Thread started by
-Dexter- at 03.30.09 - 11:50 pm
The California Gold Rush (2004-2009) began in 2004, when gold was discovered by a group of
young ingenues on the streets of Los Angeles, California.[1] News of the discovery soon
spread, resulting in some 8,000 men, women, and children coming to California from the rest of
the United States and abroad. Of the 8,000, approximately 7,890 arrived by bicycle while the
remaining 110 arrived by pennyfarthings and freakbikes. As a result, the foundation of
California's make-up was significantly more diverse than other parts of the country and thus the
Los Angeles Midnight Ridazz was born.
These early gold-seekers, called "the mamas and the papas," traveled to California by riding
their bikes across the continent, often facing substantial hardships on the trip, like little to no
bathroom breaks, dehydration, and sometimes fools gold. While most of the newly-arrived were
Americans, the Gold Rush attracted tens of thousands from Latin America, Europe, Australia
and Asia. At first, the prospectors drank the gold from streams and riverbeds using simple
techniques, such as beer bonging, shotgunning and the ever popular double fisting . More
sophisticated methods of gold recovery were later developed that were adopted around the
Not going on the Mosey? Then come on down and let's go find some gold!!!
Meet @ the Gold Line
Ride @ 8:30 sharp.
There is plenty of street parking.
Ah. To summarize: listed 'route' is not a route, nor is it the starting point, since it's not on the Gold Line. It's April Fools Day.
GodLovesUgly might hijack the 'joke' ride and make it a real and quite awesome ride. So will you? I might even come over the hill for that, I'm craving some riding.
danya04.1.09 - 4:04 pm