Not Wearing A Helmet!
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Antranik at 04.3.09 - 5:53 am
Hey everyone.. my brother and I go riding all the time and often times replace our usual commute by car with the bicycle cause we're badass like that
Well I always wear a helmet.
But my brother almost always DOESN'T wear it.
I tell him everytime "BRO wtf dude... why dont u wear your helmet!!!"
and he goes "ehhhhh, whatever it's ok"
He's 18 and hasn't had a bad crash so I guess he thinks it's still way uncool to wear one. In fact, most of the young ridazz don't seem to wear helmets. I mean, it's like a fucking seatbelt, why would u drive a car without wearing a seatbelt, right?
So anyway, I can't convince him, so maybe you can help. Suggestions?
You only really need to wear a helmet if you're just about to crash. The rest of the time they're optional.
Also, whether or not you wear a helmet, remember to drink a moderate amount of alcohol before a ride. It takes the edge off, so in the event of a crash you'll go limp and not injure yourself as much.
mullingitover04.3.09 - 6:18 am
When I got hit by a car this week, I wasn't wearing my helmet. I always wear it, but on that one day, I didn't. I was like, "Whatever, I'll be fine" and as if to punish my hubris, I was hit by a car. Fortunately I didn't hit my head, but I got lucky. You can bet I will ALWAYS wear it now.
If I see two cute boys on bikes, the one wearing the helmet is the one I'd bang ; p The helmet shows that he's a serious cyclist, and that's hot.
They make some pretty slick-looking helmets. I'd say maybe get some gloves to go with the helmet...that combo looks pretty fierce, you know? I know I feel fierce with my helmet and gloves!
But I don't know what else to say. I have younger siblings too and at that age, you're all-knowing and invincible.
I think it'd help if us older cyclists provide a good example by wearing our helmets. It makes a difference to the kiddies.
HappyLand04.3.09 - 6:24 am
Your brother's right, helmets are pretty hopelessly uncool. I mean, who wants to look like a cyclist while you're RIDING YOUR BIKE?
But just imagine how uncool it would be to suffer a major head injury and have to wear one of those dorky helmets ALL THE TIME, or worse.
Me, I'll stick with wearing one when I ride and enjoy being able to take it off when I'm not riding.
JB04.3.09 - 7:46 am
How cool is it to have to wear a diaper for the rest of your life?
Creative Thing04.3.09 - 8:30 am
I think drooling motionless is the new fixie
sancho104.3.09 - 9:03 am
go to the photo gallery on this site, click on hooray for crashes, and show him all the head injury pictures. i'm in there too. a car hit me, i landed on my face and drove off.
tomato04.3.09 - 9:50 am
Sometimes I wear it, sometimes I don't.
That may be dumb ... but not as dumb as wearing it never.
I've got a fiancé and a cat and basically a lot to live for so that inspires me to wear the helmet when I am expecting hectic road conditions.
trickmilla04.3.09 - 10:25 am
i only get into accidents/crash everytime i wear a helmet.
like #32 when the lady decided to pull into the parking garage and cut me off running me into the passenger side 2 days ago.
_iJunes04.3.09 - 10:49 am
I wear a helmet probably 30% of the time..... but I'd say 99% of the time I use my front minewt night rider on flash during the day and night. Using that light has saved me from collisions at least 3 times that I've noticed.
What I'm saying is that its not just a helmet that is going to save your life. Use a blinky light at all times, and ride predictably and reason-ably so that cars can see you better.
Roadblock04.3.09 - 10:57 am
I think its really funny to see people who ride with their helmet hanging from their backpack.
If you're gonna carry the damn thing you might as well wear it.
stillline04.3.09 - 11:02 am
The worst crash I have ever been in, i wasn't wearing a helmet, I got lucky and ended up with some road rash and a broken rib, however, I may not have broken anything if I had had my helmet on. It definitely would have prevented a large amount of the road rash on my face.
There's a picture of the result in Horray for Crashes.
This crash had NOTHING to do with traffic.
Helmets are a good idea.
It's rare I don't wear mine, and mostly only on freak bikes where I know I won't be going quickly.
FuzzBeast04.3.09 - 11:08 am
@ iJunes
both of my major crashes were helmeted. I therefore have this superstition that if i have the slightest urge to wear the helmet I listen to it.
@ Roadblock
another safety feature i see you using is your tallness i'm pretty sure it helps your visibility and discourages dumb-fucks from messing with you.
@ Stillline
Sometimes I take my helmet off when I go on the bike path, or when my ride is coming to an end. Lets say 3 or 4 blocks b4 my destination. So i can cool off a bit and not arrive as sweaty. but yeah who knows why people bring a helmet and don't use.
rolling with a unbuckled helmet is also a worst of both worlds things.
trickmilla04.3.09 - 11:13 am
And then there's the argument that cars tend to drive less carefully around helmeted riders..
dusky04.3.09 - 11:31 am
my car doesnt have seat belts... a brakeless fixed gear is a saftey upgrade for me.
larsenf04.3.09 - 11:35 am
when you wear a helmet i find that drivers are more likely to think you want to stay alive.
and less likely to try to kill you.
steph04.3.09 - 11:35 am
when you wear a helmet i find that drivers are more likely to think you want to stay alive.
and less likely to try to kill you.
I could see that being the case.
Another good reason to wear one is that it would serve as some nice, riot-gear for the other "Aggressors" whose sole-purpose is to hate anything not on four-wheels and equipped with a motor.
I've actually had bottles bounce right off my helmet!!!
bentstrider04.3.09 - 12:09 pm
Tell your bro that he never will be cool anyway, so he might as well wear one. And then get him one that looks like a skating helmet.
Joe Borfo04.3.09 - 1:04 pm