NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
we will all be riding very close to the perimeter of the island, which will not disrupt the flow of traffic in any way. i dont think we will get a ticket. we are just riding our bikes.
this is the stupidest lamest most retarded idea i've heard in a long long time. can't wait! i'll be there. in fact, i'm going to be there early to practice my left turns. dec 30th it perfect for me. and then all i have to do is cross the street to do the VCR.
I get back in the morning on this day and I might have a new rim for my front wheel with me (finally). If i can rebuild my wheel and get there in time, I'll be all over this like white on rice!
hmmmm tomato raises an interesting question. what if we were to move the course upon police harassment? I don't believe there is a track anywhere near there but there are plenty of other blocks that we could circle. What say you shiznit?
I say that if Midnight Ridazz are good at one thing, it's solving problems and finding solutions. Well, thats two things, but you get the idea. We'll improvise if we have to, and we'll do a damn good job of it!!!
as a child, i would walk around coffee and dining room tables for hours at a time -my mom thought i was autistic- who knows maybe i slightly
so riding in circles will be even cooler. i am excited. but i probably won't be as fast as most of the ridazz. just shout at me and tell me to move if i get in the way =)
this was an awesome ride! i am really proud of myself for keeping up and finishing- and being the only girl to do so woo hoo. i'm glad frozen fingers came out to ride for a bit and it was nice that others showed up to hang out and take pictures.
i hope isaac feels better from the bus accident. i hope your arm was just stiff but not too injured =/ thanks for organizing the ride!!
i have to say, that race the fuckin' shit. it was 10 times more difficult than i expected, and 200 times more fun.
thanks for putting that together shizzle dizzle or what ever the fuck your name is. hope you feel better for the 2 spills you took today. lemme know when it's going down again.
The next Indie 500 will be sometime in the next 2 months...not sure yet, but i promise louder music next time and hopefully we can do 500 laps without stopping for anything!
there will be a ton of pictures. stevestevesteve, franz and frozen fingers took some i know. one of the people riding with us in the beginning stopped and took pictures as well.
definitely great ride. felt like we were at a velodrome lol. even though some cars were fucking stupid, i'm glad it wasn't too bad staying behind the yellow line. i got in a rhythm i hadn't felt since riding goga.