Thread started by
_iJunes at 01.26.09 - 4:50 pm
and yesterday has been a very interesting day on the forums.
thank you for wasting my day again everyone.
on another note. anybody buy a day pass from the bus today or pre-8:50 AM? please you'll be saving me 250 dollars and i'll give you 5 dollars for it. or if you prefer a joint.
Why don't you just get on a bus, buy a bus pass and get off at the next stop?
imachynna01.26.09 - 4:51 pm
5 dollars now is the problem.
i will gladly pay you friday for a bus pass today!!!!!!!
_iJunes01.26.09 - 4:53 pm
i think theres a time stamp
KiMS101.26.09 - 4:53 pm
No there isn't a time stamp, only on the subway passes.
Get one from the actual bus and stop being cheap.
Graham01.26.09 - 4:54 pm
not on the ones you get on the bus, those are handed out like slips, its the subway ones wit the timestamp.
point is, i made a deep financial sacrifice, and then some dumb choices. i've lectured myself all day, and feel down about it.
now i'm looking for an easy solution to a stupid problem. i am LA.
_iJunes01.26.09 - 4:54 pm
to be cheap,
you must have money.
_iJunes01.26.09 - 4:55 pm
Okay you know what Junebug? I am going to ask my friends Who I know have a month pass to donate their passes at the end of the month for your cause.
Tarmonster.01.26.09 - 4:57 pm
oh shnap, if you can work that out.
thats what i'm REALLY looking for to make my case.
i can easily say, i don't have my monthly pass because i went for a training ride taht morning and left my pass in my bike bag along with my id just incase i crash and die and thats why i didnt have my id or my pass in my wallet.
tarmonster, if you can really make that happen, i got teh speshul surprise you're looking for (that i couldn't get to you a few days ago sorry)
_iJunes01.26.09 - 4:58 pm
Yeah for sure. I'll get on it and make a few foan calls and report back.
DUDE! I have news. A bunch of my friends are coming fromout of town and we want 2 bills.
Tarmonster.01.26.09 - 5:02 pm
ok then i will make that work for you and hook it up as much as possible.
_iJunes01.26.09 - 5:04 pm
No tripas. I must foan people. Lots. And I'll trow in Mooofins! Feel better about your day monstogato.
Tarmonster.01.26.09 - 5:06 pm