Mountain bike ban

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0gravity at 04.14.09 - 5:34 pm
Fellow dirt riders - The below posted today on Mountain Bike Action is self-explanatory! There is an email near the bottom of the article to which it would seem we can address OUR POINT OF VIEW! Plus a solid turnout at the meeting can show that mountain bikers are a part of the trail community, not an adversary of it.
Why is it always the equestrians that have issues with mountain bikers?
I lived in a town with over 50 miles of trails growing up (in a town of maybe 14 sq miles) and they were used without incident by all types of trail users. One group of equestrians was the ONLY group that ever tried to bitch about anyone using trails, the got water crossings out of it, other than that, they were politely told to fuck off.
FuzzBeast04.14.09 - 5:44 pm
Stereotypes sometimes exist for a reason. Let's be honest, what's the demographic of equestrian groups in the Santa Monicas, Malibu and other LA environs? They're rich, generally-older, self-centered, entitled assholes who know how to manipulate the levers of power and influence in government.
This better go down because I ride out there all the time and I ride in control, with a bell, and I'm courteous to everyone. I still get dirty looks from hikers all the time (rare i see horses).
0gravity04.14.09 - 6:09 pm
I know of a mountian rida/midnight rida/equestrian.
SPOOK04.14.09 - 6:24 pm
I'm a hiker and mtn biker. As a hiker I've been almost run over by equestrians many times but never by a mtn biker. Horses should be banned on all public land. Everywhere.
toweliesbong04.14.09 - 7:08 pm
equestrians say that mountain bikers wreck the trails (as if giant 900 lb animals with hooves don't??)
equestrians mostly have problems with asshole mtn bike riders who choose to be discourteous and spook horses, which could cause injury to the riders.
The real beef is between motorcycle riders and equestrians. Horse people HATE motorcycle riders OMG...and the funny thing is my mom is an equestrian, dad's a motorcycle/mtn bike rider...they've been married almost 30 yrs now..hah
la duderina04.14.09 - 8:47 pm
FYI -- I may ride up there with a couple friends to make the 6 PM meeting. If anyone is interested in riding over from West LA to downtown, or meeting up to say hi there, I'm at 603-801-1635 - jesse
0gravity04.14.09 - 11:46 pm
Well I sent off my two cents, I doubt they can impose or enforce a ban even if it were enacted.
rev10604.15.09 - 8:14 am
if they do pass some thing like this i would make war and havic on all!!!!!!!! I would be the terrorist on the trails! They cant do this because i will go insane!
pporras04.15.09 - 10:31 am