Holiday Crazies
Thread started by
kryxtanicole at 12.19.08 - 5:38 pm
Please be (extra) SAFE everyone these next couple coming weeks. The holidays put drivers in a holiDAZE, and today I noticed that too many drivers were even more rushed on the roads and paying even less attention than usual. They're more distracted and in a bigger hurry. So just be extra alert and use you lights, bells, horns, whistles and your mouth/lungs.
<3 u guise!
Honking is at an all time high it seems. Stay cool, and keep your u-lock in your bag or on your belt.
stillline12.19.08 - 5:41 pm
I've already started to notice (more) people with that crazed look in their eyes.
Keep it cool out there ppl.
trickmilla12.19.08 - 6:54 pm
On a train with the cafe car and a good supply of Arrogant Bastard Ale is one of the best places to be with a hangover.
NixonTwin12.19.08 - 9:50 pm
lol I'm talking metrolink here.
but that does sound good. Although the thought of alcohol in the midst of a hangover has never sat well with me.
la duderina12.19.08 - 9:55 pm
Shit, this is so freaking true. Last few rides I've done that have gone past that freaking Westfields mall in Century City have been chock-full of dazed retail retards hell bent on killing anything that comes between them and their 20% off Cheap Shit From China.
Fucked up.
ephemerae12.20.08 - 2:55 pm