Is this your bike?

Thread started by
Lizzard at 03.6.09 - 1:17 pm
This guy is selling this thing dirt cheap and I know some guys who had their bikes stolen (I know Jaz had his centurion stolen, not sure if its the same type.)

Jaz's bike looks a little different than the one in the CL posting. The head tube is a little smaller. The front wheel is green, not pink, the stem is angled up not down , and it looks like the headset does not have as many spacers as the one on CL.
stillline03.6.09 - 1:33 pm
can anyone make out the spoke card thats on the listing?
mattspeed03.6.09 - 1:35 pm
that bike on cl is way too big for jaz to ride. it belongs to someone on lafixed who was trying to sell it there but no one wanted it.
all bikes on craigslist are obviously stolen.
ruinedbyidiots03.6.09 - 1:35 pm
42t Biopace chaining
Previously set up as a fixed gear conversion
Until the chain snapped..............ouchie
Eric Hair03.6.09 - 2:45 pm
Yeah, same frame, but not mine. Too big.
I've been watching CL and noticed that there are a lot of Centurion Elite RSes out there. It's kind of funny.
Thanks for looking out though.
Jaz03.6.09 - 10:07 pm