Do you have friends in San Francisco?

Thread started by
deboRAWR at 03.7.09 - 1:15 pm
sorry to bother the board with this but i don't know where else to post it.
so my current living situation just became EXTREMELY complicated and i am pretty much trapped between a rock and a hard place.
i'm ready to skip town and go back home BUT it would mean i have to drop out of school and i can't really afford anymore "W".
i also have no income (great time to be unemployed) and don't really know anyone in the city (my story keeps getting better and better).
basically i am just throwing it out there.... do any of you have some friends in San Francisco that could rent out a room for cheap or let me couch surf for a while?
i'm pretty much trapped (which sucks to say because this is such a beautiful city) here until mid-may.
if so, please email me at, facebook me or if you have my number, call or text.
Good luck Deborah!
I'm sure you've checked craigslist, but some of these look OK. (Some, as usual, are creepy and weird.)
+1 on - It's a hassle to have to move every so often, but since you're a decent sort, you shouldn't have a problem finding a place to crash.
JB03.7.09 - 9:16 pm