obama bike
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KiMS1 at 10.17.08 - 1:39 pm
srsly, this is a bit overkill
obama has better pattern taste than that
-1 for style
moondance10.17.08 - 1:52 pm
the pattern on that specific bike sucks..
but Dan Funderburg i think who did it, is a fucking pattern master. go look at his site, his work is INSANE.
tinycities10.17.08 - 1:57 pm
Dan FUNderberg? You, sir, are a DISGRACE to your name.
PC10.17.08 - 2:00 pm
no, you're missing the point
why the fuck is there an obama track bike?
basically, i want november to come so we can finally be done with all this shit.
it's not that im apathetic about politics and our future america but im sick and tired of all this.
KiMS110.17.08 - 2:00 pm
Graham10.17.08 - 2:02 pm
I wouldn't start throwing $ at the Victory fund til there is a victory. Only a few weeks left, but this is America, and who knows what will happen.
Plus the bike is totally gross.
tinyE10.17.08 - 2:16 pm
patterns killed the track star
Eric Hair10.17.08 - 2:42 pm
Eric Hair i know u could have done a better job.
they should have also gotten shepard ferry or his team of designers taken a stab at it.
Eddie GOpez10.17.08 - 4:08 pm
I love the patterns. tinycities, it's Funderburgh, and you're right, he's awesome. My sister and I just ordered two letterpress prints from him.
As for why the Obama campaign is doing anything with bikes, they're probably not. His "Census" letterpress benefits the Obama campaign, so he might just be making shit and then donating the proceeds rather than the Obama campaign being all "Make us a track bike!" But if he can't make it look good from a distance, which is how most people will see it ... well. Eh.
That's all. Just "Eh."
katiepoche10.17.08 - 4:44 pm
GOpez, I think Shepard Fairey is all tapped out for the Obama campaign. Though I did find this poster for Dance Right -->>
Shepard Fairey made it. Which means Shepard Fairey is riffing on his own Obama "HOPE" poster. I laughed for maybe too long at this.
katiepoche10.17.08 - 4:46 pm
i interned at SNO this summer, and let me tell you, shepard fairey and his team of designers at sno are doing a shitton for theobama compaign besides just the hope poster.. so they're probably just at their limit of what they can do for them at this point.
he did A LOT.
katie, this is why i love you.
tinycities10.17.08 - 6:06 pm
It would have been cool if the bike was an attempt to get at something that Obama would ride himself instead of that undersized hybrid from that video. The world doesn't really need another track bike collab thingy.
I'm thinking something like Jimmy Carter's Rivendell.
cabhauler10.17.08 - 6:12 pm
If the Obama campaign were actually all "Make us a track bike," I would vote for him just based on that.
PC10.17.08 - 6:24 pm
A track bike for all who want it, that would be the most progressive campaign evarrr.
cabhauler10.17.08 - 6:29 pm
Here's what I think is most silly: what do blue flowers and pink leaves have to do with Obama? This isn't an Obama bike; it's a bike with an irrelevant design and an Obama title. Good job on the bike as a bike, but bad job on the bike as an Obama bike.
imachynna10.17.08 - 6:47 pm
P.S. Shephard Fairey sucks big time. Everything he does looks exactly the fucking same. No skills whatsoever. ....Good at marketing though.
theroyalacademy10.18.08 - 1:32 am
get out and vote:
shauners01.23.09 - 1:54 pm
i dont think that obama himself would even consider riding those
theladiesman01.23.09 - 2:03 pm
obama is a roadie
despite what all you hipsters want to believe.
_iJunes01.23.09 - 2:04 pm
although the pictures tell us he's the hybrid kind of guy.
_iJunes01.23.09 - 2:05 pm
and he's fighting INFLATION by keeping his tires at 40 psi!!!
i think i'm funny way too often...
SKIDMARCUS01.23.09 - 2:09 pm
i wanted to point out the tire issue >:O
but you hit the nail in the head XD
theladiesman01.23.09 - 2:10 pm