LA Live Bike Parking

Thread started by
Graham at 01.17.09 - 11:54 am
I'm going to a show at LA Live tonight for the first time and was wondering if there is sufficient bicycle parking there. I'm talking extremely discreet, possibly indoors, or directly in front of some busy section of the venue. Any help on this would be great.
Hahahahaha. Very funny.
There is, as a matter of fact, absoultely NO BIKE PARKING at L.A. Live. None. Zilch. Nada.
Along with receiving a massive tax incentive to build the place, L.A. Live also is exempted from a lot of zoning law in L.A. - that includes the bike parking law for Commercial or Manufacturing sites with over 10,000 sq. ft. of zoned use.
The have to come up with a Transporation Plan (or something stupid like that). Basically a document and some shuttle bus scheme that will die in a year.
No bike parking.
ubrayj0201.17.09 - 5:55 pm
No bike parking at L.A. Live.
None. ZIlch. Nada. Nothing.
Along wiht receiveing a tax break to build that acropolis to suburban aesthetics, the City alos exempted L.A. Live from the bke parking law in L.A.
SO, you gets nuthin.
ubrayj0201.17.09 - 5:57 pm
Park your bike wherever you normally park it at your house. Then take out a couple of twenty-dollar bills, tear them up, and flush them down the toilet while filming the whole thing on your cell phone camera. Then post the video here. Congratulations: you have just had at least as good a time as you would have had at LA Live, and with better bike parking.
PC01.17.09 - 9:40 pm
I saw 'a' bike rack in the underground garage. Entrance on Olympic.
dert01.18.09 - 12:36 am
anybody had a lock cut parking on private property?
usually a place with no bike parking is totally oblivious to bikes.
I just lock my bike up somewhere when nobody is looking and take off.
Nobody from the venue is likely to fuck with your bike onced locked if they think you are a customer.
trickmilla01.18.09 - 2:12 am
Maybe it was the fact that my bike was on the stairs, maybe not, but
they did this instead of cut the lock (which would have come after the warning.)
imachynna01.18.09 - 10:23 am
We can check it out Tues morning.
FREE parking
while they broadcast the OBAMA inauguration
marino01.18.09 - 2:45 pm