Thread started by
aksendz at 09.4.08 - 5:57 pm
why was the site down for so long!!!!
i saw a kid by my school (Silverlake/Los Feliz) with a
Black fixie
Front wheel had green rim
regular handle bars with non generic grip
white chain
two spoke cards
1 Midnight Riddazz
1 SM CM anniversary or something
i think its not his bcs he didn't know what MR was, trouble identifiying the bike but he did answer all my questions
if this is ur bike tell me so next time i can jack his ass
if the kid reads this and it is his bike
my bad homie, i'm just looking out for everbyody.
wasn't that some dude's bike that fell asleep on a bridge downtown recently?
barleye09.4.08 - 6:07 pm
i ono
the guy that had it was a hispanic bro around 17 or 16
aksendz09.4.08 - 6:16 pm
Maybe the kid bought if from the guy who jacked it. Seems the kid was pretty cooperative, so he probably wasn't the thief.
skd09.4.08 - 6:38 pm
he said he built it himself, and that he bough the front tire for 200 dollars.
asked him if it was stolen , dont know if that was before or after , he said "what if it is"
kid seemed really sketchy.
can you just ask around who have had their bike stolen.
oh yeah the SMCM card hat a date like 2-2-07 or 2-2-08
aksendz09.4.08 - 6:40 pm
The front TIRE for $200? He said that?
PC09.4.08 - 8:01 pm
If at some point you can prove it is stolen,don't bother confronting him just lock it with your lock so he can't take it anywhere.
blackout_blacklung09.4.08 - 8:22 pm
yo email me askendz
HANDBONE09.4.08 - 9:07 pm
so i'm just going to leave this guy a lone since no one is really claiming anything
aksendz09.4.08 - 9:44 pm
Well you know what to do if someone claims. :)
imachynna09.4.08 - 9:47 pm
Why are you bothering him in the first place?
iggycortes09.4.08 - 9:48 pm
i dont know if i will see that guy ever again though
oh well not my loss
bcs it looked hella fishi.
thats why
i defend waht i did
eventhough now i look liek a douche :]
aksendz09.4.08 - 9:50 pm