Get paid (very little) to ride a bike

Thread started by
trickmilla at 01.28.09 - 10:37 am
From Craigslist:
RIDE A BIKE FOR $8 an Hour
Now is your chance to be a human billboard and get some pedaling in.
I would hate myself for selling out. But a job is a job...
Tarmonster.01.28.09 - 11:02 am
I wonder if they are liable if you crash.
Graham01.28.09 - 11:51 am
Email sent.
Will this be Tarsis' first job? :0
I hope so...or not.
Tarmonster.01.28.09 - 12:01 pm
bad economy = craigslist posters being bombarded with potential workers ... reply quickly and make your email stand out.
trickmilla01.28.09 - 12:03 pm
Too late...I fade into the background.
zomg. I'm nervous...even though i know they wont reply...
School and work? Where will my riding be? Oh yeah...that one job. Hopefully. Even though its lame.
Tarmonster.01.28.09 - 12:04 pm
i sent him a photo of my sexy legs and my bike.
that should do it.
_iJunes01.28.09 - 12:04 pm
Let me get mines....
Tarmonster.01.28.09 - 12:08 pm
I'm sure that I'm a young female will be enough.
lol...yeah right. Against Junu. No one could win. cept Chynna.
Tarmonster.01.28.09 - 12:09 pm
nah i could only do a weekend shift
so i made that clear
lets see if they're okay with that.
_iJunes01.28.09 - 12:18 pm
What should I say? I've never had an interview. Helps!
Tarmonster.01.28.09 - 1:22 pm
"I wonder if they are liable if you crash."
Good question to ask in the interview. I'm not a lawyer, but if this is all legit, they should have Workers Compensation insurance that covers injury on the job.
mr rollers01.28.09 - 1:36 pm
What would you expect from a person doing a job like that?
punctuality? good road manners? Safe habits?
Think about what makes you good for the job, imagine what the job might require, and think about how your skill/ personality fits into that.
prepare for trick questions like "what is your biggest flaw"
Bring some questions of your own. You are interviewing them as well.
Just like any relationship, a decent employer doesn't want somebody desperate. Ask them questions about the job to see if it is up to your standards.
Arrive early/ prepared
Relax. (don't over-caffeinate)
You'll do great.
PS you have my sincere apologies if it turns out to be a shitty job.
good luck.
trickmilla01.28.09 - 1:42 pm
I got the job. Regardless that i got a flat on my way there and was 45 minutes lates.
I mean thanks for the link. Patrick.
Tarmonster.01.29.09 - 12:33 am
now to dress in a chicken costume and haul a sing around hollywood going 5mph
theladiesman01.29.09 - 12:40 am
It's not a chicken costume. But that would be so DOPE!
Tarmonster.01.29.09 - 8:46 am
1. What the hell!? This all happened so fast!! That's awesome, Tarsis!!! WOW! Dude! Awesome!!
2. "lol...yeah right. Against Junu. No one could win. cept Chynna."
Why would I, specifically, win against Junu?
3. Maybe I can try...
4. Why do I keep making lists for my reply posts? Jesus too much to say.
imachynna01.29.09 - 3:20 pm
YaYs! Tarsis. Good work. How did you play off the 45min late. were you nervous?
DeKadenzy01.29.09 - 4:06 pm
so what bike that u have
u think is suitable for thee job?
i know not a fixie since u know you will most likely
gonna be on hollywood blvd. which is full tourist.
madmike01.29.09 - 4:29 pm
Tarsis rides a fixie.... Work sucks welcome to the overratted work force that we all fucking hate..
Debut21301.29.09 - 4:34 pm
why is riding a bike with a fixed gear drivetrain such a bad thing on hollywood blvd?
ruinedbyidiots01.29.09 - 4:36 pm
well rbi.....
for one you can hit and seriously hurt an star shocked tourist.
two:theres not enough room on them damm sidewalks to ride
and three if you're plannng to roll on the streets
have fun avoiding angry bus drivers and taxi cabs. ^_^
madmike01.29.09 - 6:26 pm
maybe i'll see you! i ride hollywood blvd. everyday to and from work on a fixed gear. there have been some close calls, no doubt.... but its exciting!
p.s. why would you ever ride your bike on a sidewalk? to pick up a lady of the night on your top tube?
Aqueous Atom01.29.09 - 6:34 pm
oh yeah!
go a lil something like "hey pretty young thang,have you ever took an trip on a fixed gear?yes i said fixed gear!"
madmike01.29.09 - 6:41 pm
Work SUCKS!!!!!!
I can finally say that. I dont mind the 4 hours of straight riding on my mothafucking fixie (I need the ability to coast so BADLY!) or the men stoping me to get a business card and ask if I instruct (I work as advertisement for a dance studio). Or even the fact that I have to be around the area when all the kids from the high school get out and feel the necessaty to look down upon and make fun of someone working (hard in the hot sun).
But I think I'm ganna quit. Regardless of the fact that I can choose my own days and my own hours. As many or as few. But because my boss made me sign a liability waiver. I'm not down to get run over by an angry overpriveledged driver for 8 bucks an hour and not get workers comp. And my poor Soho is suffering major road injuries.
Tarmonster.01.29.09 - 7:38 pm
HELL YEAH FUCK WORK. Your time is more valuable than 8 stinking dollars an hour....
Debut21301.29.09 - 7:51 pm
Hang in there a bit. Realize how awesome that is to pick your own hours, ride your bike, talk to people on the street, etc. We are all jealous. Do you get paid extra if you do bike tricks- like the sign flippers?
alec01.29.09 - 7:54 pm
No. But I get paid 25 dollars per person who comes in or calls saying I reffered them. I just wouldnt want to risk my safety. I'm ganna keep it up for a week and then I'm bailing.
Tarmonster.01.29.09 - 8:01 pm
don't quit Tarsis. when you're young you gotta have the shitty jobs. my first job was fucking mcdonalds okay all the jobs I've had have been shit...and I got shit jobs on purpose...made me stay in school to work for something better. and besides, your employer may not be liable, but the person who hits you certainly will, and you would probably get a lot more money from their insurance than your employer's. Not to mention you could get on unemployment vs. workers comp.
sometimes, I really want someone to hit me or something so I can get a big settlement and use that to pay for school. haha or maybe I should start playing the lottery. already 70,000 dollars in the hole and I have 2 more years.... fuck me
la duderina01.29.09 - 8:11 pm
I dont know just drivers are so angry and stressed and they feel they can take it our on me. It got me super tense.
Tarmonster.01.29.09 - 9:26 pm
have people on the boards call in and say you referred them. but dont over do it or else they'll know. but if we can help you make an extra $25 why not.
deeeewwwww itttt.
Jazzy Phat Nastee01.29.09 - 9:31 pm
I think I might try this out.
Own hours? Own days?
I'll be taking up lanes like a bitch and sweating like R. Kelly after he peed on that girl.
8 bucks an hour... I'd rather ride my bike then work at McDonalds for 8 bucks an hour.
But you make good points. Maybe if we did it together you'd be more willing?
imachynna01.29.09 - 9:31 pm
you risk your life every day you ride on the road, so might as well get paid for it, no?
coldcut01.29.09 - 9:33 pm
you gotta ride with attitude. you gotta be like, "these are MY STREETS BITCH, I just let you use 'em!!"
at least that's the approach I take (haha "my streets" I've only been here 6 months). but it is definitely tense. drivers are a bunch of dickheads, but imagine the experience you will get with this job and how much better of a rider it will make you.
la duderina01.29.09 - 9:34 pm
"how much better of a rider it will make you."
Plus who cares about those high schoolers. They suck ass.
imachynna01.29.09 - 9:40 pm
It would make me a better rider if I wasnt traveling 6 miles per hour. Omygawd I'm getting ass welts(sp?). Meh. My brother totally wnats me to quit. And I just want a listenig to music device. Idk. I would really wnat to work in downtown as a dog walker. :}
Tarmonster.01.29.09 - 9:45 pm
believe someone who's currently unemployed!
keep your job!!!!!!
coldcut01.29.09 - 9:46 pm
I guess this became the "Lets give Tarsis some support" thread.
And I appreciate all your replies. And concern and the time you take to read my petty complaints.
I ♥ MR.
Tarmonster.01.29.09 - 9:47 pm
I can hook you up with a music listening device. I have an old iPod I no longer use. It needs a new battery but otherwise works fine.
la duderina01.29.09 - 9:50 pm
What did the email say that you sent them?
imachynna01.29.09 - 10:01 pm
Oh man, the shitty first job stories you have not heard. It could be so so so so sooooo much worse. Trust.
kryxtanicole01.29.09 - 10:08 pm
Ah really?
That would be great Dudegato. How much do you wnat for it?
Whachu talking bout?
Tarmonster.01.29.09 - 10:09 pm
When you emailed them, what did you say? I want to email, but I'm not sure what to say. Whatever you said worked.
imachynna01.29.09 - 10:12 pm
"I am an 18 year old female. Who rides an estimate of 126 miles per week. I have my own bicycle and I am very willing to work. I enjoy riding in the Hollywood area. I am very outgoing, always on time and very friendly.
Thank you for your time. I hope to hear from you soon.
-Tarsis. "
EXACTLY what I said.
Tarmonster.01.29.09 - 10:15 pm
Is it just me or does this job sound too good to be true?
imachynna01.29.09 - 10:19 pm
Tarsis - its on the house. its not a cool one by any means its one of the old HP ones, but its better than nothing. I've got headphones and a couple cases to go with it, too.
you working tomorrow? I can come hunt you down to bring it to you..haha
la duderina01.29.09 - 10:24 pm
really? Thanks a lot Lindsay.
If you'd like to hunf for sport I start at 2 p.m. at Sunset and highland. From there I go west. south east back north. And then circle. I mean. If you do decide to do it that way. I'll be easy to find. Just follow the trail of tears and shame. lol
Tarmonster.01.30.09 - 9:40 am