Rush hour Bike lanes?

Thread started by
thegodofthor at 10.15.09 - 10:05 am
ya, I know that bike lanes are dangerous. And really new bike lanes in this city are just a pipe dream (unless they are on the outskirts of the city 1-2 miles at a time)
but why can there be Rush hour bike lanes. No parking from 7-9am and 4-7pm and during those times they are bike lanes with NO Parking next to them. Youd still have to deal with the right hook.
I got this idea this morning on Melrose between Highland and LaCienega. Why couldn't it work?
Westwood between Pico and Santa Monica has something kind of like this. The right lane is closed for parking between 9am and 7pm(?), effectively making the remaining space in the right lane a bike lane. It's not official, but it makes the commute easier. Try looking for some streets in your area that do the same thing.
I dunno, maybe pass this along to the LA Bike Writer's Collective and see if they can run with it?
BMFW10.15.09 - 10:13 am
Are Ridazz up early enough to take advantage of these Rush Hour lanes? 4-7pm is really a useless time too, because unless Im wrong... most ridazz are attending Happy Hour between those hours...
Just dont think it makes sense
md210.15.09 - 10:15 am
gotta look at it this way, weather or not your up early enough to use a rush hour bike lane, if make it easier to bike, people will bike, its been proven. The more people that use a bike the safer it is for all cyclist.
thegodofthor10.15.09 - 10:45 am
it was a joke... i never looked into it, but Ive always wondered... why didnt the auto industry just make vehicles with vertical doors? Seems to make a lot of sense... but im sure theres a reason...
i r not sheep
md2 responding to a
comment by thegodofthor
10.15.09 - 10:49 am
someone already thought of it
adrian responding to a
comment by md2
10.15.09 - 4:55 pm
i rather have cars parked on the right lane, so i can use what's left of it. door-zone, sure, but i ride on the left-most edge of the right lane in that case. if the right lane is open like at rush hour, then i'd have to deal with buses and impatient drivers going 35+ trying to squeeze by me.
tfunk40810.16.09 - 3:00 am