Jaz's Bike Stolen CM
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Jaz at 02.22.09 - 7:42 pm
Hey guize. Guess what? I was the lucky collector of a strange mood last night. Someone stole my bike at the best buy parking lot. Kind of a strange thing if you ask me, being, everyone should know, my bike was a piece of shit.
Bottom Bracket was trashed, frame was bent, fork was bent, very very beat up. They also stole the lights that were on it. Oh man, and the spoke cards. The gift from Shues for my birthday, as well as my Prom Queen and Best Cross Dressed Couple spoke cards. Kind of sucks a lot.
Anyways I was wondering if all the photographers out there might have snapped a few shots of anyone on my bike. Picture linked within is a representation of it. Turquoise Centurion Elite RS, Red fork, Green deep-v front(weinman dp18 actually), stripped cranks, creaking bottom bracket, loose headset.
I can't believe they stole such a piece of crap, but it was my piece of crap. Lame.
Anyways, if everyone could keep a look out, and maybe help me by scanning through any photos you took at Best Buy for anyone on my bike that would be great.
Haha, it's fine. I'm just keeping my finger's crossed about getting it back in an ok condition.
It was my first real bike, and I built it up at the Bicycle Kitchen through their earn a bike program. Oh such memories.
Jaz02.22.09 - 7:56 pm
Everybody's getting thier bike stolen.
This is shit.
rayrayray02.22.09 - 7:58 pm
I will pee in whoever's mouth that stole this bike and I will enjoy it
robin swabin02.22.09 - 8:16 pm
JAZ! That's fucked up. That kid who stole your bike is probably dead by now and it's your fault. Brakeless, cracked, bent and a huge ass gear ratio. I was afraid to ride that bike. I can only imagine the horror your sabatour is going through. Seriously though that sucks but seriously your bike what cmon. Seriously.
larsenf02.22.09 - 8:33 pm
Oh yea and AIDS. Even if he gets you your bike he will die.
larsenf02.22.09 - 8:40 pm
It's true. It did have AIDs and thus, why the cops left us alone. I simply explained that, and the thief must have been itchin' for some heevs.
Jaz02.23.09 - 5:42 am
sorry to hear this, Jaz. that's really lame. i guess that's why i freelock my bike at the stops now. sucks when you have to do that at your own ride...
the spoke cards are worth way more than your bike so maybe you should start a new post:
"Hey guize. Guess what? Someone stole my spoke cards last night from the Best Buy parking lot. Which sucks because I've spent a long time collecting those spoke cards. Last seen, they had a beaten Centurion Elite RS mounted to them by the wheel. Please post if you've seen my spoke cards!"
onethirtynine02.23.09 - 10:42 am
On the note of spoke cards, if anyone finds a Prom Queen spoke card from the winter formal. That's mine. If I see it on a bike, expect to have it taken back, and the tires to be slashed. Or maybe just loosen the headset..
Jaz02.23.09 - 12:58 pm
yeah that spoke card is a one of a kind. speaking of which formal ride 2 weeks whooo
_iJunes02.23.09 - 1:07 pm
Did you manage to find the bike that was left behind?
Or does anyone know who it was that brought there car up to the roof?
danya02.23.09 - 1:09 pm
No bike left behind. Set of stairs in the back that could have been an escape route, or even just riding past probably wouldn't have provoked enough people to notice it wasn't that guys.
Jaz02.23.09 - 3:04 pm