fuck pigs, peoples ride
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captainsweetroll at 03.28.09 - 12:29 pm
some of you thought some pigs are cool. had you fooled some of the time, well , now you all know there all pieces of shit. one minute theres an escort through hollywood, the next, red light tickets and non licenced parade tickets. from now on, you see a pig, tell em fuck you. thats legal and it feels great.
Captainsweetroll. esquire
I think it only going to get worse...they now have a vendetta to destroy groups rides. Yeah, I think they, the police, suck, but egging them on won't help. We need to be organized. All the rides need to come together for one huge, massive, registered, as a parade/march, protest ride down to city hall and demand and explanation from our Mayor why the LAPD are being allowed to harass bicyclist.
MikonOfBabylon03.28.09 - 1:09 pm
captainsweetroll, you got the fire, and MikonOfBabylon, you got the plan. Mikon, you're seriously on it... thats what we should do. Im behind you 100%
Candy Cane03.28.09 - 1:19 pm
now that would be a
REAL 2nd friday ride...
Candy Cane03.28.09 - 1:20 pm
the reason why they are harassing you guys is because people are breaking the law, running reds drinking and riding, harassing motorists. thats preety much it if you guys want to change the system you need to first change how you ride.......put the booze down and the whole rebellious attitude is old ride to ride not to booze........ thats why the pigs are cracking down just imagine going to city hall we want to be left alone wah wah wah then the man says just follow the law and you will be left alone then you guys say wah wah wah we dont want to conform we have an inflated idea of self entitlment wah wah wah
end rant.... i love you guys
jbachez03.28.09 - 1:29 pm
Good effort, but people just don't get it. They don't want to hear it. In one ear, out the other kind of thing, you know? Sorry to sound pessimistic, but people just have to learn the hard way, unfortunately.
Just keep riding and be responsible for yourself.
Joe Borfo03.28.09 - 1:53 pm
"...we have an inflated idea of self entitlment wah wah wah"
danya03.28.09 - 1:58 pm
I don't mean to fan the flames here, but I saw that kid who got pulled off his bike swing at the cop. If he hadn't done that the cop would most likley not have called for back-up and less people would have been ticketed.
That guy went to jail for acting stupid. If he had stopped the first 4 times the cops told him to (i seen it, i heard it) then he wouldn't have been tackled and would have probably been given a warning instead of being charged with assault on a peace officer.
stillline03.28.09 - 2:21 pm
"peace officer"
such an oxymoron.
coldcut03.28.09 - 2:23 pm
Last week on Wolfpack we had a police officer block an intersection and allow us to run a red light.
'fuck pigs' is the wrong attitude to have towards the cops. they are not all assholes and most are just trying to do their job. When you consider what the LAPD has to put up with on a daily basis, their attitudes become more understandable. We want the law on OUR side, we don't want a non-stop battle between us.
la duderina03.28.09 - 2:29 pm
what's goes on in someone's head that makes them decide to choose a career where they'll harass, beat, kill, and scare the population through fascist tactics?
coldcut03.28.09 - 2:33 pm
I think most get into it to help people. But then when you see what they do on a daily basis, you'd harden up too. Police officers are human beings, you can't put up with what they do and be a completely rational, peaceful and nice person100% of the time. It's just not possible. Give them a break they are really here for our own good.
And then people post shit on this website saying "fuck pigs" and well lets say the PD checks this website and sees that and now they have us all painted as cop-haters.
Answer hate with love, violence with peace, disrespect with respect.
la duderina03.28.09 - 2:37 pm
wah wah wah wah wah.
why did they give out red light tickets?
is it because you ran a red light?
aren't cyclists supposed to act like an automobile?
if a pack of drivers were getting shit faced and driving around, running reds and swinging at cops, itd be the same story.
stop saying things like fuck cops without thinking.
quit being a bitch, learn how to ride a bike, then cops will stop fucking with you.
KiMS103.28.09 - 2:45 pm
you make a valid point la duderina, but cops weren't created to help people. they serve the elite and protect their ideals, not ours. so their perspective is already jaded before they joining the force if they feel like they're going into law enforcement to help others.
coldcut03.28.09 - 3:16 pm
just look at our judiciary system.
if you have influence, money, and power you are invincible.
coldcut03.28.09 - 3:19 pm
I dont trust anybody who doesnt hate cops. if anything else, I know you have not had to much fun in your life.
buckchin03.28.09 - 3:54 pm
I know you have not had to much fun in your life.
03.28.09 - 6:54 pm
or you've just grown the fuck up and opened your eyes to their side of the story.
you shouldn't hate anyone. wtf.
la duderina03.28.09 - 3:57 pm
I've had plenty of dealings with cops that would make me hate them and not one of them I would describe as a result of having fun. wtf I mean seriously
la duderina03.28.09 - 3:58 pm
he's either really young or just jumped on the "fuck cops" bandwagon.
KiMS103.28.09 - 4:03 pm
Dude didn't take a swing at the cop...from what I saw and heard, they were just siting in the street to block the ride, which I am sure if your moving you do have a right to be on the street. Red light is one thing, but a group of bikes, since when is that illegal? Are they going to pull over ticket cars that are stuck/grouped in traffic, lots riders/drivers means traffic, it ain't against the law. Anyways, he was going to continue to ride, he did nothing wrong and the police didn't direct stop to anyone in particular, then jumped in front of his bike and tried to rip him off, when someone does that, you try to keep your balance, and yes, your arm may swing out at the guy...what would you expect if you jumped in front of moving vehicle...the police were overreacting and causing reckless endangerment of a civilian, many actually when they speed through a group of bikes and cut them off...yes, the situation wasn't perfect, but I'd start caring now cause before too long they will come down even harder!!!
MikonOfBabylon03.28.09 - 4:07 pm
Acually im 33. but let me guess neither of you grow up in los angeles. right?
buckchin03.28.09 - 4:20 pm
I grew up close enough to hear the stories. And I still say it is stupid to "not trust anyone who doesn't hate cops," ridiculous to hate cops in general, and if that is the way you feel then you have an immature mindset in that regard.
la duderina03.28.09 - 4:25 pm
Let me ask you this. Is it not a known fact that cops will allways lie in court to back up each other stories. it is against there own iner rules to incrimanate each other. if they do it is known that other cops will not back them up on the streets. plus if you grow up in the hood it is a known fact that if you try to argue your saide on the spot and dont let up. you know what you just got. assulting an officer. plus because they allways have back up there there is know 4 or 5 cops as witnesess for the alledeged incident. how many people do you know who have been shot and killed by cops?
buckchin03.28.09 - 4:38 pm
"if you have influence, money, and power you are invincible."
Right, that's why neither OJ or Bernie Madoff are facing a long time in prison.
Oh, wait.
JB03.28.09 - 4:43 pm
i grew up by alvarado/wilshire.
i've had my fair share of bad times with cops but you know what? i was fucking around.
thats what it comes down to.
people bitch and moan about how cops pop them, but why did they come after you in the first place? BECAUSE YOU WERE FUCKING AROUND.
KiMS103.28.09 - 4:57 pm
Sure some cops are assholes, some cops are not.
You know why that is, because they are human.
Some ridazz are assholes who think its fun to smash windows, swerve, jack bikes and ect. some don't and help fellow ridazz.
you know why, because we are human.
aksendz03.28.09 - 5:02 pm
cold cut your a tool of the elite your renegade attitude was formulated in closed door meetings, they formulated your personality to the point where you will get upset at oppression when you see it but apathy will creap into your mind because of the advanced behavior modification technology they have employed on the populace, the illuminati are after you they know what your thinking you need to put on the tinfoil hat,
really though ive never had problems with police other then getting traffic tickets that were obviously my fault speeding etc, and the occasional knock on the door to keep it down, if you think negatively about the police your more likely to get popped and if you do things that are illegal then you should consider the consequences of your actions, and when you get caught your not necessarily pissed at the cops you should be upset with yourself because your dumbass got caught
flame on !
jbachez03.28.09 - 5:19 pm
The bottomline is that last night I don't think I saw even one asshole on the peoples ride. Pretty much everyone held their lines, and the front ALWAYS stopped at reds. I was really impressed by all the kids on the ride who were having fun keeping it cool and who weren't drunk out of their minds. This was not crank mob unruly it was eastside chillin dtla chillin just flowing around town.
This issue here is that the cops need to deal with us as a parade because that's what we are.
We've been through this with LAPD before and the officer I talked to.. wish I got his name.... told us to stay in one group and that the front has to stop at reds. things were working out great last night until the cops started driving dangerously into the mass like fuckin dicks.
Roadblock03.28.09 - 5:23 pm
but see that is the point i'm trying to make. some cops, like the one you talked to was cool. some are assholes. who started to drive into the crowd.
don't generalize people based on anything. not on creed, sex, religion, work, if their left handed or right handed, if they ride fixie, single or gears.
well you can discriminate against fixie riders :D
...i'm just jealous.
aksendz03.28.09 - 5:26 pm
Staging a parade or a protest requires special city permits, which cost money and have to be applied for in advance of the event. I would say it's a better idea to position group rides as citizens using public streets.
That does rule out legally blocking streets/running reds, however.
angle03.28.09 - 5:31 pm
I remember there is a clause somewhere that states you can run a red only if not running it will endanger you.
meaning that if you stop someone will crash into you.
aksendz03.28.09 - 5:34 pm
KiMS103.28.09 - 6:08 pm
Well staging a parade does sometimes require a permit, BUT assembly and whether it needs a permit is a debate not settled.
Roadblock03.28.09 - 6:31 pm
I'm liking the tunage but not the lyrics
aksendz03.28.09 - 6:40 pm
I believe that an assembly is different than a parade, but I do know that NYC attempted to deal with Critical Mass by changing their parade law so that an assembly of more than 50 people required a parade permit.
IMO, it's a lot simpler to maintain that cyclists have a right to use public streets as citizens (which, of course, they do).
angle03.28.09 - 6:46 pm
Without cops, there's always going to be bullies picking off those who are unable to fend for themselves.
Yeah, Anarchy sounds really bad-ass on paper, but when you're having to put up with roving bands of idiots breaking your shit on a daily basis, then something's got to give.
bentstrider03.28.09 - 9:46 pm
but what about when the cops are the bullies?
and here's Robert Powell from the Dallas PD:
mk452403.28.09 - 10:06 pm
Yeah, I saw that report when I was turnin' and burnin' at the gym just now.
If anything, the cop should've at least rescinded after learning of the circumstances.
Hopefully, this will actually be seen as an actual case of abnormal aggression against a harmless group of people.
Now as far as anger itself goes, you're never going to make it go away, nor classify it as mental illness.
If anything, there should be different standards developed for testing the cool-headedness of LEO's.
A test developed by a bunch of upper-class, sheltered-environment eggheads will do nothing but let more shit slip through the cracks.
bentstrider03.28.09 - 10:35 pm
la duderina, you ignored what i said. honestly, in almost every society that has used some sort of authority to keep people in check, you really think they did it to protect them?
03.28.09 - 8:19 pm
hahahaha. i'm the tool, right?
when did i talk about conspiracy theories?
also, i never encouraged or tried to defend illicit behavior while on a bike ride.
coldcut03.29.09 - 3:34 am
also, a bunch of bikers getting together to bike in unison should be treated no different than a bunch of cars clogging up the street during rush hour. it's fucking bullshit to ticket us yet treat us like we don't belong on the road.
coldcut03.29.09 - 3:39 am
also bernie madoff was a scapegoat. he jacked from rich people too. if he had fucked over only regular working people he'd be getting a medal and an appointed positing in the government. haha.
coldcut03.29.09 - 3:48 am
good point about Madoff. Still funny as fuck seeing him get..what did he get 3 life sentences or something?
la duderina03.29.09 - 12:26 pm
Let's all just sum it up and say that the police are afraid, afraid of coming to terms that the end of the car-culture is happening all around them.
They do not know how to handle it and everything is coming at them faster than adrenaline rushing through their bloodstream during hot-pursuit.
But, sooner or later, they'll cozy up to this and get back to the matters at hand.
bentstrider03.29.09 - 7:40 pm
why do you think the police are afraid of coming to terms with the death of car culture in los angeles?
ruinedbyidiots03.29.09 - 7:44 pm
I'm just saying that for many of them, they probably thought it would never happen before and therefore, don't really know how to appropriately deal with it.
Now back to the propane shop, got to get me some accessories.
bentstrider03.29.09 - 7:53 pm
I doubt there is an end to car culture.
-efforts to produce the smallest most efficient car
aksendz03.30.09 - 12:27 am
There will be no end as those that like to make more money than they need continue to keep life-support plugged in.
At least in the LA-area, the tide seems to be turning somewhat, but other areas, more Flowmasters are being thrown onto ECU-equipped, pickups than you could take a blowtorch to.
I'm not totally against cars, but seriously, loud-ass exhausts are going to be the only reason I end up incarcerated.
It's the kind of sound that would make you want to punch an old lady!!!
bentstrider03.30.09 - 12:33 am
cyclists riding through the second street tunnel screaming at the tops of their lungs make way more noise than the exhaust systems you continually bitch about.
ruinedbyidiots03.30.09 - 12:37 am
I live next to a main road where the speed limit is 55, but is used as a nightly drag-strip.
Also, many of these guys don't even know, or care about what cruise control is and seemingly gun the throttle when going past houses.
Ridazz riding through the 2nd Street tunnel at 2AM is a welcoming sound after having to deal with the Fast and Furious wannabes trying to beat each other for pink-slips every night.
I don't know, some noise could be music to ones ears, while others would drive them over the cliff.
bentstrider03.30.09 - 12:47 am