Thank You Peoples Ride!

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sgrant at 03.28.09 - 2:31 am
What a great night of riding this was. My friends from the East Coast had the best time of their life. There is nothing like this out there. You guys are awesome!
Yeah, the ride was tops>>>!<<< Great job at keeping it safe...thank you thank you. With that said, what was with the police? My friend got arrested near 7th and Broadway I think when the cops tried to pull everyone over. They stopped the ride and were waiting for someone, anyone, to ride through, and my friend was lucky contestant #1. Anyways, they drove their car into his bike, knocked him off and arrested him. If anyone has any video or pictures of the incident or got a clear look at what happened, please let me know!!! And yes, he should have stopped, I know, but really, this has to stop, this is insane>>>!<<<
Anyways, thanks for the ride and any info. would be great.
MikonOfBabylon03.28.09 - 2:46 am
yes it does -the police are out of hand. they have rolled up on several rides latley seeming to be very upset and frustrated that there is a group of people out riding together- i was unable to make the peoples ride tonight*but heard it was one of the most organized rides as of late and everyone was following all traffic laws at all times and out of no where and for no reason the police rolled up and demanded that everyone pull over as if riding a bike or group rides have been outlawed in this city. wtf is going on out there?
ghostcat7703.28.09 - 3:06 am
The ride was great. Fucking knew I shouldn't have gone though. Anyway, I was up near the front, we rolled through green lights and stopped at reds. It was very disciplined. Of course there were people in the back who by virtue of the mass size did run the light but my group was not one of them. When I heard the chirping and sirens from behind I pulled over and encourage others to pull over to let them pass and to get out of the way. The cop was being very aggressive with his driving. It was scary.
The cop gave us all tix for running a red even though we were stopped an entire 3 lights ahead of the intersection he claims we ran red. It was total bullshit. Here I was encouraging people to pull over to stay out of trouble and along comes this guy yelling at us as other ran away....
These rides are un permitted parades. Though they aren't perm,itted they are still legally classified as a type of parade and therefore the cops should allow us to move as a contiguous mass.
Roadblock03.28.09 - 3:32 am
SECTION 21100-21117
(e) Temporarily closing a portion of any street for celebrations,
parades, local special events, and other purposes when, in the
opinion of local authorities having jurisdiction or a public officer
or employee that the local authority designates by resolution, the
closing is necessary for the safety and protection of persons who are
to use that portion of the street during the temporary closing.
jeffwr303.28.09 - 3:59 am
i also got a tix in dtla for running a red light
do you guys know how much those are?
and if i do go to court what are the chances of it being dropped?
ONEwayRIDA03.28.09 - 4:33 am
If you got a red light ticket fight it>>>!<<< And drag out the process so it costs them as much the ticket ammount. The ticket costs $159.00. Anyways, wait to the court date deadline approaches and then file for an extension, you can do this over the internet, and this will push the date 60days. Then when that date approaches file a Trial By Declaration. This is a written process to plead your case. You won't have to show up for court. You'll have to pay the $159 up front and fill out the Trial By Declaration form and give your side of the story. Police officers get paid $300+ to show up to court, they get nothing for filling out their retort, so chances are they might not even send it in, and you win by default and get the $159.00 back. If the officer turns in his report a judge will read both sides of the story and rule. If you loose, you can request a Trial De Novo, and you will get your day in court to plead your case again in front of a judge and the officer, so you can question him how he picked you out 100+ bicyclist. Again, if he doesn't show, you win by default. If you want, you can even request this trail be held during night court and it will pushed even further increasing the chances the officer will not show.
You can look this all up on and other sites. Some will have examples of how to fill out the Trial By Decleration form...But fight it, it not that hard, it takes a little time, but it worth it!!!
Cool, I am out...I need zzzzzz!!!
MikonOfBabylon03.28.09 - 6:50 am
dude, that's awesome how the peoples ride was really nice.
but for those tickets, didn't that take them hours to write up? you guys HAVE to fight those tickets somehow... u guys should discuss all the way online. but man, what a hassle!!! i hope the cops aren't jerkoffs like that tonight. :(
every time the cops have gotten involved in the middle of our rides, they seem to disrupt/split the group up so much that THEY make it more dangerous and create confusion/fear in us. cops on power trips are scary, it's like they aren't even human anymore, they've lost all emotion or care, they are just power tripping and will treat you like you are absolute garbage.
Antranik03.28.09 - 8:02 am
Red Light tickets in Los Angeles are $381
barleye03.28.09 - 8:11 am
Oh wow.....thank god I had this prior engagment in the morning or else I would of had a ticket too....
I would of been one the couple first ones to get one I swear,I looked pretty sketched out last nite haha
Well yeah this feels like when you choose to not take the 9:15 flight and then later that plane makes headlines of ending crashing somewhere....
Whooa dejavu?
madmike03.28.09 - 9:15 am
someone said HURRAY FOR JET LAG yesterday.
Allencito03.28.09 - 9:41 am
yes -when the cops drive up on you in a very aggressive manor its scary- the guy that was arrested last night was ran off the road and side swiped and hit by a police car knocking him off his bike- if a citizen did that to a rider or pedestrian they would be arrested- the more this shit happens and the more tickets they give out - the less people want to attend these rides and that means they have fucking won- fuck the pigs-
ghostcat7703.28.09 - 10:00 am
By the way, when I talked with LAPD officials the other day, I learned that LAPD are required by union regs to show up to trials, so they are not likely to miss the date, no matter how much you post pone. Focus on fighting them on the basis of fact.
Alex Thompson03.28.09 - 10:07 am
Then do the Trail By will have a better shot at winning. And I don't know about $300 figure for the red light ticket. When I got mine on my bike it was $159, but the offer messed of and said it was a right turn run on red, which it wasn't, but maybe that's the reason for the price differential.
Fight It>>>!<<<
MikonOfBabylon03.28.09 - 12:59 pm