
Thread started by
KiMS1 at 12.24.08 - 12:27 am
how many of you are smokers and can say you legitimately ride hard?
not just putz around on social rides but srsly try to mash. how does ur smoking affect you? how much do u smoke? have you stopped for a week to see how much of an improvement it makes on ur riding?
has anybody switched to dipping in order to ride harder?
i want any/all ur thoughts on this

eddieboyinla12.24.08 - 12:31 am
i smoke cigarettes and ride wolfpack. does that count. its pretty social
theshues12.24.08 - 12:32 am
well minus wolfpack and bicykillers
idk, i need to srsly quit smoking.
awhile back i cut back from a pack a day to like 2 to 3 a day and that made a HUGE difference on my average speed and hill climbing.
KiMS112.24.08 - 12:35 am
i cut back from a pack a day to like 2 to 3 a day
i cut back from 2 to 3 a day to like a pack a day
eddieboyinla12.24.08 - 12:37 am
i think eddy merckx was at one point a smoker and was even sponsored by some cigarette company in the 70s or something.
KiMS112.24.08 - 12:37 am
oh no, i mean like i cut back from a pack to like 2 to 3 cigarettes a day
or at least i did for a little bit then went back to like half a pack
KiMS112.24.08 - 12:38 am
eddieboyinla12.24.08 - 12:39 am
2-3 cigarettes a day for me meant,
1 cig in the morning after breakfast so i can take a poop
1 cig in the evening after dinner so i can take a poop
1 cig if i couldnt sleep.
strict diet, i know.
KiMS112.24.08 - 12:49 am
i used to smoke 2-3 a day but found that i would cough heavily in the morning, get sick easily, stay sick for a really long time and i really didn't like the smell of them.
i don't smoke now because they bore me. i am also disgusted by the smell and i can't be around them. they irritate the fuck out of me and give me migraines.
i get pissy when everyone is smoking on social rides. i find myself in a cloud of smoke that i can't escape.
oh well. good luck quitting. it's not hard at all.
tomato12.24.08 - 1:55 am
I got into riding as fast as I can and so I quit the cigs...
horse sense12.24.08 - 1:56 am
I can mash fairly hard, but smoking definitely has a substantial impact on that kind of performance. I smoke around 6-8 a day lately due to not working fulltime.
bananaphone12.24.08 - 3:54 am
i wanted to go faster so i quit smoking. now i go faster but i still smoke every once in awhile, maybe once a week or two.
larsenf12.24.08 - 4:24 am
I still don't understand how anyone even got hooked onto smoking.
Hell, even though EMS work is something I want to get into, the thought of any smoke makes me start to choke!!!!
If I'm caught downwind from the smoke-trail of a forest-fire, I'm fucked!!!
bentstrider12.24.08 - 6:40 am
Although on the other hand, it's also a downer when I'm getting my ass whooped by fixed-trains with a puffing smoke-stack.
I don't let that bother me though, I mean I could always take sexy's advice and lay off the junk-foo.......NEVER!!!!!
bentstrider12.24.08 - 6:53 am
i do angeles crest, and can't do it without the nicotine.
for me, its really after hour 4-5 after 100 miles, when the anemia kicks in and my muscles don't get enough oxygen, i need that nicotine to stimulate me to keep going.
i bonk without cigarettes.
_iJunes12.24.08 - 9:56 am
I really hope this thread sinks, because that picture is nasty.
imachynna12.24.08 - 3:05 pm
why smoke cigarettes when u can smoke weeeedddddd
Debut21312.24.08 - 3:21 pm
eddieboyinla12.24.08 - 3:22 pm
Quitting cigarettes is different for everyone I think. It probably depends a lot on personality traits... i.e. if you have an "addictive" personality an oral fixation.
Half of cigarette addiction is mental, the other half physical. Once you make smoking part of your daily routine, it can be really hard to quit. The physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal last for about 72 hours (or so I heard), after that all that remains is the mental addiction- which depending on the person can be the hardest part to kick. This is why I believe that it depends a lot on the person's personality.
Also, I think all the patches and gums and other shit that they make you pay top dollar to quit for is a load of shit and a total waste of money. You can get just as addicted to that stuff, and you'll probably just end up smoking again because it's way cheaper than being on the patch.
I've seen people get super depressed after they quit smoking, because the action of smoking was like a best friend that they had to abandon and plus they had to make a change to their body/social image. These folks I'm talking about were social smokers, however.
jonnyboy12.24.08 - 4:47 pm
Here are a few interesting findings about COPD symptoms to do with smoking tobacco AND marijuana:
"The odds of cigarette smokers having any respiratory symptoms was 2.36 times that of nonsmokers, while the odds of someone who smoked both cigarettes and marijuana having respiratory symptoms was 18 times that of someone who smoked neither - an eightfold jump in risk"
Just quit smoking cigarettes, don't worry as much about the weed. It's still bad, but not nearly as bad as both together!
Plus a
little weed before a good haul-ass session will help keep your airways open. I have seasonal/exercised induced asthma and I have found this to be 100% true! Just don't go smoking like 5 grav rips or an entire joint before a fast ride if you want to have a positive benefit from the weed!
As long as I have a little help from Mary Jane, I can basically leave my inhaler at home.
jonnyboy12.24.08 - 4:59 pm
People who smoke cigarettes shows a lot about what kind of person they are. Especially the ones that "need" it.
Graham12.24.08 - 5:05 pm
totally hypocritical when it's coming from a stoner.
yes, I smoke. who are you to judge me?
spiraldemon12.24.08 - 5:06 pm
Please, show me where I judged you.
Graham12.24.08 - 5:11 pm
QUOTE: "People who smoke cigarettes shows a lot about what kind of person they are. Especially the ones that "need" it."
eddieboyinla12.24.08 - 5:12 pm
People who smoke cigarettes shows a lot about what kind of person they are. Especially the ones that "need" it.
12.24.08 - 8:05 pm
I give up, where did you judge cigarette smokers?
and please tell me what kind of person I am because I "need" a smoke?
spiraldemon12.24.08 - 5:14 pm
started weed before tabacco.
so cigs have no affect on me and i don't smoke 'em.
aksendz12.24.08 - 5:15 pm
You will never see me crying for hash like the people who whine about cigarettes.
I can stop smoking hash right now for the rest of my life and not have a single problem doing it. But on the other hand if the people who are constantly smoking cigarettes decided to stop cold turkey... you know how that turns out.
Your brains have been rewired, and most of your are addicted.
Fuck that, nothing is going to take hold of my life like that.
Graham12.24.08 - 5:15 pm
You fools can gang up on me all you want. I could careless, its the internet. But if we were to talk about this in real life you would understand where I'm coming from and I you.
For some reason everything I write on the internet sounds a little too harsh for some people on here.
Graham12.24.08 - 5:18 pm
I quit 7 years ago. Since I am an engineer, I looked into the mechanisms of how nicotine addiction works, and devised a plan for myself that would work to beat it. This is what I did.
1. Stop smoking. This was the easy bit.
2. Invoke habit subsitution. This involved replacing the nicotine habits/rituals with others that had equally unpleasant but less harmfull side effects, such as:
2.1. chewing gum, to give my mouth something to do that didn't involve massive calorie intake.
2.2. drinking a liter of water every time i had a cigarette craving. usually by the time i got through it the craving would have passed, but when it didn't i would try:
2.3. distracting myself with some kind of complex physical or mental activity
3. for the first few weeks i didn't hang around anyone who smoked, just to make things easier
4. visualization. i imagined the craving to smoke as a little green demon inside my head, nagging me, pestering me, goading me, but mostly nagging. and there is nothing i hate more than nagging. i imaged putting that nagging little fuck in a jail, where his nagging has no effect. bang your little tin cup on the bars all you want, you little green bastard, i have you contained. fuck you nicotine demon. i beat your ass.
i recommend this combination, it worked for me.
also highly recommended by friends: dating someone really awesome who doesn't like smoking.
ephemerae12.24.08 - 7:01 pm
"i imaged putting that nagging little fuck in a jail, where his nagging has no effect. bang your little tin cup on the bars all you want, you little green bastard, i have you contained.
fuck you nicotine demon. i beat your ass."
Hilarious, and an awesome way to look at it, lol
jonnyboy12.24.08 - 11:07 pm
Nicorette helped me, though I agree it is just perpetuating the addiction. Getting my NicO'Teen from gum for a few months helped me realize how much better my lungs performed, how much better everything smelled, and how much time I wasted taking smoke breaks. Quitting the gum was easy after that. Plus, it is fucking wrong how many smokers TOSS THEIR BUTTS ALL OVER THE STREET, ONLY TO END UP IN THE OCEAN.....
horse sense12.24.08 - 11:15 pm
b3, tryptophan, green leafy vegtables
alec12.24.08 - 11:25 pm
"also highly recommended by friends: dating someone really awesome who doesn't like smoking."
This works.
Undercover Bob12.24.08 - 11:58 pm
Just to get back to the point quickly, but was Kim trying to stop smoking to ride harder or. .. . .. just wanted to get info on riders who smoke n ride?
Cause if you want to ride harder, it does affect you in the sense that eventually the tar and smoke start fucking up your alveoli. Which in turn decrease the amount of O2 being pumped into your blood.
As a result, you feel like as if you can't go any longer whether it be a hill or a straight.
Then again, you could just push through it. And to tell you the truth, 3 cigarettes a day isn't that bad.
Alfredo12.25.08 - 11:01 pm
speaking of cigarettes... i just washed a rain jacket and left a pack of cigarettes in it. i washed it in luke warm water, tide liquid detergent and fabric softner, i believe it was downey. i then proceeded to dry it, this all took place 3 days ago, and today as i was putting it on a hanger i found the pack and decided to smoke one. it didn't taste much different (if taste is the right word) just wondering how bad that could be.
Jazzy Phat Nastee12.25.08 - 11:40 pm
ive had full packs get wet.
i stuck them in the microwave to dry them.
no detergent and what not though.
KiMS112.25.08 - 11:55 pm
when i had just stopped smoking cigarettes i couldnt pedal uphill without feeling like my lungs would cave in. however i pushed as much as possible and now most hills arent so bad. but if i party too hard and smoke a ton of weed (specially in joints but blunts are the worst) my lungs feel as if they expand too much and it hurts for a bit
boneclaws4212.26.08 - 10:17 am
like last night i got super faded and the bowls wouldnt stop coming so this morning my lungs feel kinds sore
boneclaws4212.26.08 - 10:18 am
i smoke nearly a pack a day.
i keep up.
i ride with the raccoons/pasadena.
DAYLO12.26.08 - 11:29 pm
I'm so glad I stopped smoking. It's the best decision I made this year. Now I'm just addicted to coffee.
Velocipede12.26.08 - 11:54 pm
The original Tour De France riders smoked and drank a lot
Gav12.28.08 - 3:12 am