NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Eh, some people can be unhappy just about any place. And if they don't want to find reasons to be happy in LA, well then, they probably won't find any. I know that much from experience. I also know that riding a bike is a good way to begin one's search for happiness. Corny, but true.
new subject of talk: people who ride fixies but live in the fucking hills? come on buddy give me a break, you have no need to go fixie cause its feaking impossible to ride fix...
stop with the trend and get gears on the bitch......
yeah thats where i got the name from cause its one of my favorite films.. but i use the name to show that im half french and not just mexican.... people always think im just mexican but im also french get it the frenchconnection?
new subject of talk: people who ride fixies but live in the fucking hills? come on buddy give me a break, you have no need to go fixie cause its feaking impossible to ride fix...
stop with the trend and get gears on the bitch......
Asi que en... LE CINQUE DU MAY you must be... tres "divided/confused/and your ethnic dna strands are fighting like rivaling soccer fans in a u.k. stadium" ¿n'est pas?
I know of an olympic sized pool that's located outdoors and is about 80% cop proof. It's about 5 blocks away from the spot the last races took place (figueroa and diamond)
let me know if you guys want me to post a map to it.
p.s. it's about 50 feet below the surface but out in the open so you don't have to worry too much about making too much noise.
if you head from the races up on glendale blvd... then catch 3rd st.... go up the hill 2 blocks and on the right hand side (before you get to Loma st.) you'll see a huge structure. pull up to the fence and look down and low and behold....LE POOL
hahaha hey I like that 10cc shit. I look like that guy? hmmmm he's a good lookin dude, I will take that as a compliment. need to get me some cock tight pants to match my new cycling body
I remember seeing my first 10cc video on Beavis n' Butthead.
Except it was when they called themselves Godley and Creme.
I nearly had a heart attack listening to the dialogue in that video.
Woah, the website looks REALLY different from the last time I saw it. I don't think you can pay for more options. All it really does is record what songs you're playing and gives you charts on how often you play them, which ones you play most, etc, etc. Also it can give you recommendations on music they think you will like.
I'm not an expert at using the site, but I know a little bit. BTW our musical compatibility is "VERY HIGH". Just like MOM Ridaz.
im just getting into it but now i have found a shitload. im trying to beef up my playlist. i never noticed the "add to playlist feature until now. if you get more than 45 songs on there from dif. artists, oher peops can listen to your fv. songs.
Hello Mr. Bernie..
Please REMEMBER to bring the jean jacket for the mom ridazz. !!
we are meeting on walnut grove and garvey...
Also bring the extra clothes in case it gets cold. I'll hold some of it.
See you later..
Bernie it was nice to meet you! That was the first time I've seen a bike race like that! It was really fun, sorry u fell....anyhooo... I think you and HANDBONE need to make and entire playlist for a ride! DOO EEET!
who's going to mom ridazz? and who's going to crankMOB afterwards? if your going to both then join us in a double ride wtih the mom riders..... first ten get a free bottle of pinesol!!!!!
Hey frenchcon!!
I just woke up. I was so Tired.
Hope you got to get out today not me, i have a lot of work to due and my day is almost done and i haven't even started!!!!!!!!!!
Hey the LACM RIde starts an hour early I can't make it I'm still in class by that time. if you can convince them 7 then its fine but thats too early for me.
Hey Bernie
I still plan to go to LACM but I'll run late. We can drive over there and just call people on the ride to meet up. Hey I was wondering if you could join me on fixing my bike for tomorrow. I forgot we are going to that soul food place and i don't want to miss that!!!!
I get out of school at 3pm you can meet me at school or meet at my house???
call me or let me know before tomorrow
Thanks Bernie your a gals favorite Pal.
Sexual chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey frenchy
my mom and I are watching the Dark Knight if you want to join us. its only 7 for the ticket she gets a great discount. the movie starts at 7pm so i'll give you a call later.have a great day:)
wake up,wake up
its the first of the month
get up, get up
cash your checks and have fun.
what its the first of the month already? : / wait i just saw no its not i'm just lazy and careless when it comes to the days hahaa,
yeah ok i cant wait to see batman! i was watching this special on the history channel about batman and what makes him the and then another one came on about his weapons..