Wanted: SCUBA instructor for dry suit cert.
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Gern at 02.27.09 - 2:42 pm
I need a SCUBA drysuit certification like this weekend. Can anyone hook me up?
if you don't get one, I think you you get certified through an SMC class
Gav02.27.09 - 3:04 pm
Let me guess. You got hired on Waterworld 2 and have 8 months of water rigging to do? Lucky guy!
Try Sports Chalet?
stevo402.27.09 - 3:28 pm
LOL, Not Waterworld... it's that TV show I've- er - I'll never watch. It's embarressing so don't make me name it!! BTW, we just officially got picked up for season 2 with 31 episodes. Thankfully I have work, huh? I prefer to think it is all the good karma I've done @ BRW & sharing w/ ridazz!!
But, I am waiting for my phone to ring & get begged to LCP the 'Arrested Development Movie, now that Michael Cera signed on!! SPOOK, did you catch that?
I wanted to rent a dry suit for @work dive Wednesday, but Sports Chalet & others require a cert. card. I'm not even using air just dropping some lights in the pool... freedive.
Looks like I'll just use a wetsuit instead. Unless someone wants to rent me their drysuit... I certainly don't expect anyone to have one tho.
Gern02.27.09 - 4:30 pm
I have a 7mm suit for LA ocean diving you could borrow if you absolutely promise not to PEE in it. Its still vrigin clean. But really, your better alternative is a semi dry suit which you don't need certification for. Tougher to get in and out of but it will keep you warmer/drier than a reg. 7mm suit.
stevo402.27.09 - 6:52 pm
Thanks for the offer & info. I will just use one of my wetsuits. I wanted the drysuit cuz I need to change out of the suit & continue working the set, between dives. I've used drysuits on shows before, supplied by the divemasters, but there isn't a divemast--, whoops, er, I'm the divemaster on this one, lol.
Gern02.27.09 - 8:18 pm
haha! Im sitting in a house in Cairns Australia right now surrounded by scuba gear and living w 3 diving instructors! Wish it was a lil closer!
lalagypsy02.27.09 - 8:33 pm
fucking wish i was there... I lived in surfers paradise in 1988. loved it. ask the aussies if they know who doc neeson & the angles are, what he is doing?
Gern02.27.09 - 8:38 pm
Dude (Gern)! This week has been awesome! First, I about shat my pants I was so excited hearing the news about Michael Cera. There IS NO Arrested Development without his George Michael Blueth. ALSO, today, Zane Lamprey of
SPOOK02.27.09 - 10:28 pm
I'm not sure what happened there.
Dude (Gern)! This week has been awesome! First, I about shat my pants I was so excited hearing the news about Michael Cera. There IS NO Arrested Development without his George Michael Blueth. ALSO, today, Zane Lamprey of
Three Sheets just announced that the show has been picked up by a network (subsequent to MoJo's collapse).
I miss you, you fart!
PS, I've been SCUBA certified since age 13, but I can't help you.
PPS, if you like drinking, and laughing, I recommend checking out an episode of Three Sheets.
SPOOK02.27.09 - 10:32 pm