my favorite part about james brown is when he put hidden cameras in the toilets of his restaurant, and then smoked a bunch of crack and partook in a high speed chase with the cops. and slaughters big rip off.

ruinedbyidiots11.4.08 - 5:26 pm
Are you sure? I thought it was Chuck Berry who did the hidden camera thing.
mr rollers11.4.08 - 5:51 pm
SHIT. it was chuck berry. the police chase was also on pcp and not crack. i am full of disinformation today.
ruinedbyidiots11.4.08 - 5:58 pm
REALLY?! Chuck Berry did that? I refuse to believe. Kind of like my family at Thanksgiving when I explained to that yes, evolution is real.
la duderina11.29.08 - 12:45 am
We wouldn't lie to you about the hidden camera thing. While hardly the smoking gun, I found a href="">this.
mr rollers11.29.08 - 10:07 pm
psssst i feel good too, what movie should i watch first:
cassandra's dream
no country for old men
??? whatayathunk.?
theshues11.29.08 - 10:35 pm
haaaafth.. im bored thats it im watching this movie and getting "interested."
ya feel me?
theshues11.29.08 - 11:06 pm
I'm feeling a little under the weather.... watching tv all day. Wow. Braindead.
Roadblock11.29.08 - 11:30 pm
bored? get on facebook and express how you really feel about everyone's status - then we'll all yell at each other and make hilarious comments.. all the while checking MR for bumped threads.. thank god you gais exist.
boredom does not exist here. period.
bondink11.29.08 - 11:32 pm
WTF MATE!! get out there and do something.. do something you havent done in a long time. do it.. oh no not that, wait, ya do that. have fun..
are you in my apt or something, how do you konw exactly what im doing?
theshues11.30.08 - 12:07 am
I'm trying not to get over this mild cold before I go to miami.... otherwise I would totally be outside or inside or somehwere not here.
Roadblock11.30.08 - 12:14 am
larssen is drunk mad crazy butterfly man wowee..
rb why you going to miami??
theshues11.30.08 - 12:41 am
I drove my truck through heavy fog this morning.
The 605 to the 210 was completely shrouded.
It reminded me of one of my favorite video-games, "Silent Hill".
bentstrider11.30.08 - 8:00 am