Thread started by
katerpillar at 02.9.09 - 3:19 pm
I'm planning the next FREEZE PROJECT on Saturday, April 11.
I know, you're wondering WTF is the FREEZE PROJECT?@^%!)
Keep on reading.
For our Freeze Project moments, we would like to draw a couple of hundred people at a time to participate in drawing attention to some of the social injustices of the world. Instead of protesting, we would like to create an experience that is fun, non-intrusive (in your face activism), and inclusive. We believe that we could use “the Freeze” to draw attention in a crowd, which will then be followed up with a brief handout to people about a particular social injustice in the world. (The focus for this FREEZE PROJECT would be human trafficking.)
- Participants will be asked to show up a designated time and place.
- Participants will then proceed to the “Freeze” space and blend themselves into a crowd as if they were regulars in that particular environments (e.g., malls, events, outdoor shopping areas, etc.).
- A cue will be given by the director (KATERPILLAR) of the Freeze moment.
- Participants will then stop what they were doing and stay frozen for the next 5 minutes until they receive another cue telling them that the freeze is over. (Can you track stand for 5 min????)
- Following the freeze, participants will handout a couple of print material each to people observing them (with or without conversation).
That’s it! Enjoy the rest of the day at the venue where the Freeze takes place. At the end, participants are asked to provide about his/her experience by visiting
Past locations for the FREEZE PROJECT have been the following:
1 - Downtown Disney - for the video, go to:
2 - 3rd St Promenade - for the video, go to:
3 - Americana on Brand - for the video, go to:
SOOOOO...AnY tHOugHTs On a LocATion?????
- Olvera Street?
- Santa Monica Pier?
- Long Beach Pike (near the Aquarium)?
Discuss. Thanks.
zomg thiz iz zo zold
freeze LA already happened
so has pillow fight
so has no pants day
look for me on facebook...i'll contact you with the right people
aksendz02.9.09 - 3:24 pm
I know it already happened. But human trafficking...modern trade... etc IS STILL HAPPENING.
(I'm already communicating with the Freeze Project people. Just trying to reach out the MR community to see if anyone has any input, raise general awareness (just because you know about it, doesn't mean everyone else here does), and bring advocacy and MR community together.)
where family members and friends deceive parents to release their children or sell them for as little as $20 each, selling them on to local gangmasters or serious organized international trafficking rings.
growing. 2–4 MILLION men, women and children are trafficked across borders and within their own country every year. More than one person is trafficked across borders EVERY MINUTE, which is equivalent to five jumbo jets every day. a trade that earns twice as much worldwide revenue as Coca Cola.
where victims usually suffer repeated physical abuse, fear, torture and threats to families to break their spirits and turn them into saleable commodities. a person can be sold and trafficked many times.
Just sayin.
katerpillar02.9.09 - 3:44 pm
how bout TRACKSTAND PROJECT. ride your bike into a heavily populated place and trackstand until you fall. and when everybody falls, you move to the next location.
_iJunes02.9.09 - 3:52 pm
will we have to remain on the ground until everyone falls???
theladiesman02.9.09 - 5:22 pm
this sounds FUN!!!! It's like FREEZE TAG....En Masse.
kryxtanicole02.9.09 - 5:23 pm
My trackstands last mere seconds...
I'd be on da ground da longest!!
Gern02.9.09 - 5:26 pm
you can do whatever you wanna do.... trackstand, make-out, eat, drink, walk, talk, whatever...just as long as you FREEZE when the cue is given. and then you hold that for 5 minutes... then when the cue is given to move again, just blend in with everyone else around you afterwards.
katerpillar02.9.09 - 5:50 pm
"My trackstands last mere seconds...
"I'd be on da ground da longest!!
Sounds like a challenge..
Debut21302.9.09 - 6:34 pm
yup! that's how The Freeze Project came about:
katerpillar02.9.09 - 6:39 pm
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
B U M P a N d G R I N D
katerpillar02.10.09 - 10:20 am