Lost my warm gloves.

Thread started by
Alfredo at 12.22.08 - 8:30 pm
So I had these pair of black winter gloves.
Nothing fancy, but I had em since I was approximately 7 years old.
I believe I left them at home before heading out for crank mob. Reason being was the weather. It wasn't that cold.
After going on a rampant search, all my efforts were futile.
But this isn't really the point of the post. Its the fact that there are people out there who are enduring the elements at this point in time.
I just hope that someone needy finds my gloves and decides to use them. For they served me well, in my so called "childhood".
Your gloves are in July's van.
I also lost my gloves. Erin are there some pink gloves at your house?
imachynna12.22.08 - 8:36 pm
you must have some tiny ass girl hands if youre still able to wear them.
ruinedbyidiots12.22.08 - 8:40 pm
i got some of those specialized deflect gloves so i can ride around ojai at night when its 30 at night.
ruinedbyidiots12.22.08 - 8:46 pm
My black, leather "OJ" gloves keep my fingers from falling off when I'm dealing with the 5-15 degree nights in the desert.
They served me well when I was riding through downtown Laramie back in '07.
bentstrider12.22.08 - 10:12 pm
Alfredo, I'll get you some gloves. Don't know when I'll next be out though.
Joe Borfo12.22.08 - 10:38 pm
Aww, how sweet!
Too bad Alfredo is just lame and forgot his gloves in the van! :P
imachynna12.23.08 - 4:49 am
oh dude... i found some in my backpack/moms car. i think they may be yours. all black, a bit small, cotton inside.... ill keep em on my person and give them to you on the next ride.
Jazzy Phat Nastee12.23.08 - 6:25 pm