Ride Arc, lost in space?

Thread started by
Creative Thing at 12.5.08 - 1:44 pm
Anybody here know what has become of Ride-Arc?
There was no November ride, and no email (I am signed up with them) about a ride tonight.
Now their website is down (at least I can't reach it from work).
What's the story?

What are nerds like me supposed to do on the first Friday?
I guess it's the Formal ride tonight instead.
jeffwr312.5.08 - 1:51 pm
alex couldn't keep it up with all the other stuff he's been doing lately.
it would be a shame if we let it die but it's basically in our hands to keep it going.
we should think ahead, come up with themes and routes. no reason why it can't be a community project =)
tomato12.5.08 - 2:05 pm
"alex couldn't keep it up"
tomato can't keep secrets
spiraldemon12.5.08 - 2:07 pm
i heard he's just taking a break from it.
after all, it is a lot of hard work and time but i can't wait til it starts back up. i love ride arc and alex is awesome for putting on this ride for us.
but until then, there is SMCM!
deboRAWR12.5.08 - 2:26 pm
It's not something we can put in our hands and do.....at least not in name without his consent. I know he's working on a project ride arc related that he'll divulge publicly when he wants to.
barleye12.5.08 - 2:56 pm
it's simple , i used to help out and he said it will be less frequent. But if you still want to get some alex poetic gems, he's doing stuff for the lacbc, he did midnight express, how did you guys not guess a whole night of hill action. But come february if it doesnt come back we will get together to continue this between skid marcus Bryan and the rest of us architects out there, there is more to see more to explore. Broad La for one, Utopian architecture and movements. so hold on kids it wont be over and alex wont be dissapointed.
veronica12.8.08 - 10:44 pm