Ticket from LAPD

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thayr at 07.12.08 - 4:13 pm
Got my first ticket ever the other week riding with LA Critical Mass.
The cops words were "I can't get all of you but I can get you!"
Well, they got me, and they also ticketed another rider who came back to check on me. I applaud the rider for not leaving me behind but his approach was in bad form. They ticketed him for interfering with an investigation, in other words- talking to them while I was being ticketed.
Had he played it cool and stood back and said he was OBSERVING maybe he could have got off, but they still gave him sh!t about his light and could have ticketed him for that (he had a white light, but it was attached to the seat facing backwards).
The violation? Failure to stop at a red light.Thanks officer Camarillo (31713).
Be prepared to fight it or shell out 381 bones.
kyber07.12.08 - 4:15 pm
repost from Indigis:
Congratulations on your first ticket. It will be the first of many. Time to learn how to beat the system, as taught by daddy indigis
I am 5 for 5 beating traffic tickets (auto), 2 for 2 on the camera tickets (which of course doesn't relate).
The object is to postpone the process as long as possible and to give the cops as many opportunities to screw up as you can. Everything, except a final court appearance, if necessary, can be done online or on the phone. So, here is the system: The most important part is that you follow up and not be the one to miss a deadline.
First, a week before your trial date get an extension. This will put you back 3 months from the ticket date. Second, a week before your extended trial date request a Trial by Declaration. The court will send you the paperwork and give you a deadline. This will put you back about 5 months from the ticket date. Now. remember, a cop gets paid time and a half to go to court. He gets paid nothing to fill out his own Trial by Declaration. If he doesn't send his paperwork in, you win. I've won here about a third of the time. Your Trial by Declaration should be as thoroughly full of shit as you can write it.
Now, if you lose here they will send you a notice. When you get that note and if it says you lost, NEXT is request a TRIAL DE NOVO. This is a whole new trial in court that they will give you just for the asking. This will put you about 7 months from the date of the original citation. AND NO COP EVER SHOWED UP FOR THAT OLD OF A CITATION (3x). Good luck!
and by the way, to beat a camera ticket, respond to the letter and tell them that the driver is your brother or uncle. go to google images and look for a euro drivers license and make note of the number, and give them the name and address of your "uncle" who lives in milan, or hamburg, or wherever the fuck you want them to live. (worked 2x)
barleye07.12.08 - 4:17 pm
Ever since I got the ticket I had been wondering if such a violation would go on my driving record. I've yet to ask the law or the DMV, but I found this:
California Vehicle Code VEH Section 1803
The following violations are not required to be reported under
subdivision (a):
(6) Violations for which a person was cited as a pedestrian or
while operating a bicycle or a motorized scooter.
The word "required" seems sort of vague. Pulled from the web:
"Contrary to myth, these offenses can and will go on your California DMV record. I know a fellow who suffered a dramatic increase in his insurance rates after having been cited for running stop signs on his bike twice within a year."
thayr07.12.08 - 5:52 pm
Barely. oh barely. thank you
meow12.22.08 - 5:46 pm
yes, thank you barleye ; >
btw, i just won another camera ticket violation using that system.
indigis12.22.08 - 5:56 pm
I beat a ticket by written declaration, but I had done the mentioned steps to delay the process, so that if I did end up in court the cop would likely not even remember anything and not bother showing up. My ticket was for riding too far to the left, even though I was making a left turn and hand signaled as such.
GarySe7en12.22.08 - 6:18 pm