MOSEY 25 sept.
Thread started by
Lance K at 09.25.08 - 2:50 am
I have so many things i want to say, but i'm gonna sleep on them first.
I will say that the incident by the medici at the end of the ride was, without a doubt, one of the top 3 most fucked up things I have EVER seen on dozens and dozens of rides. I hope i never see riders showing that kind of aggression to each other for no reason again.
I took off after we left USC, and up until then it was gravy. A little fast for a mosey, but comfortable and cordial none the less.
I'm going to bed cringing, thinking about what you're gonna say.....
Eric Hair09.25.08 - 3:14 am
Lance is from the FUTURE!!!
franz09.25.08 - 3:42 am
I'm going to agree with Lance, and I've had a bit more time to think it over (thanks bus).
I mean no disrespect to anyone, these things happen, I'm not pointing fingers, and I'm not laying blame anywhere. We get enough hostility from other places, we don't need it between us. I know most all of it was created by alcohol, just remember, your actions when you're drunk are still YOUR actions. Accidents happen, it doesn't matter who was at fault, or who started what, or who continued what, or whatever, (and for those that weren't there, this applies as well, we don't need more drama, something happened, it shouldn't have, nothing was seriously damaged, that's all that matters, don't worry about it), it really doesn't matter what happened, or what happens next time, in the future, be the bigger person, let it go, it's not worth the heartache. This applies to every party involved in a situation like tonight. If something happens, let it go. We don't need that kind of drama, internal, external, or from space aliens, it doesn't matter, be the adult, think before you act, be it with words or otherwise.
FuzzBeast09.25.08 - 4:55 am
Only thing the JOOSE ever did to me was make me fall over.
bentstrider09.25.08 - 5:14 am
I Enjoyed most of the Mosey last night except the drama at the end of the night. I hope everyone was able to cool off and realize shit happens no matter how hard you try things will happen and you can't go blaming someone else or put the fault on them. thats why its called shit(accident) WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT. fighting one another is lame, you should be there to take care of each other and walk away from it like adults.
puglife09.25.08 - 7:37 am
I'm gonna take a break for a while. That was too crazy. I'm sorry. Not sure who that guy was but when I pulled up andrew was already bleeding from his mouth. Went south from there. Once again. I'm sorry.
stillline09.25.08 - 9:00 am
*Tarmonster.* puts hand to her mouth.
Shit went down at the mosey? Terrible stuff.
Tarmonster.09.25.08 - 9:25 am
so i guess i left just in time.
(me + fights) / (andrew) = guaranteed involvement.
ijunes09.25.08 - 9:49 am
i am glad i missed out...i don't agree with fighting nor will i have any part of it
MOM-RIDA-Raquel09.25.08 - 10:01 am
werd to the MOM
you should be there to take care of each other
And werd to the PUG
Go home violent people, go home forever.
Eric Hair09.25.08 - 10:48 am
If that guy's trying to pat his head while simultaneously rubbing his tummy, I think he needs more practice. And a helmet.
Eric Hair09.25.08 - 11:03 am
i have no idea what he's doing. but i'm going to try it before i do the noho sprints
usain bolt, 100m record holder.
ijunes09.25.08 - 11:05 am
Fighting while riding sucks! To the guys that were involved...Thanks a lot for bumming the rest of us out! Feel free to mix in a hockey game before you come out next time. It was a ridiculous way to end the ride....
marleydog09.25.08 - 12:04 pm
i told you.
Candy Cane09.25.08 - 1:14 pm
also: id like to apologize to the two unknown riders who were calling my name on 7th and spring (ish), to whom i responded 'fuck off'.
i just wanted to go home at that point.
Candy Cane09.25.08 - 1:16 pm
Wh t? I c n't he r you. The words re com ng out ll cr mbled... Sh t!
Joe Borfo09.25.08 - 1:18 pm
my internet is stoo slowwwwww
text me:
818 209 5162
Candy Cane09.25.08 - 1:29 pm
oh no! who stole borfo's vowels?
ijunes09.25.08 - 1:29 pm
wtf. What happend ? is andrew ok? who, what, where. Shit we left to early right before last stop
Debut21309.25.08 - 2:08 pm
wow. I cant believe anything happened at all, everyone seemed to be vibing so well. hope everyone is ok.
Roadblock09.25.08 - 2:10 pm
Candy Cane, that was me and Gavin. We just wanted to make sure you were all right. We figured you were pissed so we didn't press the issue.
FuzzBeast09.25.08 - 2:59 pm
i'm still out of the loop. what happened?
ijunes09.25.08 - 3:04 pm
from what i have gatherd...somethings are better left with the group...less drama for all...
in other words i have no idea
MOM-RIDA-Raquel09.25.08 - 3:07 pm
Got the info already. Water under the bridge
Debut21309.25.08 - 3:11 pm
Sounds like a fight happened, and it was over an accident. Shit happens, that being ACCIDENTS. If you can't recognize an accident and can't get over it, you have issues way beyond the scope of public night-time bicycle party forum.
Why are we being violent towards each other? Makes me think that the "man" are planting instigators - to create dissension and division. I know I'm talking paranoid conspiracy theory shit, but fuck. It doesn't make sense to me. Not At All.
the reverend dak09.25.08 - 3:17 pm
Dak, you're right about it, it was nothing more than a small scuffle, but it did put a sour taste on the whole end of a pretty decent night.
FuzzBeast09.25.08 - 3:22 pm
too much BROmance. ya gotta learn how to express yourself besides getting physical
spiraldemon09.25.08 - 3:26 pm
when we fight amongst ourselves we just come accross as ignorant, not to mention it is downright ungentlemanly.
marleydog09.25.08 - 3:41 pm
go figure. yeah i was at the ride, and it seems like it happened after i left.
leave the anger from the accidents to the motorists. when you're on a bike and under the influence of alcohol, you assume the risk of getting into wrecks... its happened before, no reason to get angry because you're just as likely to cause a wreck than to be a victim of a wreck.
i made gabby fall and she showed me a good time ;-) hahaha
ijunes09.25.08 - 3:46 pm
I think Fuzz and Dak already said all that needs to be said about this - the people involved are cool with each other, hopefully we can take a lesson in moderation/keeping your cool and not worry about this anymore.
Lance K09.25.08 - 3:50 pm
last night was my first ride on a bike and it was really bad, are all the rides like that one?
my trailer park09.25.08 - 3:53 pm
well, they're like that, up until that part in front of the medici at the end, I've been riding for years and have never seen something like that happen.
FuzzBeast09.25.08 - 4:25 pm
On a positive side, I had never seen anything like CRANK MOB happen either- until it did!
It's fine, my first ride was epic disaster (witnessed a robbery at gunpoint & one of our riders got run over by one of the perps). Never seen anything close to that.
I don't even know what happened on this ride, but I can assure you that it is not a regular occurrence!
jonnyboy09.25.08 - 4:43 pm
Not that Medici, the one with the "Homeless People Better Not Sleep in Our Window" spikes on the front of the building, at the corner of 7th and Bixel.
FuzzBeast09.25.08 - 4:50 pm
Very sad to hear riders are fighting. Lets not fight people lets make love and ride goddamit.
libra77709.25.08 - 5:35 pm
This thread is really depressing to me and I hope it can end here if I explain what happened. Andrew doesn't have an internet connection which is why you've heard nothing from him on the subject.
I'm not sure how the fight started but when I rolled up andrew and that guy (who i dont know and have never seen before) were trading punches over some sort of bike accident. I ran in to try and pull them apart and ended up taking a few punches from the unknown guy. I spent a few min after that trying to hold andrew back and somehow stop the fight. It kept dissolving into chaos.... and after a while I just gave up and was drawn into the fighting myself. During the many pushing and shoving matches and all the yelling I ended up pushing sarah (candy cane) and thats why she ran off. That was completely unintended and the most regrettable part of the whole situation
To everyone on the ride. I apologize for not handling that situation better. I should have ran away or let some other less interested parties handle it. Maybe it would have turned out better.
stillline09.25.08 - 5:56 pm
Matt, shit happens. Time will heal it, and you'll always be cool in my book.
But overall I'm still sticking to:
jonnyboy09.25.08 - 6:01 pm
I was going to mention our accident how you hit my back wheel, fucked up my spoke and managed to pull me down as you fell first on your back and I fell right on top of you:D that was a very epic fall....Best fall ever!
Matt shit happens Lets just forget about it. Andrew is fine and He apologized as need to, we are all still here for one another thats what friends are for:D
puglife09.25.08 - 6:16 pm
Matt next time I see you you are getting a big 'ol CYPER HUG
jonnyboy09.25.08 - 6:18 pm
did anyone get footage atleast ?
jbachez09.25.08 - 6:38 pm
Time to start packing flash-bangs to diffuse these altercations!!
I'm sorry, but when ridazz start to behave like CDCR inmates, then we've got some serious problems amiss that have to be dealt with accordingly.
bentstrider09.25.08 - 6:45 pm
Guys, this sucks. Before hearing this I looked forward to Wednesdays, there's enough shit going on in our lives to fucking ruin something good. So let's all fucking chill and whoever starts shit about getting in an accident then don't fucking ride with mosey again. Unless! It was a really really really stupid thing that the person did. For instance, fucking stopping in the middle of the road. (me) But otherwise, just ride.
Alfredo09.25.08 - 11:56 pm
we are people after all... now if we were robots it wouldn't compute.
Jazzy Phat Nastee09.26.08 - 12:03 am
Hey, look who it is!
It's Alfredo! (At least I think so)
Is that you, Sauce?
imachynna09.26.08 - 5:29 am