which coffee shop?
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ideasculptor at 10.28.08 - 1:36 pm
I can't stand looking for a job out of my house any longer. Anyone know a good coffee shop (I don't drink coffee, so I have no knowledge of such places) that has free wifi and sells diet coke? If it is a decent distance from WeHo, then so much the better. I'm missing my commute
I cant remember what thread this is so I will bump it and re-reply
Roadblock10.28.08 - 2:42 pm
oh yeah, go to Tropical on Sunset and Parkman. free wifi. bomb coffee and sandwhiches and I think they sell sodas too. good guava pie
Roadblock10.28.08 - 2:43 pm
Like good guava or overly sugary?
turrican10.28.08 - 2:44 pm
Try Massimo's Mudspot on Eight and La Brea. Cyclist-owned, excellent coffee and food, pleasant to hang at, free WiFi for customers and really easy to get to on bike. You have to like a place that has an 80s Cinelli time trial bike hanging up.
cabhauler10.28.08 - 2:54 pm
"You have to like a place that has an 80s Cinelli time trial bike hanging up."
That sounds pretty SERIOUS...
turrican10.28.08 - 2:55 pm
Coffee? You should be going to a BAR that has free wireless. Sometimes the bar in some hotel lobby's have wireless.
My favorite, Mr. T's Bowl, has free wireless - but that's in NELA.
the reverend dak10.28.08 - 2:59 pm
..but...but... once you have another job, there will be no time for coffee & guava pie!
... I want coffee & pie dammit!
canadienne10.28.08 - 3:03 pm
I'm always seeing at least 3-4 people on laptops at Casbah Cafe at Sunset and Hyperion in Silverlake.
barleye10.28.08 - 3:03 pm
MMMMMMM. Damn I wish Tropical had croissants all day long.
imachynna10.28.08 - 3:10 pm
The Cinelli is the owner's, that's just where he parks it.
He owns the bar next door too, but it's only beer and soju. Not sure if they're open during the day.
cabhauler10.28.08 - 3:41 pm
watching a christian hosoi biography on the history channel or something... hey. sam we should hit tropical one morning.
Roadblock10.28.08 - 4:20 pm
Groundwork on Sunset and Caheunga for the win. Insanely excellent coffee. Free wifi. Cute customers.
ephemerae10.28.08 - 9:50 pm
Ahhh. I'm all about the cute customers. I think I'll be trying all of the suggestions. I've got a bunch of phone interviews tomorrow, then need to work on my costume, so not tomorrow, but I'm definitely down for hooking up some morning, rb.
ideasculptor10.28.08 - 10:40 pm
damn thats what i need, except on the westside. Any suggestions?
larsenf10.28.08 - 10:44 pm
I watched that Hosoi documentary over the weekend - it totally brought back memories of my teen years! One of my first decks was a Hosoi (my first real deck was a Mark Gonzales), and I remember getting our hands on Bones Brigade videos (REALLY hard to come by in England) and then trying everything they did and getting badly beat up in the process! I remember shouting at the tv with my friends the first time we saw a McTwist as anything other than a sequence of stills in Thrasher. That movie covered it all. Plus, I stopped skating by the late 90s, so it was interesting to see what had happened since I stopped paying attention.
ideasculptor10.28.08 - 10:52 pm
late 80s, not late 90s. I wish I skated into the late 90s - then I'd be all skinny and shit...
ideasculptor10.28.08 - 11:17 pm