NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Yes! A drink! I need 10! We can go to THE WANG!
Tonight we're going through Griffith Park and and back maybe by way of the 5 bike path.
Back by 11 then drinks!!!
I have a confession. I have the biggest ride-crush on you. One day I'll actually be able to make it out. You're so cool. Seriously.
Until then,
Yup! Right after you turned to go home...
We went past some bar and this girl just whipped em out!
Junu turned back to get a closer look and we never saw him again!
Another good ride. I kinda liked the impromptu quicker-than-week-one pace. How does everyone else feel about straying from the "weekly build up" structure?
On a very serious note...
I missed the boobies. Damn me for looking at her face while the goodies were being displayed.
and as far as the impromptu pick up pace goes, for as long as i've been with the bicykillers its pretty much been like that. why not go at a pace that everyone can enjoy? there are no written laws of bicykilling.
LEE... I havent seen you on other rides (beside C.R.A.N.K. Mob and I'd like to take that wheel set off your hands (I was in a nasty spill and my front tire is done) I can give you $100 this coming Friday and the rest the following Friday.
Big Wangs Sucks! Wings are good, but the people there are fucking meatheads and idiots. Bring your locks and lets go to Little Toni's for Pizza and Pithcers of New Castle. They are open until 2am.
Hey Lee my langster got stolen last week, pretty much why i havnt shown up since we got back from the bike tour, let me know if any one has a bike (fixie) for sale
Tonight I going to set out to find the sharks that ate my friend's bike and destroy them. Anybody who's interested in joining me is welcome.
Not sure if I said it right, but I'll sell you the rims when you've got all the dough. My wife can't ride around on no wheels ya know! Friday night, hit me up!
FUCK (yeah, just typed a cuss word, what of it?) that was fast. We didn't find Pat's bike, but we did find a burning in our legs.
It was great to have a legend with us tonight WISE, that was sick... I don't even think he sweat though...
RBI and CND the coolest 6 letter couple I know.
Happy Birthday Josh!
Rad Route Junu!
And it was great seeing some new faces...
Cum trees till I die!
Andrea, if you're reading this, we miss you! Come ride, you know... for ol' times sake.
That was a great ride - nice pacing, good distance and back in time to get a good nights rest (after this f**king sequence I need to edit before the AM.)
that WAS a good ride... great route and good pace...
contrary to RBI i could NOT have gone faster... that's pretty much all I've got in the leg department. Wasn't dropped though, so I guess that's good? I'm kind of glad I had no idea where we were on the way back, because it gave me motivation to keep up. Thanks for the encouragement everyone... hopefully I wasn't getting too cranky. Hehe... CRANKy?
(oh shut up. I'm amazed i'm even awake right now.)
Is this a 3 or 4? I see the route is 38 miles. How many stops are there going to be? I wanna make sure I am home by @ 12. If we leave at 9 and do quick stops under 10-15 mintues we should be back around 12 with a 16-18mph pace.
I think we averages 18.9 last week, but thats only because of all the stop and go with all the red lights. Mitch, its about time you came back out. Is Wise coming out today?? He tore the group apart last week. A few fast downhills tonight. I hope the light is green when we go down Grand!!
BAM! That was a sick sick ride! SICK RIDE!
Was that you Roadblock we passed on Silverlake?
Also, we stormed passed another ride... in DT, what was it???
downtown ride was probably
When: Every Thursday
Where: Corner of North Spring Street and West College Street Los Angeles, CA 90012
Time: Meet @ 9:00pm | Leave @ 9:30pm SHARP
Pace: Fast warned. We don't wait for people.
MOST IMPORTANT: There are a moderate hills on this ride and since we ride fast, a fixed gear bike or road bike is needed. Please bring an ID, a bike lock and money for the bar. Some bars we go to are cash only as well, so be prepared. Also, we're not elitist, but if you're a kook, stay home. If you're asking yourself, "Am I a kook?" then you probably are. We're not looking to get caught up in drama with drivers. And we're also not trying to hang out with people that try really hard to fit in. Just be normal. And remember this is a drinking/ bar hop ride.
Anti-theft Addendum: With the recent rise in stolen bikes, Thirsty Thursday will practice "safe locking." Wherever we go, whatever bar we drink at, we'll go outside periodically and check on our bikes. Let the paramedics help out anyone who gets caught stealing.
I'm pretty pissed I missed last night. Truck was out of gas and by the time I filled up I was late as hell. Is anyone doing darkcen metric tomorrow night?
awesome ride thursday... was rad to be one of the 7 who finished.. i thought this ride was going to be a "recovery ride" from wolfpack, but i thought wrong.. it was hard and fast.. mMmmmm sexy.
Thought id throw down stats from my computer for that ride:
Trip Time - 2:02:07
Trip Distance - 35.64 miles
Avg. Cadence - 89 rpm
Avg. Speed - 18.99 mph (the decent amount of climbs and downtown reds killed the speed)
Max Speed - 42.42 mph (Stadium Way is always a fun way down :])
Lets go west this week. Maybe to Valley Circle again or maybe even to Los Virgenes. We can sprint back on Ventura like last time. I would suggest Santa Monica, but would be tough to go over Sepulved with a fixie, unless you think you can do it both ways, then I have a great route.
Dude, that's f**ked up. I had to Wiki pancreatitis to see what it is. Skipping BK might suck, but you're pretty much right to do it. You don't want that flaring up on some gnarly downhill section.
I guess this means you're out of the DC too, right?
i have a chronic condition in the mix with with my anemia, and it comes and goes particularly when i mix drinking with extremely cold weather. its not hardcore like it was when i went to chicago and drank my ass off in the winter, but i'm going on probiotics and need to go get some morphine just in case the pain gets too bad.
i've been doing a little lil bit of slow riding, i just dont want to make it worse than it should be. i'm going back in for blood work on wednesday and hopefully my levels will return to normal.
thanks, yeah i have a trainer too, its a bit more complicated than just the cold weather.
its really my fault, i should've been watching what i ate, watched the alcohol, gotten enough rest, pretty much i tore down my already useless body more than it can handle.
after some probiotics, i may not need the nasogastric tube for 4 days...
i'm really not anticipating another pancreatic shock... which is the worst pain in the world and never wish that on anybody.
i remember the last time, i was on my way to the emergency room, and walking up through the doors, my body crumbled and it felt like wolverine himself was slashing up my abs.....
I just spent 5 minutes trying to think of stuff that rhymes with "pancreatis" but to no avail...
Is the air quality effn anyone else up? I can't breath for shit when I'm riding. Is it just me? What say you on the topic of routes? If we head North East, we can ditch this bitch of bad air... eh? (Canadian question mark)
I'm pretty sure we can all get over Cahuenga and back, so we take that south and jump on santa monica blvd (or whatever) to the beach.
Be like 40 miles round trip. I'm down
Im down for the beach and the Cahuenda out and back. But I think we should cut over to SanVicente in Brentwood. It a nice stretch of road with a wide bike lane and few lights.
Yeah, I'm thinking it might get chilly. so I'm bringing a windbreaker and a hat. You'll be fine. You always talk about how you're going to get drooped, then you finish at the front.
yeah i want a t-shirt too... small or medium... whatever my last bicykillers shirt was. I'll look when I get home.
I won't be doing the DC this weekend, cuz my mom is still in town and wants to hang out all of Saturday. So yeah, I better make tonight COUNT.
And I DO NOT finish at the front... at least not the last time. Remember a little voice in the distance yelling "we're almost back at the start, you guys just go ahead... i know... where... i'm ...... going.......... now..........." that was me.
Good ride... I like how fast it's getting, shame my wrist doesn't feel the same. I was totally dead when I broke off.... it took me an hour and a half to get over sepulveda-that's twice my slowest time so far. Hope ya'll had fun at the beach!
yo lee.. suprisingly the medium is quite big on me... i guess im more of a skinny ass than i thought i was.. does the Med shrink a whole lot when you wash it? if not... could i exhange the med for a small of the new design.. and of the older design i inquired about that liz was wearing.. i think small will be fine if the meds dont shrink a whole lot from washing.
Good ride last night... its getting faster and faster :] so for sure the ride next week is chill? cause some of my fem friends want to come out.
well excuse me for getting fired up but might ask: WHAT THE FUCK!?
Drop em for a few miles if its too fast, girls can handle it- they learn fast, push em. I assure you the next time around they will be a shit load faster.
Do you have lower expectations for your fem friends? because quite often friends with lower expectations of their other friends are not the best of friends.
Bicykillers I miss you and I probably could not keep up with you anymore, but I am not sure how motivated I would be anyway with sexist people riding. :(
The highlight for me was when we were just about to hit SM, and we had two good pacelines going. F**king flying man! And everyone was in it, which made it that much better. Anyone know what our pace was at that point? My crappy computer doesn't have a light (and is probably inaccurate anyway.)
Ride highlights! I like this idea!
My favorite part was rolling up to a red light at the very end of the pack and seeing the people in front of me talking to some of the motorists. When I pulled level with the car (huffing and puffing), one of the girls said, dissapointadly, "Oh, she's not with them." Nice to know that some people are dissapointed when there aren't more Ridazz around.
If you're wondering, I didn't have time to set her straight before the light turned green.
On a side note, I think it's time for climbing practice- I was running 38 gear inches on my way up Sepulveda yesterday. Pathetic.
@shadylane- Come out with us! The only way to stop sexism is with some kick-ass riding. There's too much testosterone around this ride, it gets to some of the boys' heads.
comming down San Vicente at night like that was one of the coolest things i have ever done on a bike... we were absolutely flying... So dangerous... but so much fucking fun!
and comming down Cahuenga... omg...
was too much fun... my brother and i couldnt stop talking about it all day...
apologies... I should double check the choice of words i use. I did not mean to denigrate women by the use of the term fem friends... I guess in with my own personal context... it pertained to my girlfriends who just like to cruise.. knowingly well that i am posting on a public forum.. i should've used better consideration that others may view my use of that term in such a way that may be offensive or degrading.
First, I've gotta say that I feel the 'Killers has the lowest testosterone to speed ratio out of any ride! I truly believe that. I think we're all very helpful, encouraging and motivating towards each other.
Please don't take it the way he said it. I decided to make next week easier for guys and girls alike to come out since the last couple of weeks have been REALLY difficult, for everyone. I can't even walk today after going to the beach the on the las killers.
CDN, I knew it was somewhere around there. And not even in the top gear...
jccburt, San Vicente is the street I was thinking of - I can never remember the name of that road. That part was awesome because everyone was in on it. The only thing you could hear were chains going over gears, and tires humming on the road. Beautiful music!
Lee, is next Thursday week one for sure?
And anyone who thinks BK is sexist, well...our regular women BK'ers kick some serious ass. Danya does it on a f**king mt. bike for christ's sake!
This week will be a jolly jaunt to Balboa Lake for Dark Laps! Easier pace for people thinking about trying bicykillers.... stlll fast, just not cuss word fast.
My second or third Bicykillers was dark laps... so much fun, and I was even able to keep up way back then! Just don't let me drop when we're close to my house this time...
hey lee, were you able to find that "small" sized shirt of the old design.. also the medium of the new one you took out last week is just too damn big.. any way I can exchange for a small :]]
hes my step dad. his side of the family has a history of heart disease. he just turned 50 this year. his father died of complications from a triple bypass when he was around this age. he didnt go to the hospital because he was convinced it was angina pains and not a myocardial infarction. he seemed ok on the phone a few hours ago, but i dont know for sure until i see him on saturday. fucking parents.
Hah... I was just at North Hollywood station trying to meet with you guys, (I skipped tonight's ride cuz it's Markedge's birthday) and then I get a call from Tyler already at home... so I came back. FAIL.
whew, ! the 'easy ride' my ass... 15mph my ASS!!! hahaha i LOVED IT.
hacked up some gnarly shit out of my lungs. i asked juno what his computer read, he said average 22mph. topping out at 30.
really excellent meeting you lindsey(spelling?), and to the few i could be brave enough to mutter a few words to: you are solid peeps.
juno thanks for sweeping the back and keeping me in the pack.
great experience overall... i think i need to get some gears if i want to achieve the next level of speed. i love my candy cane, but i get dusted when i max out on my weenie 42-15.
and batgirl:i left before i read your message!!!!! damn. next time.
Wow! That song I posted musta pumped everyone up!!! I think I'll do a song a week! Stay tuned...
Sorry I couldn't make it, family in town combined with working for the MAN, but it sounds like a lot of new faces and good times all around.
How many peeps came out?
And if no one got dropped, that's our definition of an 'easy' ride! Haha!
Haha! Who took the bus? Was it Jeff??? I'm glad the people had a good time! I'm gonn do another Impromptu Sunday ride this weekend, sooooo come on out!
the guys name who took the bus was "Adam"... I dragged him out last night, it was his first time... funny shit... I almost fell on the floor when I noticed my klein on the front of a bus...
great ride, great pace, great route, great distance I thought....
seemed the pack would cruise at 21mph and pick it up a lil from time to time at 23mph...
recorded a max speed of 30.8 though, musta been that crazy push at the end!
I dropped myself... I warned ya'll about going past my house.
Bicykillers<<< Oh and I know I haven't been keeping up long enough to really notice this lately, but I feel like we're not stopping as often or as long since I got back on my polo bike. Those stops were the only reason I was able to keep up in the first place... maybe we could bring them back? Or am I just crazy and nothing's really changed, other than killing the week system?
it my first time out with the bicykillers on the last ride and it was awesome! ..even though i didn't get to talk to a lot of you guys(i was a little intimidated, haha) i definitely want to become a regular.
see you guys next week ..hopefully i don't get dropped!
yo lee. thanks for getting that shirt to me.. and yeap a small fits perfect on me. by the way. since the one you gave me before of the newer design was a medium.. is there anyway to exchange it to a small if you have any left?
wow... trying bicykillers fixed after not doing any riding (other than random commuting) for two weeks was an interesting choice... but there you have it. F.U.N. to say the least. A good group tonight :)
is it just me or is the ride for this week non-existent? Maybe I'll finally do the thirsty Thursday thing instead then.
You dudes coming to t he NoHo sprints tonight or what? Tyler and I will be there.
Good route; ya bring some gears. wish i could make it, have to work. Sunday Iam riding up Stunt Rd. 9:00 meet at Coldwater Cyn and moorpark st.. M&M market
yah.. that crash was quite fun.. hah. Still tripped out by the fact that there were no scratches or scuffs on the bike.. I keep looking at it hanging on my rack behind me. Hey Lee, when you get the finished product.. can I get a high quality copy of it, especially if you got the crash on tape :D
hell yeah. that ride was awesome, except for me getting two flats.
I will gladly except being ROTW!!! That climb was nothing nice. I think I even pee'd on myself a little.
La Tuna Canyon Loop was one of the best BICYKILLERS yet, along with going to the beach and back ride. Everybody did a good job climbing, especially our one and only fixie who made it over that hill. ...LongLive La Tuna Canyon
ride was tuna killed me...thank God for the vehicle..hopefully the legs will come within the next few rides...see you next week...thanks for waiting too guys
ye RIDAZZ beware
crushing death of great
to the streetpassing thief
ye RIDAZZ beware
drinking beer of great
with the SIRENS is a feat
ye RIDAZZ beware
we entice you to come out
though you will not know our route
nor where we shall RAID
listen and hear for our SIRENS' call
ye RIDAZZ beware
our voices are heard
by that which is large and at times blue
where the foam of the deep
spills over onto the sand
where once he was a boy
his name is that of a man
ye RIDAZZ beware
traveling west on Venice
is a good clue
for which is the giant water named
this is all us SIRENS will give to you
Yeah man... I'm thinking we just did this similar route... Not really feeling it either.
I say Valley Circle for real... smooth open streets and a bit different.