italian fit jerseys
Thread started by
_iJunes at 01.29.09 - 11:47 am
volers, santinis, the likes, where can i get em cheap?
these american made jerseys never fit me and i always feel drag from the flapping. obese america. the small size is too short, and the medium is just too much room.
please see "Mexican govt" thread for Bacon Explosion recipe.
tortuga_veloce01.29.09 - 12:34 pm
Junes, you might want to look at "pro" fit as opposed to "club" fit.
Voler is an American company (as far as I know) and they offer both the pro fit is usually a lot tighter and the club fit is very loose...
as for where to get them...if you're looking for a plain style jersey...
you can purchase from Voler directly ...
but if you're looking for something with logos might have to search...ebay...or the local bike shop... if you're looking for vintage, ebay's not a bad start....
As for italian and other jerseys, they're pretty much the same....sometimes there are tighter mediums and sometimes there are looser ones...they were designed for racing, or for casual...BUT the issue with those, is that you'll have to look at numbered sizes... a medium is usually a size 3 or 4, depending on manufacturer and style...
hope that helps...
adrian01.29.09 - 1:26 pm
Very helpful post, Adrien. Thank you too.
imachynna01.29.09 - 3:22 pm
you got a problem with spandex?
_iJunes01.29.09 - 4:53 pm
nom prob with spandex at all actually
mandingo01.29.09 - 5:04 pm
hahaha ijunes the first time i met you i noticed wtf is this guy wearing some fucking spandex you gotta be kidding me. You should of seen how eddieboy was eye ball fucking you....
Debut21301.29.09 - 5:10 pm
ey what can i say, some of us can pull it off. some of us can't.
i'm lucky enough so i'll take the advantage.
_iJunes01.29.09 - 5:27 pm
if you get the chance go to some bike shops that have a good selection of jerseys...hopefully some European ones and ask them to try out the different sizes and the club and pro fit sizing...that way you can figure out whether an American pro fit medium or a Castelli size 4 pro, etc... is best for you...and try to remember which brand you tried...etc...
good luck finding some cool jerseys!
adrian01.29.09 - 5:35 pm
i'm sitting here trying to understand the context of mandigo's expressions...
_iJunes01.29.09 - 5:39 pm
i have a santini, size m which fits perfect.
its the size equivalent of american S.
_iJunes01.29.09 - 5:41 pm
anyways the thread was supposed to be about where i can acquire some cheap... but im searching
_iJunes01.29.09 - 5:41 pm
whats wrong with spandex? junu, i have a tiny sugoi jersey i got from the tour de cure a few years ago. i asked for a medium and they sent me a childs small or something. its like a belly shirt on me. you can have it if you want, but it will cost you, since you didnt raise the money for diabetes research and all. let me know.
ruinedbyidiots01.29.09 - 5:54 pm
nice jerseys are never cheap....
only if you get lucky at the thrift shop or on ebay....
good luck with that one...
adrian01.29.09 - 8:23 pm
yeah rbi i'll check it out. are you in burbank?
_iJunes01.29.09 - 9:06 pm
My road god has these awesome 7 eleven jerseys at his shop. I thought it would be a very fitting jersey to wear on an MR ride. maybe tell the employees you're sponsored and try to get a 30% discount or some shit
la duderina01.29.09 - 9:10 pm
sancho1 had one at the last caturday metric
i laughed so hard cause it reminded me of the american flyers movie.
_iJunes01.29.09 - 9:17 pm
yeah junu im in burbank. send me a message on facebook and we can meet up after work or something tomorrow. im not riding for a few days because ive got the flu.
ruinedbyidiots01.29.09 - 9:55 pm