May 12, 2006
Thread started by
_iJunes at 03.3.09 - 2:46 pm
a very neutral yet appropriate review.
i guess nothings really changed in 3 years.
You can see a weird looking Mook and a Kel in the 2nd picture!!! (Bottom left corner.)
neverclever03.3.09 - 2:53 pm
Holy shit, that's my stuff! Boy was I naive then!!!
toweliesbong03.3.09 - 2:56 pm
And I'll never forget this shit:
"...and then some urban doofus in front of us on a freeride bike jumped off of the sidewalk and right into someone's rear wheel instantly taking the guy down and tacoing his wheel. Do these guys have brains? At all?"
toweliesbong03.3.09 - 2:57 pm
hahahaha oh shit. i recognize that html coding anywhere!!!
neverclever03.3.09 - 2:57 pm
It's as simple as my brain works. Fuck, I need to update that shit!
toweliesbong03.3.09 - 2:59 pm
Looks like you got into Midnight Ridazz, ate your mountain biking friends, joined a gang and then ran around naked in the desert.
neverclever03.3.09 - 3:01 pm
May of 2006, when my weekends consisted of patrolling the busted up, airmen's dormitiories at George on an EZ-Go.
Of course, I did a 30 mile, round trip getting from my house, to work and back.
bentstrider03.3.09 - 3:11 pm
i was still in highschool may 2006 and too cool for bikes
_iJunes03.3.09 - 3:15 pm