Thread started by
FuzzBeast at 04.1.09 - 2:41 pm
BorEd! BOred! BORED! BorED! Bor'd! BOREd!
I need something to do....
if you're bored, then you're boring.
get a job!
spiraldemon04.1.09 - 2:44 pm
Can't be much bored-er than I am.
Aside from explaining to deputies why I threw a soda can at that moron trying to push me into the ditch with his truck, nothing much goes on around this dump.
bentstrider04.1.09 - 2:54 pm
We should just take a trip to where Bentstrider is and give him a night of ecstasy until he comes back
Gav04.1.09 - 8:50 pm
Oh, it comes in a tiny pill, sometimes blue sometimes pink, other colors are available as well they tell me, and at times with little animals and or shapes on them.
Jazzy Phat Nastee04.1.09 - 9:52 pm