Paul Newman

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Blockhead Mark at 09.27.08 - 10:17 pm
What a loss. One of the best actors of all time, and probably the best anti-hero Hollywood ever had. Cool Hand Luke. Butch Cassidy and the Sun Dance Kid.
"Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand."
He makes a lousy pasta sauce though.
Joe Borfo09.28.08 - 1:31 am
haha... yea his pasta sauce was pretty shitty. sometimes actors should keep to what they do best. at least he didn't run for president or governor.
gotta say though... his salad dressings were prett bomb.
Blockhead Mark09.28.08 - 2:23 am
I was just watching Hud last week on DVD with my grandma, who has had a crush on Paul Newman for decades (obviously she was not happy with today's news). Man, no wonder chicks dug him! Holy shit! That scene where he's coming on to the housekeeper...not the one later in the movie where he tries to rape her but the one where he's twirling a daisy and bantering with her and throwing her that dangerous wise-ass leer...he sure had
it, whatever
it was.
Patricia Neal was pretty goddamned hot in that film also.
I have to be alone for a little while now.
PC09.28.08 - 2:42 am