Crankmob Pregame at AltPixel Studio?

Thread started by
Hal at 12.20.08 - 12:53 pm
Does anybody want to stop by the studio around 6:30 or 7:00? We can start drinking and then head over to Crankmob at 9.
It's the place where we had the last two Den Dinners and the party at the end of ROGUE RIDE IV, but here's the address anyway:
2116B Pico Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Everybody is welcome.
Candy Cane says:
"altpixel is the new westside clubhouse"
And it's the best clubhouse for pre/post rides ever! You can't beat the fire-pit + liquor store + public restroom + photo studio + wifi combo!
Even though I won't be able to enjoy this tonight, I still want to shout out a big
THANKS HAL!! for letting us use your kickass studio pad hangout staging arena!
SO fucking sick, thanks man :)
jonnyboy12.20.08 - 3:35 pm
and yes, you should all come out to the studio whenever there is an invite... seeing as the studio will be no more in February.
yes. it's true. the studio is asking Hal to find another place for his business because the studio wants to do studio things here.
sadness. agreed.
so come out whenever you can and enjoy Hal and the studio - fires, liquor store, bathroom - jonnyboy, so right!
Thanks, Hal - your generosity is amazingness.
bondink12.20.08 - 3:56 pm
That sucks a major load of Donkey Ding-Dong.
Nonetheless, it's always a pleasure for the things you do, Hal!!!
bentstrider12.20.08 - 4:24 pm
altpixel nomore as of feb........the FOOK?
Candy Cane12.20.08 - 4:31 pm
Our landlord gave us 8 weeks to move out as of last week... We were told we could be here for "at least" a year when we moved in back in May, but she's revoking it early. I'm going to say it's 80% final... I'm trying to figure out options for staying, but it's all going to come down to either how nice she feels like being (appeal to her heart) because I can't afford to appeal to her wallet. Unless nothing else can be worked out, we have to be out on February 10th.
...Which means, of course, that we're still going to be able to host ROGUE RIDE V here on February 7th for sure, and I'm going to be partying the place OUT until then.
If you don't have New Year's Eve plans, I have three bands lined up, 4 or 5 DJs, an LCD projector, and obviously the fire pit, and everybody is invited to that too.
Hal12.20.08 - 7:44 pm