Thread started by
ZombiesGotMyTongue at 02.26.09 - 11:22 am
I'm doing my final photography project on bikes and I need a good camera (that can take clear pictures in the dark) for under $300. Does anyone know of any good places to get one for that cheap? or does anyone want to sell me a camera? :)
A $300 camera that takes pictures in the dark, that's a tall order. You mean in low light? With a flash or without? If this is your "final" project, then what have you used up until now? Anything that allows you to set a long shutter speed and used a tripod will give you shots at night. Maybe what you've already been using would work. Even plenty of small point and shoots have manual long-exposure settings that would give you interesting night shots if used with a tripod.
0gravity02.26.09 - 11:30 am
I've been using the schools camera that they let me sign out for the day. But they don't let me take them over night. I feel like i've been stuck taking pictures of messengers and I really want to take pictures of people on rides. I'm not looking for inferred or anything. I donnoooo... I know it's asking a lot... maybe I should just give up and settle for messenger pictures. haha
ZombiesGotMyTongue02.26.09 - 11:46 am
Check out a pawn shop, you can find good deals sometimes.
mattspeed02.26.09 - 11:49 am
+1 to what tallcans said
esp if you are only needing it for 1 night!
jonnyboy02.26.09 - 12:02 pm
Yeah, renting is a pretty good idea if you can't find anyone with a camera to borrow. You might find a trusting person here but going to your local Sammy's camera might be less fuss all around. Probably $20-30 would rent you a simple camera for a couple nights. They rent $1000 lenses for about $20 a day, so a basic camera should be no problem.
If you go that route, have them show you how to do a long exposure shot and then go mess around at night with it. Get those shots of riders riding by and the light trails off their lights.
But don't you know someone with simple point and shoot with threads for a tripod? If so, borrow that, find a way to get a small tripod, and do the same thing. This shot here I found on the internets was done with a Casio Exilim, which costs less than $200 new.
0gravity02.26.09 - 12:09 pm
I will hook you up...
getgern @ gee mall.balm
Gern02.26.09 - 12:29 pm
If money's an issue, but good image quality is crucial...shoot film. Short of a decent DSLR, no cheapie digital is going to give the kind of results I think you're looking for.
You can always scan your photos or get a CD with your prints. And you'll find a used 35mm with a decent lens for $200 easily. Look for a Nikon N80. Paired with a 50mm f/1.8D, you're set. The N80 meters well, brackets, and all the other fun stuff that your future DSLR will do.
In fact, here's a couple now:
hatehills02.26.09 - 12:36 pm
"If money's an issue, but good image quality is crucial...shoot film. Short of a decent DSLR, no cheapie digital is going to give the kind of results I think you're looking for. "
You're awesome for saying that. HELL YES FILM WILL BEAT IT ALL. (Unless you're renting a fucking large format digital camera from the future)
imachynna02.26.09 - 3:51 pm
Film, you want a nikon f4? let me know...
Gern02.26.09 - 11:18 pm
if you want a digi camera, try finding a used Nikon D50, and 50mm f1.8 lens.
At ISO 800 f1.8, you can take picture in pretty low light.
Or you could always get a K1000, load it up with Tri-X, and push your film to ISO3200: Works every time.
davethomas02.26.09 - 11:29 pm
since we are masturbating to film, i have an old nikkormat (what eventually became nikon) from the late 40s for sale. ive never shot on it, so i dont know if its broken or anything, but i have it, and dont need it.
ruinedbyidiots02.27.09 - 12:02 am
whoo hooo
Lemme know if da d40 is stull up for grabs... my old Olympus Camedia got smashed & I need a new cam!!!
MochaCycle02.27.09 - 12:38 am
If your going to do film....
A Minolta X-700 is another excellent camera body that can be had on the cheap. You can find complete outfits, including a bunch of different lenses for $200 or so.
Like this
Use Tri-X (black and white), or the re-branded Arista "professional" stuff. It's cheap. I don't think drug store type places will develop this stuff, so you might have to send it out to a lab, or bring a bunch of beer to my house and have me teach you.
I've never pushed it as far as 3200, but I have been meaning to experiment. 1600 has always treated me well, or 400 with a flash.
Mook02.27.09 - 12:47 am
I like when threads continue long after the OP has checked out.
hatehills02.27.09 - 11:09 am
OP must NOT have been serious... I offered Nikon Film & Digital, Oh Well...
@RBI: I'm interested in the Nikkormat
getgern AT geemaail
Gern02.27.09 - 3:24 pm
Zombie got her tongue, apparently.
0gravity02.27.09 - 4:45 pm