That Mosey last night was awesome. Frat parties are weird.
Here's my only beef [prepare yourself for a rant]:
I know I'm an uptight old man, but can all you kids on your fixies and your BMX bikes and on whatever the hell you are riding please STAY TO THE FUCKING RIGHT?
If there are four lanes in our direction, we DO NOT have to take up ALL FOUR. Doing so just makes us look like assholes. On a ride that small, we should even be leaving a lane open on a two-lane road. And for chrissakes, we shouldn't be going into the lanes of OPPOSING TRAFFIC. That is just dumb on so many levels. I mean, if you're stupid enough to do that shit, I don't really care if a car takes you out, but what actually happens is that you just end up having to swerve back into the group over and over and over again and that creates a dangerous situation for EVERYONE.
AND ALL THIS GOES DOUBLE FOR THE PEOPLE LISTENING TO MUSIC ON HEADPHONES. I think headphones are a bad idea, period. But, if you're going to wear them, for chrissake don't take up a lane where traffic is going to be coming from behind again and again. And then everyone is yelling at you to get over to the right and you can't hear because YOU ARE LISTENING TO FUCKING MUSIC INSTEAD OF PAYING ATTENTION TO RIDING.
Listen, here's the thing, I know the bike scene is all about "I do what I want" and all that jazz, and I certainly don't want to be the bike police, but always feeling entitled to take up the whole road -- besides being dangerous -- is some serious ugly American ME ME ME Republican-style teenage bullshit. You might as well go buy a Hummer. If people just stayed generally to the right (yeah, I realize that there are always situations when this is neither preferable nor practicable), we could all just not have to worry so much about other traffic because they could safely get by us. It doesn't always have to be such a confrontation. It could just be, you know, fun.
[end rant]
But, seriously, otherwise that Mosey was awesome.
(And, also, everything I said is applicable to many other rides.)
theroyalacademy01.15.09 - 9:34 pm
Lol, you just had to go back and temper it a little, eh Sean?
other than that, +1 from your Mosey-General. Ride like a douche and wear loud headphones on your own time, not on my ride, please. The same goes for tagging and otherwise disrespecting private property.
Lance K01.15.09 - 10:01 pm