Long Beach Bike Theft & Security / Police Corruption
Thread started by
langster58 at 06.18.10 - 12:29 pm
Beware... Long Beach 5th street shopping plaza Walmart is a lawless environment where thugs / criminals rule. Corrupt Platt security guard still on the job after city council involvement.
WOW, that is soooo fucked up. Carry mace or some sort of personal protection. Hopefully you are going to follow up and send that video to the shopping plaza management and to the corporate headquarters of Walmart. Did you fill a police report and show them the footage?
That security guard that talked about leaving you bike in the bike rack was a piece of shit, if you had left you bike there it would have been long gone.
Sorry you had to deal with a piece of shit thief like that, I feel that pain you went through. Carry personal protection!!!!
X-Large06.18.10 - 12:49 pm
Wow, I'm so sorry that happened to you. That was soo fucking absurd.
If it wasn't for that camera you had on you at the point in time, this would have gone unnoticed.
But yeah, LB, is not safe. I'm sorry LB residents, but it's really not. Geographically, you don't have the best neighborhoods in the surrounding area, then you have a train that'll take thugs, robbers, what have you to areas where people feel safe to lock their bikes up.
& Also, good shit on standing your ground. Cause he would have never done anything. I've been in that situation before and it's all talk. They're hoping on others' reputation for killing & assaulting that you'll just let them walk away.
But really, get a u-lock. Chains won't do shit. Maybe a cable, for a bit. But not for long.
You can't depend on others. So you have to do things yourself.
Alfredo06.18.10 - 12:57 pm
DUDE... that is pretty unreal ... that sucks that happened to you.. its a good thing that you walked out when you did ..out of curiosity ..what kind of lock did you have?
OsnapsonJC06.18.10 - 1:00 pm
Lesson learned.
A rent-a-cop is no substitute for a U lock and a camera phone.
Creative Thing06.18.10 - 1:02 pm
![](/images/forums/small/LBC bike thief 2_1276891402.jpg)
Fucking people (and I use that loosely since that thing was more of a dirty animal) should be hung from the neck until dead. Fuck all the whinning about poverty and hardships of life, the world would be a much better place without scum like that.
cycle-sexualist06.18.10 - 1:03 pm
Dude, I feel your frustration. I would want to fucking kill somebody. I'm glad you came out when you did and not a minute later.
Seriously, sometimes I feel like I need to have a camera rolling all day long to catch shit like this happening. I don't think people would believe this story if they didn't see it with their own eyes. You should see if you can get this video into the hands of a news reporter.
Good on ya for standing your ground.
Good luck!
petr0lb0mb06.18.10 - 1:15 pm
Please let us know what happens or what kinda of justice you can get from the police, mall management, Walmart, etc.
Thanks for any updates
X-Large responding to a
comment by petr0lb0mb
06.18.10 - 1:20 pm
I had to watch that again. You kept your considering what was going on ... I think I would have lost it ....
OsnapsonJC06.18.10 - 1:25 pm
When did this happen? What do you mean by "city council involvement"? Have you shown this video to the police? Tell us more.
I wouldn't expect the slightest reaction from Walmart. Walmart just don't give a fuck about anything.
petr0lb0mb06.18.10 - 2:49 pm
Total incompetence of Platt Security -- "Why didn't you lock your bike in the bike rack like everyone else?" Absurd.
I commend you on retaining your composure.
Ed06.18.10 - 3:13 pm
You better take your video down, or i'm gon beat you up.
revolution06.18.10 - 4:01 pm
Here's the rest of the story.
I had LBPD on the scene shortly after this. He blew it off completely. Took months before it got forwarded to Councilman Lowenthals's office where it got am immediate response. Then I had a south division Sargent calling me and emailing me through Youtube where it was posted.
The perp is now in lockup for another bike theft. His jacket was about an 1/8" thick ltr size. They took the video as evidence and plan to have a case waiting for him when he gets released. My concern is with the older security guard clearly working with them. LBPD said they would investigate him, and that he should be fired. I rode by him yesterday, he's still there. All they need to do is dump his phone and look for ties to know offenders.
So I think I basically got lip serviced. Turns out the only real currency these days is Public Relations. LB is concerned about it's image to a point so the more eyes view this the more chance there is of Lowenthals's office making enough noise to get the criminal culture turned around. Get the Plat security guard fired... Plat security is owned by an X LBPD BTW...
PLEASE>>>> forward this video<<<<< to as many eyes as possible. LB is in the middle of this bike friendly culture PR blitz. There calling themselves the bike friendliest city or some crap like that.
In case you were wondering, why I was filming... I get stalked by trolls and rednecks like the guard in LA, he had been fucking with me and my bike had been being flatted and de-tuned while I use Wallmart and Albertsons. Don't know why really, maybe because i do this type of writing? http://www.vimeo.com/8549239
Who fucking knows these days...
langster5806.18.10 - 4:02 pm
damn that looked so ghetto! Did the cops stop this guy when they came? Or did the nigga get away? looked like you have a pretty nice bike. I can't understand why you trusted a cable. this should be a good recruiting video to get a ulock. The security dude sounded like a complete idiot. Like they would have done something if you only would have parked at the bike rack!
I like your philosophy video.
fixie4life06.18.10 - 4:34 pm
Gav responding to a
comment by fixie4life
06.18.10 - 5:26 pm
I was gonna do a x2 facepalm, cause I was like, what are you guys facepalmin' at!?
Alfredo responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
06.18.10 - 7:35 pm
Anyone got the link to this video on YouTube????
X-Large responding to a
comment by Alfredo
06.19.10 - 12:22 pm
this shit sucks, glad your bike wasn't taken.
for those of you visiting long beach, bike station offers free secured bike parking,
dannyzuko06.19.10 - 1:04 pm