Thread started by
_iJunes at 02.26.09 - 3:43 pm
where to buy?
i am anemic. so boo yeah not getting caught for using performance enhancers anytime soon.
Enitial Public Offering? Fuck it, I'm in.
PC02.26.09 - 3:48 pm
anemia isn't related to a low RHR. the inability of the RBC to transport o2 would force the heart to pump with more frequency to do the job.
but i wonder, with EPO could i have a lower RHR than L.A.? in your face livestrong?
_iJunes02.26.09 - 3:49 pm
BTW EPO was made by AMGEN *SHOCKER* who sponsored and hosted the TOC and pays LA a lot of money for the breakaway for cancer and the livestrong foundation.
any doubters still that LA used EPO and got away with it?
_iJunes02.26.09 - 3:50 pm
i quickly realized i should not be seeking medical advice from a forum filled with trolls, web designers, and photographers, and old people.
_iJunes02.26.09 - 3:55 pm
the whole epo/amgen thing is nothing new.
lance was fast when he was racing in texas way before the postal service team. do you think he was doping then, too?
ruinedbyidiots02.26.09 - 3:59 pm
Medical advice: barbiturates followed by potassium chloride.
PC02.26.09 - 4:01 pm
in simple people
or street dealer terms
_iJunes02.26.09 - 4:01 pm
lance was probably fast
and probably not doping
but the TDF is a 3 week long stage race
and you can't help but think having a higher HTC will definitely aid in recovery.
doping isn't like cocaine. i've actually had the transfusion done before where they pump o2 into the blood. but it suuuure makes you feel a LOT better.
_iJunes02.26.09 - 4:03 pm
and i only made that cocaine reference because someone asked me like a few minutes ago if it makes you feel like cocaine does.
_iJunes02.26.09 - 4:04 pm
barbituates = sleeping pills
potassium chloride = part of the lethal injection cocktail.
ruinedbyidiots02.26.09 - 4:04 pm
Yup. Barbs + KCl = home suicide cocktail. I was just being a dick. Do not actually do this.
PC02.26.09 - 4:07 pm
at wolfpack, I see"cocaine is a hell of a drug" on some guys' asses. why does it say that.
la duderina02.26.09 - 4:07 pm
dave chapelle references.
PC almost killed _iJunes.
_iJunes02.26.09 - 4:11 pm
ohhhh yeah. huh. odd thing to put on your ass.
la duderina02.26.09 - 4:12 pm