
Thread started by
Alfredo at 03.31.09 - 6:16 pm
I have a bent left crank and some uber messed up pedals.
Having said that, could that cause a PCL injury,cause it really does hurt. I'm not really sure if it is torn or not, but it is uncomfortable to pedal and walk (at times)
Can anyone answer my question? Pwease?
bad position/pedaling can obviously affect your knees. i'm not a doctor so no specifics here... but messed up equipment CANNOT help. rest up a bit until you feel better, change your cranks/pedals at one of the co-ops and see if that improves your situation. If you don't feel better, go see a doctor.
cassidy03.31.09 - 6:35 pm
look my old 'knee pain thread'
had some great tips in there
ice it, pressure and i tihnk elivate it.
but double check
aksendz03.31.09 - 8:30 pm
what kind of pain is it? Does it burn or sting? I'm just curious.
Gav03.31.09 - 8:37 pm
Neither, it feels like I've been charlie horsed.
Every single time I extend my leg
Near the top part of my calf and all those delicious ligaments behind my knee.
See, I really think it's my equipment though because whenever I pedal I use my calfs for the very very end of the stroke in order to compensate for not having cages and pulling up. Which in turn could have led to my muscles and such flexing a way they shouldn't.
Cause I think it started acting up about a week ago. In the midst of training and commuting to school.
Alfredo04.1.09 - 8:15 am
when you recover, remember to always stretch,
aksendz04.1.09 - 8:18 am
yea, i think I'm gonna start doing that, stretching that is.
& Ray shouldn't you be at school?
Alfredo04.1.09 - 8:24 am
shouldn't both of you be in school
aksendz04.1.09 - 8:25 am
Why do you think it's the PCL? That's kind of random. That's the ligament that's least likely to be bothering you. It's more likely your meniscus (the inside cartilage padding the ends of your leg bones in the joint). A bent crank certainly can't help. Take a break from riding, fix your crank, take ibuprofen, ice it, rest, etc.
0gravity04.1.09 - 10:32 am
.....oh, just saw your later post about the pain being to the top of your calf where it connects behind the knee. That's sort of where the ACL/PCL connect near where the hamstring connects. So it could be ACL/PCL but it's still more likely a strained/pulled hamstring at that location. ACL/PCL injuries are almost always black or white; as in they either tear with a sudden and very painful pop, or they are not affected at all. It's more likely hamstring, which means the same treatment, rest, ice, ibuprofen, elevation, more rest.
FYI, I'm not a doc, but have had three knee surgeries so have learned all the ins-and-outs.
0gravity04.1.09 - 10:48 am
Thank You Grav!, oh and btw are these injuries related to cycling, or an entirely different thing?
Alfredo04.1.09 - 11:49 am
May be shin splints even. Definitely replace the messed up parts on your bike, it makes a big difference in your riding and your physical well-being. If your knee is really bothering you, and you still need to ride, wrap it in an ace bandage or brace for support til it feels a little better.
kryxtanicole04.1.09 - 6:19 pm