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Roadblock at 11.3.08 - 9:04 pm
Wow fucking WOW.
Obama is speaking to HUGE crowds!! I can't believe this. OBAMA is actually rocking it. He's going to win!
I'm watching cspan - the only station that matters - and watching all the final speeches that obama and biden and palin are giving. Wow.
Obama absolutely electrified a humgous crowd in virginia I think. He is really amazing as a person. His campaign has gained a lot of steam. Incredible.
Biden killed it too. Oh man.
Palin is such an airhead blabbermouth. Wow.
Where McLame at?
Still waiting to see the eulogy.
Palin vs clinton???? Whaaaat?
Oh man. Palin. Wow. What a dummyhead. McSame could have chosen a truly intelligent conservative woman and actually built on something. But the fact that he himself is a numbnut he chose a numbskull as vp.
Roadblock11.3.08 - 9:22 pm
RB, read this dude:
I don't think McCain's move was quite as big a miscalculation as it would seem. I think he was actually trying to exploit this effect. I don't think it worked as well as he'd hoped. Of course, the rabid base loves this kind of shit, but as the link above shows:
stupid people actually believe that truly smart people are more stupid than they are!
ephemerae11.3.08 - 10:30 pm
I know this is going to sound obvious, but please actually go to your polling place and vote! I'm old enough to have been through enough bullshit with friends/acquaintances bitching about the outcomes of elections even though they were "too busy/shit the lines were so long/I totally overslept/my dad won't pay for my car insurance if I vote for who I want" LAZY to go and actually mark the ticket.
BellBeefer11.3.08 - 10:38 pm
The race isn't over yet. Don't be complacent, get out and vote and bring others with you. Four years ago, I thought Kerry actually had a shot at it but things sure changed at the last minute. All it took was one state to do Kerry in.
I worked the phone lines at the local call center and I can't belive the number of undecideds who are still out there.
Vote early and avoid the rush.
mk452411.3.08 - 10:49 pm
Mook11.4.08 - 12:17 am
Oh my god. I'm sitting here listening to Mc Same give his last rally speech on -the only channel that matters - CSPAN. This guy is sounding more and more like a chump. His voice is all old man gravelly from talking so much from speech to speech. He suddenly reminds me of that late 80's white haired orange county talk show host.... what the hell was that guys name. I would google but I'm on my sidekick.
Roadblock11.4.08 - 3:07 am
Wally George. But Wally had more personality. He also had the advantage of being fully aware that he was a hack, which lent a kind of endearing tongue-in-cheek quality to his blowhard routine.
PC11.4.08 - 3:30 am
"stupid people actually believe that truly smart people are more stupid than they are!"
so true!!
What's funny about that statement is that its cyclical statement. And stupid people are so stupid they would hijack that very statement for their own evil purposes.
WALLY GEORGE ahhh man that guy was a riot is he still alive? Wally George is mclame's younger more successful cousin!
Roadblock11.4.08 - 3:47 am
who wants to party in century city tonight?????
that's where they were saying the obama victory rally was happening at the call bank. Me want party. All night long. Ra ra ra sis boom ba!
Roadblock11.4.08 - 3:59 am
If the right pulls some shady vote-rigging BS and installs McCain on the throne there's gonna be trouble, to put it mildly....
horse sense11.4.08 - 5:15 am
i'm ready to samy's camera on fairfax.
kurtz11.4.08 - 5:52 am
@ Bell Beefer
Go to bed ! You have to get up early and vote!
frumble11.4.08 - 7:23 am
The party's at the Century City Hyatt. RSVP at the website.
It starts at 8, but doors open at 6, and they close when they reach capacity. Since 11,000+ people have signed up already, I'd go ahead and get there early.
It's going to be a LANDSLIDE.
When Karl Rove, the arch-nemesis of all things good and holy, calls the race for Obama, you KNOW the republicans are completely fucked.
JB11.4.08 - 7:34 am
"If the right pulls some shady vote-rigging BS and installs McCain on the throne there's gonna be trouble, to put it mildly...."
horsesense, you make your constituancy look so bad.
for many it's easier to claim conspiracy than admit defeat.
Eric Hair11.4.08 - 9:48 am
almost feel bad for McCain.
his real shot should have been 8 years ago (when he was much more cognizant) when he got kneecapped by the Bush/Rove smear machine. I would have been either/or Gore 2000 vs. McCain 2000. But since then AG found a soul and McCain sold his for $99.95 and went all in on lotto tickets.
He lucked into the nomination this time around cause all the other canidates were gentile with teh old codger and all took each other out. Accidentally handing it to McCain.
This whole time he has just been riding long shots ... doubling down, going all in, betting like a coked up CEO. One stunt to the next, to try and stay in the game, never thing about next week, next moth, or heaven forbid Nov. 4.
One crappy tactic to the next:
Right-wing makeover, flip-floping on immigration, becoming the "change" candidate, meeting/ selecting Palin in 2 days, suspending the campaign, hanging out with Joe the Plumber, running against Hussein-Obama the socialist/ terrorist who endorsed my global warming legislation...
Meanwhile Obama has been staying on message for 22 months with minor adjustments to keep with up with a changing world.
JM's only shot was finding a video of Obama sniffing coke of the tits of one of Bin Laden's wives. And the dude seems a little to disciplined to get caught pulling a Bill Clinton.
so yeah. McCain is gonna get is ass handed to him ...
trickmilla11.4.08 - 10:07 am
so funny if Obama is the same as Bush
aksendz11.4.08 - 10:11 am
What exactly is my constituency so I can apologize for making them look bad?
horse sense11.4.08 - 10:12 am
At least if Obama sells us a lemon ... its like OK, that guy earned it ... he's a smooth talker with a good game.
Whereas, with Bush it's getting taken by a 2-bit huckster that can't string a sentence together, but just happens to have a rich daddy and some thug friends.
trickmilla11.4.08 - 10:19 am
so then it still comes down to the lesser of two evils?
aksendz11.4.08 - 10:21 am
@ frumble: time stamp here is EST, goof! Rocky Crabb!
BellBeefer11.4.08 - 11:06 am
"lesser of two evils"
actually, it's the less evil representative of the same evil..
pb73411.4.08 - 12:05 pm
no way.
it's not the lesser of two evils. this one is for real. I think. yeah, I am still a complete cynic when it comes to politricks but man.... Obama just talks real. he's humble. he always drops a nodd to the right issues. He's awesome and charismatic and the world loves him. I think he can take the edge off this country. it's 300,000 people. it's not like things can suddenly become perfect. it's a slow moving pile of shit and the toilet has been clogged for decades. Obama is inheriting a complete disaster.
Roadblock11.4.08 - 12:12 pm
no way.
it's not the lesser of two evils. this one is for real. I think. yeah, I am still a complete cynic when it comes to politricks but man.... Obama just talks real. he's humble. he always drops a nodd to the right issues. He's awesome and charismatic and the world loves him. I think he can take the edge off this country. it's 300,000 people. it's not like things can suddenly become perfect. it's a slow moving pile of shit and the toilet has been clogged for decades. Obama is inheriting a complete disaster.
i have to totally disagree. he's part of the two party system facade. he is part of the elite ruling class now... and they look out only for themselves, so don't get your hopes up when he talks about helping the working class. i don't like him, but he's definitely the lesser of two evils.
coldcut11.4.08 - 12:33 pm
LO FUCKING L!!! hypnotic techniques?! that's all people have to argue against this man? wow. and a pdf no less. sheesh.
give the man a chance. everyone wants instant gratification. when you take on a dilapidated piece of garbage like the united states it takes TIME and manuevering to bring change. give the guy some time. lets see how he does.
Roadblock11.4.08 - 1:26 pm
agree with coldcut
the illusion of choice.
McCain is shit with bits of corn.
Obama is shit with bits of carrots.
Do you like corn or carrots?
The president, no matter who or when, will always take a beating for what they do. McCain has no respect for the 1st Amendment and will likely demostrate this during a term. Obama will continue to display his ignoarnce of economics and push us further into a recession. They will both be slammed by everyone. Rally now, 'cause you'll be crying later. : D
Eric Hair11.4.08 - 1:42 pm
one of the great things about Obama is that he isn't black or white or immigrant, or mid-westerner, or upper class, or middle class, or hawaiian, or chicagoan, yet on some level he is all those things.
Life isn't black and white.
Its not the good XXXXX people vs. the evil YYYYYY people.
Not all people who want to get into politics are evil and not every politician turns evil when getting into politics. On the other hand, for somebody to be palatable, accessible, and financially heeled to reach 150,000 voters they are going to have make some compromises.
I believe (because I choose to) the Obama knows damn well that oppressing gays is wrong, but he is holding his tongue at the moment as much as possible because he knows the American people may not be ready for for the first Pro Gay Black-White-Christian-Muslim-Socialst-Terror coddling president.
The system needs a shitload of change.
That isn't going to happen overnight, and it isn't going to happen only from the inside or outside.
Its going to take a concerted, sustained effort over a period of time.
Lots of the real work is going to have to be done by people necessarily tainted by the current system because it is going to take at least some insiders to do some of the heavy lifting.
My optimistic side sees this past shitty moment in history followed by the amazing support and energy directed at obama as an opportunity for more people than ever to start to become interested in improving how their government functions.
Bitching and complaining on how evil the machine is and that it needs to be destroyed will acomplish no more than the Christo-fascists who think Obama
may be the anti-christ.
What is going to change this government is people willing to get their hands dirty from the inside and out and do the tough work that it take to change a system that has evolved into a military corpritacracy.
trickmilla11.4.08 - 1:54 pm
Anyone who thinks that they are basically the same has not been paying attention. Anyone who thinks that who wins doesn't make a difference has no understanding of history.
theroyalacademy11.4.08 - 2:21 pm
that link was a polite way of saying "LO FUCKING L!!!" to this:
"Obama just talks real. he's humble. he always drops a nodd to the right issues."
as a senator and presidential candidate he's never mentioned pushing to repeal the patriot acts, military commission act, bush's signing statements, etc. as senator he has never demanded that the criminals currently in office be held responsible for obvious crimes. he supports increased security for airports, ports, and land borders without even questioning the events that spawned these insane policies. he voted for "bailout." he hasn't objected to U.S. Military Units Assigned For Homeland Security.
obviously he's better than mccain on most of the wedge issues, but those issues probably won't be as important when the US becomes a full blown police state.
obama will be a repeat of the clinton admin or worse; prepare to be disappointed..
asparagus11.4.08 - 2:23 pm
quit being such Hatey T. McHatersons.
there is only so much the guy can push for right out the bat. lets just see if he starts doing things. I would personally be in awe if he got in and closed guantanamo within the first 6 months. we can go from there. the guy can only voice so much because the population is still thinking about terrorism. even though terrorism is the new bogey man people dont understand that.
lets see what happens. under clinton, times were good for a lot of people. he wasnt perfect but then again he was no Whoahbama!!!!
Roadblock11.4.08 - 3:39 pm
@ asparagus
Dennis Kucinich (who I wanted from the beginning) did ALL of those things and has been the only member of congress to attempt to impeach Cheney.
Look how far he got.
la duderina11.4.08 - 3:41 pm
I think most of us get what you are saying RB.
I confess, I voted for Obama and not for Myself... No dongs for me.
But for a lot of us, we are like Eric Hair - "We're Skeptical."
Joe Borfo11.4.08 - 3:44 pm
I am skeptical too y'all. but just for today, lemme celebrate with the WORLD. imagine that. the entire fucking WORLD loves Obama. He spoke abroad and drew crowds of 200,000. He is a populist and right now in this time and place in the world this guy can do more good than anyone else. he has gained the ear of the people. that's going to give him more leeway.
I'm still skeptical of any politician.
what about the patriot act
what about Iraq and Afghanistan
what about the Israeli Palestine conflict
what about Iran
what about Oil Influence
what about diversity of opinion in the major media
what about taxing the wealthy and making them pay their fair share.
it's all there in the back of my mind.
Roadblock11.4.08 - 3:55 pm
11.4.08 - 5:23 pm
coldcut11.4.08 - 3:56 pm
11.4.08 - 6:55 pm
if he actually acknowledges all those things and tries to change them openly, then i'll eat my words about him. at this point though, i definitely see a police state in the imminent future, no matter who is elected.
coldcut11.4.08 - 4:01 pm
you guys are highlarius. the internet IS the police state. we already live in it! they already know everything about us. everything we do from cellphones to emails to texts to facebook, myspace, credit cards.... it's ALREADY been a police state for YEARS. there's no going back. now the goal is to become part of the state and absorb it. we will never be secret from one another again. in short... We're Fucked. been long time. you think if they repeal the patriot act they wont have access to all our shit?! LOL.
Roadblock11.4.08 - 4:07 pm
i totally agree with you. which is why i don't really even state my politics. but i see fascist policies being implemented to make it an overt police state.
coldcut11.4.08 - 4:20 pm
and that's why i'd rather not vote for either of them. i'm not going to vote for someone who supports policies i don't agree with. i don't think you can join the system and change it. it was built to benefit the elite ruling class, not the people.
coldcut11.4.08 - 4:27 pm
Mccain wins South Carolina!
I'm going to fire my campaign manager.
Joe Borfo11.4.08 - 5:15 pm
coldcut! I disagree with you but respect where you're coming from. So, are you voting for a third party candidate?
BellBeefer11.4.08 - 5:56 pm
BORFO has the right idea. I'm telling you people... Obama is the antichrist. He will usher us into the New World Order. He is loved by everyone... who's got a brain that is. But the fact remains, that our presidents are mere puppets to corporation hands. How do you think the president of the US can ONLY make $200,000 a year as a salary?
He is the most powerful person in the world and far from the best paid. Shit, my uncle almost makes as much as him.
He's not a bad guy... but he's just a puppet.
dont get it twisted yo!
Jazzy Phat Nastee11.4.08 - 6:02 pm
good thing i jinxed all your jinxes!!!
ME SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
la duderina11.4.08 - 8:50 pm
Road Block Knows Best !!!!!!!!
skano11.4.08 - 10:37 pm
52 days until bush's last day!
god I hope he doesn't try to fuck us all with HAARP!
la duderina11.29.08 - 12:44 am