Rush Limbaugh on Bicycles....

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Roadblock at 03.6.09 - 3:57 pm
What does Rush Limbaugh,
the media’s latest obsession and the man many are calling the de facto leader of the GOP, have to say about bicycling? Quite a bit, it turns out.
In mid-February, in response to a proposed city ordinance in Madison that would charge motorists who open vehicle doors unsafely a $100 fee, Limbaugh let listeners know he didn’t much care whether pesky cyclists get doored. On his radio show, Limbaugh said:
"Frankly, if the door opens into a bicycle rider I won't care. I think they ought to be off the streets and on the sidewalk. Don't misunderstand here, you bike riders, do not misunderstand this, but I mean if you're going to get in the street, get over there, get over as far right in the lane as you can. You ought to see Saturday morning where I live. It looks like a swarm of mosquitoes. It causes you to take an alternate route. And so now poor bike riders, some old codger opens the car door, bam! The bike rider does a head flip over the door. I haven't seen that. Now they want to fine you for not only opening the door, you don't close it soon enough, you get a $50 fine in Madison, Wisconsin. (laughing)"
Later, Limbaugh had this to say when a deferent listener called to point out he’d been doored twice while riding:
"Why are you so damn close to the car? You're on a bike. You've got all the lane room in the world, unless you're in a pack of bikers and you can't move."
When the caller then points out it’s illegal to ride on the sidewalk, Rush responded with this:
"I know, and kind of tees me off. The sidewalks are for pedestrians, the streets are for pedestrians when they happen to wander in one, and now the streets are for bike riders -- and we automobile drivers, what do we do, we have to give way we have to yield to everybody who streets are not designed for."
Yes, Rush, you do. Roads are not designed exclusively for automobiles drivers. They’re designed for people, some of whom happen to ride bikes. Deal with it.
That said, if you really want cyclists out of your way on the roadways, you might tell your pals in the House and the Senate to give up the grandstanding and get serious about funding more dedicated bicycle infrastructure.
Meanwhile, the more politicians drag their feet on bicycle infrastructure, the more drivers will have to contend with ticked-off cyclists, such as Jeff Frings.
hope he dies slowly of a stroke
rush is just irl trolling. like anne coulter. only no one wants to fuck rush in the ass.
ruinedbyidiots03.6.09 - 4:00 pm
as if we needed another reason to hate this fucken guy
la duderina03.6.09 - 4:03 pm
I agree with taylor.
skd03.6.09 - 4:09 pm
haha i was just listening to to Rush at the "CPAC" conference, dude is a fucking clown, makes no sense at all. I only got through part 4 of 10 before toxic overdose.
He started off misquoting the Declaration of independence and saying the words "Life, Liberty, Freedom (sic), and the Pursuit of Happiness" came from the preamble to the constitution. and it pretty much went downhill from there.
I love the strategy of encouraging the republican party to take him as a leader knowing they will soon be crushed under the weight of his massive ego which is even more voluminous than his fat ass.
trickmilla03.6.09 - 4:10 pm
RBI .. you'd be surprised some guys like 'em big flabby, butch, and flatulating from from both ends. there really is somebody for everybody.
Ann Coultier on the other hand is perfect for people who look for cracked out drag queens.
trickmilla03.6.09 - 4:16 pm
listening to limbaughmakes me
want to set fire to things (mostly things he loves).
dear sir,
you're wrong about everything, you lost, now it time to do some good old fashion: shutting the fuck up! take some more pills man. take them all. i won't care.
et03.6.09 - 4:39 pm
Rush was a fucking draft-dodger!!!!
That's all I got to say about him, pot-kettle-black.
bentstrider03.6.09 - 4:48 pm
If anything that comes out of Rush's mouth is considered articulate political discourse, we have bigger things to worry about.
mr rollers03.6.09 - 4:51 pm
Yeah, BUT 60 PERCENT OF THIS DUMB COUNTRY SOAKS HIM UP! (So what does that say?)
Joe Borfo03.6.09 - 4:54 pm
If he was actually a draft dodger then maybe I might say he deserves to be on this planet.
Joe Borfo03.6.09 - 4:59 pm
"Yeah, BUT 60 PERCENT OF THIS DUMB COUNTRY SOAKS HIM UP! (So what does that say?)"
That's what I mean . . . that's what worries me.
mr rollers03.6.09 - 5:01 pm
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to stomp Limbaugh's fuckin face into a curb teeth first.
Roadblock03.6.09 - 5:15 pm
This guy is frail, little turd.
If you see him in public, walk behind with a giant tuba, then trip him!!!
bentstrider03.6.09 - 5:24 pm
oh god PLEASE let me see this dude in public. PLEASE.
Roadblock03.6.09 - 5:26 pm
"Rush Limbaugh is Porky Pig on Crack."
Joe Borfo
03.6.09 - 7:42 pm
Actually its Oxycontin lol
the dude is a jackass and by the look of his size I think he has never been on a bike
apineda03.6.09 - 5:33 pm
if he sat on a bike, his fat ass would swallow the seat
Roadblock03.6.09 - 5:35 pm
Seriously, I'm sick of Rush Limbaugh. When is somebody gonna finally cap that guy?
infiniteawesome03.6.09 - 6:05 pm