat mustard covered pot roast and carrots at Coral Cafe last night. He's a mean pussy.
"Colin is a pussy, a very pretty pussy
Colin is a pussy, a very pretty pussy cat
Colin is a wide-eyed wanton hopped-up
Hole of hail and hate
Felt him slip down the back of my leg
Found his hair by the castanets
Made him mad with the silence
Made him sick with the constant calm
Heard him sigh in the dead of the night
It's times like these make him wish I'd fail"
toweliesbong10.29.08 - 7:42 pm
Apart from being a versatile but unfunny herb, sage is a word originating from 2chan. Sage (pronounced sah-geh by Wapanese !@#$?s and sayj by /b/tards) is used to reply to a post without bumping it. It's done by putting it within the e-mail field and does not push the post to the top.
Since then, its been ported to all the other chans and is used to both bump and express displeasure to the post being replied to.
The word itself comes from the Japanese word, 「下げる」 "sageru", (sah-geh-roo) meaning, 'to lower.' However, some argue that nobody really gives a shit. Amen /b/rother!
Jaz10.29.08 - 7:46 pm
I wasn't meaning to say sage this thread, I just saw reference to sagest. and it made me think of that.
Tangent much?
Jaz10.29.08 - 7:47 pm
@Jaz: You're also assuming I was referring to your comments, heh. I was just throwing another 'chan' reference thing in the mix. I actually hate the whole "FAIL" thing, it's so.. uninspired.
turrican10.29.08 - 7:49 pm
Small bones small bodies, sink into semantics
The slightest excuse - the tiniest exo-skeleton
She said, the fossil, it sets such a standard
Forgetting the reason - small bones, bigger problems
With this, I miss you, I finally admit that
And beg forgiveness, my finest exo-skeleton
I am the fossil, we are the fossil, that beg forgiveness
Small bones small bodies:
toweliesbong10.29.08 - 7:50 pm
what's a chan anyways? I never got it.
Is it short for channel? Like are these some tv things?
Jaz10.29.08 - 7:51 pm
i dunno, i think has something to do with the intarwebs. or something about flood control.
toweliesbong10.29.08 - 7:52 pm
I don't actually know why it's called "chan" - perhaps that's something in Japanese? I just know whatever-chan means it'll be that imageboard software, or something like it.
turrican10.29.08 - 7:52 pm
turrican10.29.08 - 7:54 pm
I liked that pic so much, I just got it as a tat, dig it.
turrican10.29.08 - 7:56 pm
Tonight you've gotta use the word "vexed" inappropriately!!!
toweliesbong10.29.08 - 8:02 pm
I actually won't be at the ride tonight. Maybe I can call-in?
turrican10.29.08 - 8:04 pm
Your pity sets the bar so high
I can't believe it believe it myself
What a guy!
Your pity sets the bar so white
I can't believe it believe it myself
What a guy!
There are no bold statements in my paradiddle
toweliesbong10.29.08 - 8:05 pm
"I actually won't be at the ride tonight. Maybe I can call-in?"
You're a semi-colon waiting to become a full colon!!!!
toweliesbong10.29.08 - 8:05 pm
I'm more like a sphincter. I make a mess of all that shit.
turrican10.29.08 - 8:06 pm