Wassup B!+(#?

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trickmilla at 03.9.09 - 12:02 am
O.K. a little disclaimer:
So yelling at people in cars is stupid
And, in theory, I don't think its cool to emasculate people by insulting them with the name of a female dog or female anatomy.
But as Blowfly would say
sometimes i just can't stand myself>
I just got home from one of my regular rides to a friends house, and traveling east on Hollywood blvd. right around Gower, some knuckle-heads through a piece of trash at me. From the way it fell and landed it seemed like something light, nothing that would remotely hurt or cause damage. But it was still a lame-o thing to do.
I was cruising at the time maybe 8 or 10mph but after they passed I ramped it up a bit. i didn't go all out but I definitely picked up the pace.. I saw them throw the same type of thing at some peds as well. They missed so much that the peds didn't even notice.
As luck would have it, 3 or 4 blocks later, they got caught at the light waiting to make a left onto the 101. They completely forgot about me. The lane next to them was wide open so i rolled up right next to them and from the pit of my stomach i barked "WASSUP BITCH?!?!" as I rode by. I swear I sounded 4 inches taller. They were packed 5 deep in that little nissan and i saw all of them nearly jump out of their seats when I shouted.
They were still stuck at the light as I rode on with a huge grin on my face. They were calling after me but their voices all mingled together into senselessness as they tried to talk smack after I scared the shit out of them. The only thing I could make out was the word "biker".
I just laughed back at them in a high pitched voice "ha ha pussssies ..." (lame i know, but the only thing I could think of that they might understand) and rode off.
I know it was totally stupid, but what a joy to exact a little revenge on some dumb asses.
Besides, I hate litter bugs.
No way.
We need a president that is much more restrained and professional.
trickmilla03.9.09 - 12:11 am
doesnt stuff like this happen at least once a day to everyone?
robin swabin03.9.09 - 12:22 am
The ironic thing is that on the way there, earlier tonight, these guys in a van were all psyched to see me bombing down la brea, they yelled "twenty five" to let me know how fast i was going.
It made me want to start a thread called "I love drivers."
trickmilla03.9.09 - 1:31 am
Ahahah nice one trick. Scaring the fuck out of a carload of dickheads is priceless!
Roadblock03.9.09 - 8:59 am
they threw trash at you and all you did was yell at them? yeah,
that'll show em...
POOP CUNT03.9.09 - 9:16 am
What else should one do to a carload of dickheads? Wait at the curb to call them out for a 5 on 1? Perhaps some bearspray shots into an open window? Making them jump like bitches is about the best you can do unless you want some brawlin action.
Roadblock03.9.09 - 9:21 am
i used to try and catch up with people at lights to give them shit until one time they all emptied out of the car and threatened me
its kind of gross but now i do the spitting thing.
after getting heckled, i dont say shit and if i catch up with them, i spit a loogie into their open window and fucking jam out and look for a side street/alley/sidewalk/ etc.
its gross i know.
please dont judge me
KiMS103.9.09 - 9:58 am
I've spit once before, which is a huge diss back home in Eastern Europe. But if you want them to remember you, and if they truly crossed the line, the easiest thing to hurt on a car are the side view mirrors.
jericho1ne03.9.09 - 10:06 am
i think spitting is a huge diss anywhere you go.
i mean,
that is pretty fucking savage.
i would honestly rather get punched in the face then get spit in the face.
i never actually intentionally hit a side view mirror before but awhile back, i was hauling ass in between some cars and my elbow smacked into one. it knocked me off my bike. i would hate to try and retaliate against some car and have the mirror throw me to the ground.
idk, going 20 mph and throwing a part of my body against a piece of metal and plastic sounds dangerous.
KiMS103.9.09 - 10:11 am
I could tell tht whatever they threw was really light and harmless.
So in my opinion they didn't "cross the line"
I just wanted them to think twice about fucking with somebody.
If they had thrown something heavier, something that could really hurt, then it would have been a different story.
trickmilla03.9.09 - 10:13 am
I feel sorry for people like this. I just think about their lives and i get really depressed. I mean what kind of morons get a kick out of something like that. Poor saps. We really need to fix education in this country.
la duderina03.9.09 - 10:16 am
i remember awhile back, the santa monica glow ride.
the rider is to remain nameless
i saw him drag some drunk heckler out of car via passenger window.
he was dragging him out by one of his legs and the passenger was freaking out struggling, trying to grab onto other passengers.
it was soooo funny. he was talking all this shit acting tough and then when XXXX reached in and started dragging him out, he srsly pissed himself.
KiMS103.9.09 - 10:20 am
hmmm, from my experience on these forums something tells me that is yourself that you are talking about, or am I just trippin
la duderina03.9.09 - 10:23 am
im not that ballsy.
matt speed knows exactly who im talking about.
he's a TNS regular.
he has a lot of tattoos and is scrappy as fuck. hahhahaha
KiMS103.9.09 - 10:26 am
i heard some stories about other funny things though,
roadblock, i heard that you once took out a driver's ignition key and threw it into the middle of the street.
is this true?
KiMS103.9.09 - 10:28 am
well you did
something haha i remember reading
la duderina03.9.09 - 10:28 am
XXXX isnt ugly.
he's just waiting to get his teeth redone.
when i was a little kid, i used to freeze bags of poop.
the poop wouldnt stink until i let it thaw.
it was like a cheap version of a stink bomb.
im all about spreading hepatitis.
KiMS103.9.09 - 10:31 am
come to TNS
you can join us and play with poop and spit.
KiMS103.9.09 - 10:33 am
chris N. once made a poop sandwich (wheat bread, lettuce, tomato, mayo, mustard, poop) and left it in a fridge.
KiMS103.9.09 - 10:35 am
I've always thought hurling a brick at a dickhead driving would work up here, but seeing as how fast people drive up here, that would lead to disaster!!
Aggressor car slams on brakes at 60, innocent car slams into suddenly-stopped aggressor and now we have "don't go outside for the next, 2-3 months".
bentstrider03.9.09 - 2:06 pm
this story gives me a great big chuckle. hahaha trick you made them look like bitches hahaha
Roadblock03.9.09 - 3:22 pm
Just give'em the standard "Fuck you buddy!"
stillline03.9.09 - 3:34 pm
Holy shit.
Re-reading this cracks me the fuck up.
after all the bullshit I've encountered and heard about on the road, this is the first time i stayed calm and exacted the perfect (albeit harmless) revenge.
its important to stretch before patting oneself on the back!
trickmilla03.10.09 - 4:40 pm