Economic Recovery Bill- Need $ for Bikes!!

Thread started by
aurisha at 01.12.09 - 8:25 am
Time to Act! We need your help with the Economic Recovery Bill
LACBC has been submitted Ready to Go bike projects to Tunderhead Alliance and Transportation for America last month. Now it's time that our elected officials here from you, the cyclist community!!
In January Congress and the President will sign an economic recovery bill that will include hundreds of billions of dollars, many of which will go to build transportation infrastructure, but very few of which include bicycle and pedestrian projects.
It is critical that we ensure that bicycle and pedestrian projects are included among the projects to be funded with federal economic stimulus funds.
Tell Them:
· There are over $2 billion worth of "ready-to-go" bicycle and pedestrian projects across the U.S. that can create jobs right now.
· Bike and pedestrian projects are quick. Because they are smaller, states and cities can spend the money quickly and IN the local economy.
· Building biking and walking infrastructure creates jobs. Bike and pedestrian infrastructure is more labor intensive and less material intensive than building roads, thus netting more jobs for dollars spent!
· Sidewalks and bike lanes makes streets and downtowns into destinations for shopping and entertainment. Investing in walking and biking facilities helps local business and is an investment in the local economy.
· 24% of all trips in the US are less than a mile, 40% are less than two miles. Walking and biking facilities, including those that connect to transit, give American families economical transportation options and lay the foundation to address some of our nation's major crises, such as climate, energy, and health.
· A recovery package that includes funding for transportation infrastructure but does not include investments to improve bicycling and walking denies the current trends in transportation and the safety needs of the American public. Bicycling has increased in the US - in some cities its increased more than 35% in the last two years.
· Biking and pedestrian improvements also help wean us for foreign oil and support a healthy and sustainable future for America!
Send letters to:
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
200 North Spring Street, Room 303
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: (213) 978-0600
Fax: (213) 978-0750
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (213)897-0322
Fax: (916)558-3160