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ĽƟS $ѦƝƉǤƎḸʘⱣâ‚¬Ş Thread started by SKIDMARCUS at 01.30.09 - 3:26 pm As the world turns, so does Los Angelopes.We turn of the bike path and head for the ocean to quench our never-ending thirst. Now, some of us are mammals; others are marsupials; most of us, aliens. So that means we can't drink saltwater. No, our thirst is to build, destroy, yell, scare, kiss, fly, laugh, innovate. Hence, Los Sandgelopes! Yes,ĽƟS $ѦƝƉǤƎḸʘⱣ€Ş!
The face of Los Angelopes is changing. Thus, we have asked Cos Guardelopes to be in attendance to enforce our new Rating System:
Level 3- public events any bike welcome
***Level 2- Angelopes only- tallbikes, freakbikes, kids bikes***
Level 1- specific bike required
Level 0- you don't need a bike
THIS IS A LEVEL 2 RIDE.You'll need to have a custom-built tall or freak bike built for this ride. This is not an exclusive ride- WE WANT YOU THERE! Just, not on a regular bike. There are plenty of other rides for regular bikes.Leave the road bike at home. Go get two stolen frames from your local crackhead. "Accidentally" have them run over by a Metro Bus. Collect the insurance money; meanwhile, find a starving, out-of-work Grapes-Of-Wrath mechanic near Venice and LaBrea to weld the frames together. Use the insurance money to buy a free Sharecut. Then, go back to Metro and tell them the mental anguish from the accident has caused you to cut your hair in this manner. Cash out again, bring this money for Dollar Bill Bonfire we'll have at the end of Los Sandgelopes. Now you're on Level Two.
If you need help building your bike, get on this forum and squak it up. You will likely find help with it. We love you. We know you. We are you. We know how weird you are. You don't belong on regular rides. You need this. Let it out. You can't join a cult if you're already a member. Ooooo-ooooooooo0o00oooo00o000OO!OooO!!OO1O!o!!!!!!!11!!!!. . c- _U . . . || L . . || O . . || S . . || - . . . || S . . || A . . || N . . || D . . || G . . || E . . || L . . || O . . || P . . || E . . || S . . || . . . . || ===O^O_____
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