Baileyworks Bag Trade

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roughdraftx01 at 12.17.08 - 11:21 pm
Anyone here have or know of someone that has a SMALL baileyworks superpro msger bag that would or might be interested in trading for a like new MEDIUM Grey BaileyWorks SuperPro Msgr bag?
Turned out that its a little too much bag for my school/commuting needs.
just keep it.
You can always put more in a larger bag, or put less in it.
You will find a time where you will be glad you have a bigger bag.
Even if it's just once, you'll be glad.
I use the XXL and i have never regretted having the largest bag on the market, even when it's pretty much empty with nothing more than say my lunch or a hoodie inside.
FuzzBeast12.18.08 - 5:32 pm
I take my large to school and ride around with little to no books in it. its pretty flat and easy usually. But it is pretty handy for a lot of stuff even though I've never needed to fill it all the way up.
sezdaniel12.18.08 - 5:47 pm
If you really want to get rid of it, you can sell it to me at a discount. ;)
imachynna12.18.08 - 5:51 pm
Baileyworks is based in Portsmouth, NH, right? I used to live nearby.
0gravity12.18.08 - 9:04 pm
0g, where you from homie?
I used to live 2 towns away from Portsmouth.
FuzzBeast12.19.08 - 2:23 pm