Android + MR = No Love
Thread started by
marino at 11.17.08 - 7:57 pm
The G1 phone renders the MR website fast and beautifully except one thing.
Can't scroll down the embedded frame where threads live.
And I have no idea how RB was able to use this site with the Sidekick. That never quite worked for me either.
The embedded frame is kind of annoying and outdated anyway. Why do we even need it? The threads should just go down the page and be scrolled through with the pages' scrollbar.
/nerd rant
Purp11.18.08 - 9:26 am
+1 on perp. scrolling within scrolling is bad
aksendz11.18.08 - 9:32 am
Fuckin cellphones. Every cellphone apparently needs its own sniffer. That I am competent enough to put in. I will figure it out gimme a minute.
Roadblock11.18.08 - 10:03 am
if you wanna see what MR looks like on the g1 ... i'll let you check it out next time i see you.
trickmilla11.18.08 - 12:16 pm
While we're at it it would be cool if the threads would break down into pages, for those +1000 post threads
Purp11.18.08 - 12:28 pm
Roadblock, could you scratch my balls while you're at it? Thnax
Joe Borfo11.18.08 - 12:32 pm
Well ... Android now has 3 browsers.
Stock Browser
Opera Mini
And some other one i erased off my machine.
The stock browser doesn't support the scrolling in the forum windows.
Same with new browser.
Opera mini supports the scrolling. I can read threads but is doesn;t support posting.
If one was super dedicated/ bored they could use opera mini to read and another browser to post. But thats fucking stupid.
On another note ... 1 ap is rocking my world!
Cardio Trainer
This free ap will record your route and time via GPS.
As of today they have added an export feature that allows you to export the map into
Its a free ap, and they have been working hard to get out the bugs.
It has improved 200% since if first starting using it a couple of months ago.
it allows you to record routes that would be an effing pain to do by hand.
Here is a route i recorded for Finishing School's:
Little Pharma Drug Run
trickmilla12.9.08 - 9:14 pm
Why not just get an iPhone?
I'm just sayin
jonnyboy12.9.08 - 9:17 pm
Aside from the fact that AT&T supported Bush's warrantless wire-tapping program witch, if enticed I could swallow my morals and overlook ...
AT&T is effing expensive. If switched to at&t i'd probably be paying an extra $500 a year and getting less service.
As far as this program CartioTrainer goes. As far as I know nothing iPhone has competes. CartioTrainer can run in the background. If you use the similar program that the iPhone has, its my understanding that it quits if you try and do anything else.
Its no argument that the iPhone is a better machine, and right now the operating system is stronger. But I am appreciating the freedom of not having my device trapped in apple land.
I love the fact that I CAN give or take songs TO/off of any computer, charge my phone on any usb port. without having to deal with the iTunes BS.
Apple is a content provider so they lock their shit down.
Android is an open source platform and if all goes well we will see android users having a lot more freedom.
but the sort answer is ....
trickmilla12.9.08 - 10:00 pm