Katie, Just for you...
Thread started by
stevo4 at 04.6.08 - 8:04 pm
From Friday night.
Whoah, THANKS!!!
In case anyone's wondering, those two stickers are from Ashira (the blue strip on the left) and FuzzBeast ("Bike to the Library" on the right). FuzzBeast, I'm sorry I missed your MFA show, but the pictures of it were amazing. looked like it freaking rocked. Ashira, I have an idea for a smock. I'll e-mail you about it.
See what happens when you post a picture of my bag? I am reminded of all the things I've been meaning to say/do for months. Would someone else please take a picture of my bag and post it on the site? I need to do my taxes. Thank you.
katiepoche04.6.08 - 10:55 pm
Are you okay, hartwick, youre a pussy?
What happened?
katiepoche04.7.08 - 12:04 am
someone better be planning a similar ride to that for los angeles, seriously.
tinycities01.25.09 - 11:39 pm
if I was Irish (and I am) I'd be offended by that!
Go on home, British soldiers, go on home
Have you got no fuckin homes of your own?
For 800 years, we've fought you without fear
And we'll fight you for 800 more
monovsstereo01.25.09 - 11:59 pm
O hay, whoah!!!
You know I just lost that bag, the one at the top of this thread.
a.) The Country Club Ride sounds like it could fit the bill. Argyle ≠ tweed, but you know. Similar.
b.) The Tour d'Amour French Madness ride is Saturday! I'm in SF for the weekend for ma momma's birfday. I just feel like there are allied materials at play in this Fronch ride.
Tweed Cycling Club.
katiepoche01.27.09 - 1:02 am
@monovstereo I'm not offended in the slightest.
People who wear tweed, from whichever country, wherever they live now, are my kinda people. My mom is from Dublin, Ireland (wool country!) and my dad's family (also from Ireland but moved to the States in The Day) had a sheep farm up in Oregon. Distant relatives of mine run it still, but now they grow berries.
So yeah, I have it on both sides. The Need for Tweed, I mean.
katiepoche01.27.09 - 1:08 am
I was kidding. I don't really have any business singing IRA songs.
monovsstereo01.27.09 - 2:02 am
Strictly in the interest of equal time, I present to you the lyrics of a satirical tune from the seventeenth century about Irish Catholics. This is some devastating shit. Whoever wrote it really tore the Irish Catholics a new one. I mean, seriously, you guys, you're going to read this and you're going to be all like "aw SNAP!" Are you ready? Are you sure? OK, here you go:
Ho, brother Teague, dost hear the decree?
Lillibullero bullen a la
We are to have a new deputy
Lillibullero bullen a la
Lero Lero Lillibullero
Lillibullero bullen a la
Lero Lero Lero Lero
Lillibullero bullen a la
Oh by my soul it is a Talbot
Lillibullero bullen a la
And he will cut every Englishman's throat
Lillibullero bullen a la
Now Tyrconnell is come ashore
Lillibullero bullen a la
And we shall have commissions galore
Lillibullero bullen a la
And everyone that won't go to Mass
Lillibullero bullen a la
He will be turned out to look like an ass
Lillibullero bullen a la
Now the heretics all go down
Lillibullero bullen a la
By Christ and St Patrick's the nation's our own
Lillibullero bullen a la
There was an old prophecy found in a bog
Lillibullero bullen a la
The country'd be ruled by an ass and a dog
Lillibullero bullen a la
Now this prophecy is all come to pass
Lillibullero bullen a la
For James is the dog and Tyrconnell's the ass
Lillibullero bullen a la
There...did I tell you, or what? They don't write 'em like that anymore, folks.
01.27.09 - 4:03 am
Holy shit, PC. Did you see that part where it said there would be new deputies?
Seriously. New deputies, guys. I'm reeling.
katiepoche01.27.09 - 9:45 am